Regular Member
Starbucks did not and still does not wish to be the center of controversy. That they chose to stand their ground (literally and figuratively) and follow the state law wherein OC and/or CC was legal is very much to their credit. Personally, I would leave the borrowed themed (Love Coffee & Guns) T-shirts at home, conduct myself as just an everyday customer(s), and cement the relationship that we are the good guys and don't desire to embarrass Starbucks - let the antis do that and look like the spoiled child that can't have its way.
I'm going to disagree with you.
If we make an open and obvious show of support, Starbucks will know that we've got their back, just like they have ours. And, when the word circulates, even the branches which we missed will know that they have friends who appreciate their policy.
After all, even when you KNOW that there's a rabbit in that hat, the thrill is when the magician pulls it out.