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Anti-Gun Boycott of Starbucks planned for Valentine's Day...

Jack House

Regular Member
Jun 12, 2010
I80, USA
These people are stupid. The flyer states “I will not visit Starbucks stores or buy any Starbucks products…” So, exactly how do they plan to leave their bogus flyer in the store if they aren’t going in to the stores or any other place that sells Starbucks coffee products???? Real brilliant people.
Shhh, don't confuse them with logic. You'll make their heads explode. eusa_shhh.gif


Regular Member
May 18, 2011
Colorado Springs
They are encouraging their followers to leave this flyer at Starbucks.

Wow, I'd love to meet someone handing out those flyers, just so I could discuss the misinformation that I'm sure they have no idea they are promoting.

Watch out for those dangerous assault Glocks, people...


Regular Member
Jun 20, 2009
SE, Michigan, USA

I can't take credit for this idea, but I think it is brilliant.

Out in Michigan, people have read how the anti-gunners are trying to boycott Starbucks on Valentines day because of Starbucks support for the lawful carry of firearms in their business.

As a grass-roots movement, pro-second amendment folks in Michigan are pledging to stop in and shop at Starbucks on Valentines Day.

One person suggested we should use $2 dollar bills to buy our coffee on Valentines day, as a symbol of the 2 in Second amendment. Thomas Jefferson, Mr. Liberty himself. Brilliant.

Perhaps the OCDO can suggest to their members to use $2 bills at Starbucks or your favorite coffee shop on Valentines day in support of the second amendment.


Legendary Warrior
May 21, 2006

I can't take credit for this idea, but I think it is brilliant.

Out in Michigan, people have read how the anti-gunners are trying to boycott Starbucks on Valentines day because of Starbucks support for the lawful carry of firearms in their business.

As a grass-roots movement, pro-second amendment folks in Michigan are pledging to stop in and shop at Starbucks on Valentines Day.

One person suggested we should use $2 dollar bills to buy our coffee on Valentines day, as a symbol of the 2 in Second amendment. Thomas Jefferson, Mr. Liberty himself. Brilliant.

Perhaps the OCDO can suggest to their members to use $2 bills at Starbucks or your favorite coffee shop on Valentines day in support of the second amendment.

Great idea - it is a soft sell approach, love it.

Wonder what the local banks will think when the get a run on $2 bills.

Just glad the RKBA wasn't the 3rd Amendment :lol:


Regular Member
Dec 15, 2011
Hobart, WA
Please resist the sudden urge to spray bullets into the crowd. According to the NGAC that's what we do when we have a gun...right :banghead:


Regular Member
Oct 29, 2011
Fairfax County, VA
One person suggested we should use $2 dollar bills to buy our coffee on Valentines day, as a symbol of the 2 in Second amendment. Thomas Jefferson, Mr. Liberty himself. Brilliant.

Perhaps the OCDO can suggest to their members to use $2 bills at Starbucks or your favorite coffee shop on Valentines day in support of the second amendment.

Can you buy coffee for under $2 in a Starbucks? :D :lol:


New member
May 15, 2010
The Mrs.& I may just have a hankerin' for a cappuccino this coming valentine's day!

William Fisher

Regular Member
Jan 21, 2011
Oxford, Ohio
Maybe they have a lay-away plan. :lol:

Lay-away plan. Now that was good. I've never been to StarBucks, but will go for this. Won't do the T-Shirt thing because I think it is counter productive. Just my opinion though. Will have a baseball cap that simply says "GOD BLESS STARBUCKS" though. Or I should state that's what will be printed on it as I don't have a talking baseball cap.


Campaign Veteran
Jan 14, 2010
Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA
$2 Bills to be spent at Starbucks!!!

I love the idea!

Here's an anecdote from my father's time in the Navy. It was even before his time.

A Navy base on the East coast apparently had some problems with the local town. Couple of barfights and the town council met with the base commander, asking him to keep his sailors on base instead of allowing them into town. He said he couldn't do that, but would instead bus them to the nearest town. However, as it would take a week to arrange transportation, would it be ok if the men had one last night out on the local town?

It was payday, and you guessed it - everyone was paid in $2 bills.

The next week the council called up the base commander in an uproar, saying there was a counterfeit ring on the loose, as all the sailors had paid their tabs in $2 bills! When asked how much it was, the council said it was about 80% of the entire weekend's take.

"Oh, that's right - it was payday and I paid 'em in $2 bills. Well, have a good day. Next week they'll be skipping your town and landing at the next one..."



Using $2 Bills at Starbucks, whether you're carrying or not, will be a nice way of saying "Thank You!" for their respect of our Constitutional rights.


Regular Member
Nov 30, 2011
West St. Louis County (Ellisville)

I can't take credit for this idea, but I think it is brilliant.

Out in Michigan, people have read how the anti-gunners are trying to boycott Starbucks on Valentines day because of Starbucks support for the lawful carry of firearms in their business.

