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Olmos, TX police injure and arrest open carrier - President of Open Carry Texas


Regular Member
Oct 5, 2007
Hampton, Va, ,
Olmos Park invoking police mutual aid in an attempt to shut down the town and stop the April 7 rally. Also Jim's arm was broken when the police chief ran over and shoved him face down into the ground while he was already on his knees and handcuffed.


Update: looks like the video got told from YouTube. See comments 2 posts below.
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color of law

Accomplished Advocate
Oct 7, 2007
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
Olmos Park invoking police mutual aid in an attempt to shut down the town and stop the April 7 rally. Also Jim's arm was broken when the police chief ran over and shoved him face down into the ground while he was already on his knees and handcuffed.

Nothing there to watch. Also had to sign-in. How about a good link.


Regular Member
Oct 5, 2007
Hampton, Va, ,
The video was from News Now Houston's YouTube channel and was only a few minutes old when I linked it above. He was talking about the rally and that Olmos Park was trying to get the rally shut down by getting Mutual aid from other cities and not allowing anybody into the town that did not live there on the date of the rally. He also made a comment that may have got his YouTube channel shut down. There's still a few of his videos pulling up on my Roku streaming video player from YouTube but when I click the link for his channel it says the channel currently has no videos.

Update: the site came back up. However, either YouTube pulled the video because of the comment or he had second thoughts and removed it because of the comment.
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Regular Member
Aug 22, 2013
here nc
Some more history from OCT (just posted today) about the Olmos Park PD's actions (and of course why OCT has problems with same): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rmPefcSLR7Q&feature=youtu.be

Straight out of Bush’s (Chaney & Rumsfield) play book, can’t tell you, trust me, inside info, corrupted regime, ok a hint, they have WMD!

Oh forgot, we aren’t anti Sadam, this going to be tough but we will prevail, & just doing this for the citizens of this country!

Surely there is another original script they can use?


Regular Member
Oct 11, 2008
Once again you veer badly off course. Hammer6 was asking if a private business prohibiting persons from carrying guns on the business property was unconstitutional, not if 30.06 and 30.07 are. The correct answer to the question asked, regardless of your opinion of all the possible side issues and all of the other questions that might have been asked but in reality were not asked, is NO it is not unconstitutional for a private property owner to demand that firearms be kept off of their property and, as I said in my original post, the reason it is not unconstitutional is because the constitution does not restrict private property owners from setting the rules for their property. A rule made by a private property owner can not be ruled "unconstitutional". It is not even "unconstitutional" for a merchant to refuse to serve black people. It may be illegal, but not "unconstitional". It might violate the "Civil Rights Act of 1964" and several state laws, but the constitution has no application in that situation. Try to narrow your focus just a little bit.

Now, if hammer6 decides he wants to know about 30.06 and 30.07, he may, someday in the future, ask about them, but so far he has not asked and I have not commented on that subject.

no. i was asking if 30.06 and 30.07 were unconstitutional because it is the government implementing the rule, not the business owner.

OC for ME

Regular Member
Jan 6, 2010
White Oak Plantation
30.06 and 30.07 seem to me to be prior restraints on our freedom to travel and associate as we please. Both prior restraints (signs) are unconstitutional. Post Kelo v. New London I am not so sure about the state not having the court provided power(s) to dictate to a private business how to conduct their private business.

Designating the possession of a firearm as the qualifier then makes the two signs a unconstitutional infringement of our 2A guarantee. I will side with 30.06 and 30.07 as being unconstitutional on many levels.


Regular Member
Aug 7, 2007
Granite State of Mind
no. i was asking if 30.06 and 30.07 were unconstitutional because it is the government implementing the rule, not the business owner.


The government doesn't post 30.06 or 30.07 signs (if they do so, the signs are invalid). It is the private property owners' choice to invoke trespass laws if they don't want guns on their property.

That is not a constitutional issue, no more than than it's an infringement of your 1A rights to be told (by the property owner) that you can't do an X-rated comedy routine in the local cafe, or that you can't hold a revival at the food court in the mall.


Regular Member
Aug 22, 2013
here nc
Wel-sir-eeee, done bean a wholeeee weak and anint herd nigh a thik from the blokes in that there grate state of taxus, reconun they be play’n nice now?

gutshot II

Regular Member
Jul 1, 2017
Central Ky.

The government doesn't post 30.06 or 30.07 signs (if they do so, the signs are invalid). It is the private property owners' choice to invoke trespass laws if they don't want guns on their property.

That is not a constitutional issue, no more than than it's an infringement of your 1A rights to be told (by the property owner) that you can't do an X-rated comedy routine in the local cafe, or that you can't hold a revival at the food court in the mall.

Such reasoned expression of fact seems unwelcome here at OCDO presently.


Regular Member
Dec 29, 2008
Today was the walk. I am sure we will get a report.

I'm not much of a reporter, but the event went well. I believe 545 participants were tallied. Kathy Glass made an appearance. I don't think anyone saw any uniformed Olmos Park police officer. Some other officers were there at certain points, but just to direct traffic, etc. I was excited to see the good turnout.