As a grass-roots movement, pro-second amendment folks in Michigan are pledging to stop in and shop at Starbucks on Valentines Day.

One person suggested we should use $2 dollar bills to buy our coffee on Valentines day, as a symbol of the 2 in Second amendment. Thomas Jefferson, Mr. Liberty himself. Brilliant.

Perhaps the OCDO can suggest to their members to use $2 bills at Starbucks or your favorite coffee shop on Valentines day in support of the second amendment.
I love Starbucks, and no offense to them, but when I worked there, I can tell you first hand that many Sbux employees don't even realize $2 bills are even legal tender.

Please resist the sudden urge to spray bullets into the crowd. According to the NGAC that's what we do when we have a gun...right :banghead:
But... It's just so damn fun!!! (extreme sarcasm alert)

I will be emailing Sbux Corporate to let them know of my support, and even suggest widening their support to allow licensed employees carry. I know it would have helped in at least one situation when I was working there. I also plan on reiterating that the anti's views are based merely on personal opinion, not facts. Any suggestions for quick facts (accompanied by citation) that I could provide as well would be great.


Legendary Warrior
May 21, 2006
I love the idea!


Using $2 Bills at Starbucks, whether you're carrying or not, will be a nice way of saying "Thank You!" for their respect of our Constitutional rights.

A number of us from around these parts have carried $2 bills and silver dollars for use as tips/gratuity - it will cause you to be remembered.

William Fisher

Regular Member
Jan 21, 2011
Oxford, Ohio
Anyone have a figure on how many STARBUCKS have been robbed since they've allowed OC and CC, or know how to search for such info? I haven't been able to find any statistics.

I ask this because I believe the number will be very low compaired to CPZs and a good statement to make concerning the logic in carrying.


Regular Member
Sep 23, 2009
Grennsboro NC
Anyone have a figure on how many STARBUCKS have been robbed since they've allowed OC and CC, or know how to search for such info? I haven't been able to find any statistics.

I ask this because I believe the number will be very low compaired to CPZs and a good statement to make concerning the logic in carrying.

The only violent crime to occur in a Starbucks that I recall from memory (because I lived in the DC area when it occurred, and it got MASSIVE national coverage at the time) was the widely-publicized triple murder in the Georgetown neighborhood of Washington DC in 1997...


However, a Google search shows that there HAVE been a string of Starbucks robberies in Denver CO (which has all sorts of oppressive firearms laws), Seattle WA (which has it's own special kind attitude towards carry--by both LE and the local sheeple), Philadelphia PA ('nuff sed...) and San Diego CA.







See a trend here, folks?

The VAST majority of Starbucks that seem to get robbed are ones in cities that restrict or oppress the lawful open carry of firearms.

You don't hear about a lot of Starbucks in NC, VA, or NH getting robbed. Just sayin'...
Last edited:


Regular Member
Sep 21, 2007
Rocky River, OH, U.S.A.
I work at the Cleveland Clinic. The main campus is so huge that it has a Starbucks, McDonalds, Au Bon Pain, AND a Subway inside of it.

During my daily duties this week, I've had to walk past the Starbucks several times on the way back to the office. Every time I've stopped and bought something there.

Reward your friends for being your friends.

William Fisher

Regular Member
Jan 21, 2011
Oxford, Ohio
The only violent crime to occur in a Starbucks that I recall from memory (because I lived in the DC area when it occurred, and it got MASSIVE national coverage at the time) was the widely-publicized triple murder in the Georgetown neighborhood of Washington DC in 1997...


However, a Google search shows that there HAVE been a string of Starbucks robberies in Denver CO (which has all sorts of oppressive firearms laws), Seattle WA (which has it's own special kind attitude towards carry--by both LE and the local sheeple), Philadelphia PA ('nuff sed...) and San Diego CA.







See a trend here, folks?

The VAST majority of Starbucks that seem to get robbed are ones in cities that restrict or oppress the lawful open carry of firearms.

You don't hear about a lot of Starbucks in NC, VA, or NH getting robbed. Just sayin'...

Thank You Dreamer, I appreciate it.

William Fisher

Regular Member
Jan 21, 2011
Oxford, Ohio
Do you (Those here) think that because of the boycott that LEOs will be more aware of the legal aspects of CC and OC or will there be (many) cases of OCers getting grief? Seems like this would make LEOs more aware of citizens rights concerning the matter, But who knows.


Regular Member
May 12, 2010
City? Who wants to live in a CITY?, Nevada, USA
DON'T forget the TIP JAR!

I'm confident that some of the hoplophobes will drop in, just to see if there rant has had any effect. It will RUIN THEIR WHOLE DAY to see $2 bills sitting there in the jar (yes, they will certainly be aware of this counter campaign).

In fact, if you only have a single $2 bill, the tip jar is the place for it.