I didn't talk to many residents, but I heard reports of residents coming out to share their own experiences of abuse by Olmos PD, and to thank us for fighting the abuse (albeit, not their specific abuse, but abuse in general.)

As is typically the case, there was quite a bit of love expressed toward our group. A few dissenters as well, of course, to be expected... But certainly more love.

What else would you guys like to know? :)


Regular Member
Feb 4, 2016
I'm not much of a reporter, but the event went well. I believe 545 participants were tallied. Kathy Glass made an appearance. I don't think anyone saw any uniformed Olmos Park police officer. Some other officers were there at certain points, but just to direct traffic, etc. I was excited to see the good turnout.

I didn't talk to many residents, but I heard reports of residents coming out to share their own experiences of abuse by Olmos PD, and to thank us for fighting the abuse (albeit, not their specific abuse, but abuse in general.)

As is typically the case, there was quite a bit of love expressed toward our group. A few dissenters as well, of course, to be expected... But certainly more love.

What else would you guys like to know? :)

And this is how things get done in this state. By my own in-person, participative, and observational count, in addition to the 300+ participants in what was an amazingly quickly organized march, there were at least 10-15 oath-keeping, uniformed LEOs from various agencies actively participating. On the other hand, notably absent were the know-nothing ignorant expats, the ill-informed and useless household tools, the costumed-and-badged tyrants, and the other low-life, light-fearing, wimpy roaches who haven't a clue with regard to how things get done in Texas, none of whom were missed. Put up or shut up, is, indeed, the term of the day, week, and year.

And a good time was had by all.
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Regular Member
Oct 5, 2007
Hampton, Va, ,
First lawsuit filed in Federal court. This is the incident at night when Jack Miller was arrested and Joanna was assaulted and I believe it includes her retalliatory arrest when CJ and Jim were arrested. The law suit is a 1983 lawsuit against the officer for deprivation of rights under color of law and under Turner vs Driver. I think this is the same officer that threatened to rape her when she was arrested. They are going after the officers assets. No qualified immunity. Also word is there is going to be a special meeting of the Olmos Park council about firing the POS officer.

Jack and Joanna after filing the lawsuit.

Joannas husband talking about the lawsuit and rally prior to the rally.
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gutshot II

Regular Member
Jul 1, 2017
Central Ky.
And this is how things get done in this state. By my own in-person, participative, and observational count, in addition to the 300+ participants in what was an amazingly quickly organized march, there were at least 10-15 oath-keeping, uniformed LEOs from various agencies actively participating. On the other hand, notably absent were the know-nothing ignorant expats, the ill-informed and useless household tools, the costumed-and-badged tyrants, and the other low-life, light-fearing, wimpy roaches who haven't a clue with regard to how things get done in Texas, none of whom were missed. Put up or shut up, is, indeed, the term of the day, week, and year.

And a good time was had by all.

How many of the nay sayers from OCDO were there? How many of the people that have been telling you that you were doing it all wrong joined the march to help out OCT? Congratulations on the perfectly executed confrontation, demonstration and lawsuit. All of them are winners. That inculdes events and members. Too bad you got so little support from this forum, but obviously, you didn't need it. The track record of OCT speaks for itself. If we had more action, like OCT, and less pontification, like we get at OCDO, gun rights would have no trouble advancing.


Regular Member
Aug 22, 2013
here nc
How many of the nay sayers from OCDO were there? How many of the people that have been telling you that you were doing it all wrong joined the march to help out OCT? Congratulations on the perfectly executed confrontation, demonstration and lawsuit. All of them are winners. That inculdes events and members. Too bad you got so little support from this forum, but obviously, you didn't need it. The track record of OCT speaks for itself. If we had more action, like OCT, and less pontification, like we get at OCDO, gun rights would have no trouble advancing.

speaking of pontification, as you and TXOCT16 were

Pleas illuminate for us Gutshot II (oh pipe in TXOCT16 or Stealthy as you wish) exactly what has OCT accomplished to date and including their shock and awe video caper?

Got OC with a privilege card in the great lonestar state?

Got OC without having to show your privilege card on a nice LE's whim?

Got the national corporations to back away from their pronouncements during the "oh let's carry LGs during our handgun OC campaign"

Please illuminate what specifically you are whining about sir?


Regular Member
Oct 11, 2008

color of law

Accomplished Advocate
Oct 7, 2007
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
How many of the nay sayers from OCDO were there? How many of the people that have been telling you that you were doing it all wrong joined the march to help out OCT? Congratulations on the perfectly executed confrontation, demonstration and lawsuit. All of them are winners. That inculdes events and members. Too bad you got so little support from this forum, but obviously, you didn't need it. The track record of OCT speaks for itself. If we had more action, like OCT, and less pontification, like we get at OCDO, gun rights would have no trouble advancing.
So much for your off handed dig, but because of my schedule I could not go, however BB62 did go. And, you well know that BB62 and I do a lot of projects pushing gun rights. I just don't understand why you continue to post on OCDO when you have such a low opinion of this forum. But, it is what it is....