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List Your Open Carry Experiences Here


Regular Member
Sep 4, 2011
Had my CPL for a little over two years now. Seems to me like law enforcement looks for any opportunity to go after open carriers. Hmmm, what a surprise, if we have less crime we need fewer police officers. Funny how that works...
That's what's known as a "conflict of interest" folks!

Not everyone in LE is against open carry.

Stay safe, welcome to the forum.



Regular Member
Aug 23, 2012
Borculo, Mi.
I was flagged for inappropriate content?


I thought we were all over 18, here.

Anyway, OC'd at my local Admiral.
Apparently, I'm not allowed to post customer responses...

"Help!! I'm being repressed!! I'm being repressed!!"
*gets let go*
"Did you see him repressing me?!" - That's a Monty Python reference, incase I get flagged, again!

Apparently, folks don't recognize a Foghorn Leghorn reference when it comes their way...
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Anti-Saldana Freedom Fighter
Jan 10, 2007
Lansing area, Michigan, USA
I was flagged for inappropriate content?


I thought we were all over 18, here.

Anyway, OC'd at my local Admiral.
Apparently, I'm not allowed to post customer responses...

"Help!! I'm being repressed!! I'm being repressed!!"
*gets let go*
"Did you see him repressing me?!" - That's a Monty Python reference, incase I get flagged, again!

Apparently, folks don't recognize a Foghorn Leghorn reference when it comes their way...

Don't know what you posted, but this is a family oriented site per the owners wishes. And we get participants that are under 18. Just an FYI.


Legendary Warrior
May 21, 2006
I was flagged for inappropriate content?


I thought we were all over 18, here.


Yes sir you were - comments with sexual reference are not appropriate considering our very public audience which includes wives, mothers, grandmothers, pastors, the media, politicians and yes children under 18 yo. At any given time our readership is a majority unregistered "guests" by a ration of 4 or 5 to every registered user. We insist on maintaining a proper/acceptable image. This is not a good old boys club.


Yes sir you were - comments with sexual reference are not appropriate considering our very public audience which includes wives, mothers, grandmothers, pastors, the media, politicians and yes children under 18 yo. At any given time our readership is a majority unregistered "guests" by a ration of 4 or 5 to every registered user. We insist on maintaining a proper/acceptable image. This is not a good old boys club.
If I may be so bold as to add to your comments Grapeshot....

Folks need to be aware that in addition to the people Grapeshot mentioned there have already been instances where this forum was mentioned in legal proceedings so there are attorneys for opponents to everything from open carry to the right to bear arms itself who also watch this forum.... and gather information that could further their cases.

And, although I have no proof of my following opinion, I personally have no doubt that various LE agencies and a few government agencies (like the DHS and FBI... maybe even NSA) are constantly reading, and flagging, our posts.

Whether or not that is important to anyone is up to them but folks should be aware that, as Grapeshot so eloquently said....

This is not a good old boys club.
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Regular Member
Aug 16, 2011
Okemos, MI
I personally have no doubt that various LE agencies and a few government agencies (like the DHS and FBI... maybe even NSA) are constantly reading, and flagging, our posts.
I personally know a DHS manager who also used to be an NSA analyst, and she assures me the .gov is our friend.

The first part is true, the second part I totally made up.

Shadow Bear

Michigan Moderator
Dec 17, 2010
Grand Rapids
If I may be so bold as to add to your comments Grapeshot....

Folks need to be aware that in addition to the people Grapeshot mentioned there have already been instances where this forum was mentioned in legal proceedings so there are attorneys for opponents to everything from open carry to the right to bear arms itself who also watch this forum.... and gather information that could further their cases.

And, although I have no proof of my following opinion, I personally have no doubt that various LE agencies and a few government agencies (like the DHS and FBI... maybe even NSA) are constantly reading, and flagging, our posts.

Whether or not that is important to anyone is up to them but folks should be aware that, as Grapeshot so eloquently said....

I sat through an IBM presentation on intelligence gathering through social media; scared the you know what right out of me. Scary stuff in the wrong hands. The software reads every post, rates keywords and their proximity to other words and trends them all. They don't need to sit & read it- they can get a condensed report of posts that have keywords and relationships on their desk, first thing in the AM.

One thing I've noticed, and perhaps its by chance, or West Michigan PDs are more enlightened, but I NEVER see PD anywhere near an OC gathering over here. Chance?

Back OT; OCed Menards for supplies to redo the bathroom floor.


Regular Member
Aug 24, 2007
Mulligan's Valley
If I may be so bold as to add to your comments Grapeshot....
And, although I have no proof of my following opinion, I personally have no doubt that various LE agencies and a few government agencies (like the DHS and FBI... maybe even NSA) are constantly reading, and flagging, our posts.

An ATF agent personally told the former owner of SKS boards that they go to SKSboards to learn about weapons from the posts there, since many there are such experts.

I would think it completely absurd to think that various government agents don't read this forum for one reason or another, both on the clock and off. I can even remember years ago getting trolled by a couple of cops after an incident.

In on topic news, I ordered a 6280 for my Glock. Can't wait to put it to use. The Sig, cool as it is, just isn't as good of a gun in many ways, so it's about time I got a Level 3 holster for the Glock.
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Regular Member
Mar 18, 2010
Roseville, Michigan, USA


Regular Member
Aug 24, 2007
Mulligan's Valley
FYI: the 6280 is only Level II retention - http://www.safariland.com/DutyGear/product.aspx?pid=6280

OT: OC'd briefly today, and still OC'ing at my desk.

I know that it is as it comes, because I've been using my Sig with a 6280 since 2009. The thing is that they make an add on lock to make a level 3. And I plan on using one with my Glock, just like I've been doing with my Sig.

You can get a 6070 for full time level 3, but I personally prefer the 6280.


Regular Member
Mar 18, 2010
Roseville, Michigan, USA
I stand corrected. I guess I should have actually read the link I posted. :p

I didn't notice you used the Sentry Hood at the LAID dinner. Technically if you simply tighten up the tension screw (like I do) it qualifies as Lvl III. If you add the hood on top of a tightened tension screw it equals a Lvl IV.



Regular Member
Aug 24, 2007
Mulligan's Valley
I don't use the add on hood on top of the SLS hood button, but rather that other mechanism, whatever it's called, which blocks the SLS hood from being unlocked.

Yes indeed you can snug it up to up the anty. I just don't like having it too tight. Light enough to fall out with the hood down is my personal preference. But part of that is that I don't use keepers.
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Regular Member
Mar 18, 2010
Roseville, Michigan, USA
If you don't mind me asking, why would you order a 6280 rather than a 6287? The 6280 hangs pretty low.

I know this wasn't directed at me but I carry in a 6280 also so I will say: OC FTW. I use a 6280 for my FNP9 and my FNP45. I don't think I would like a 6287. The 6280 lets me choose to un-tuck my shirt, or not, with not much difference.

If you wear a longer jacket in the winter I would go with a 6285 but I just dress in layers in the winter and skip the jacket. I think a 6285 would dig into my office chair or car seat too much with that extra 1.5" drop.
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Regular Member
Aug 16, 2011
Okemos, MI
I know this wasn't directed at me but I carry in a 6280 also so I will say: OC FTW. I use a 6280 for my FNP9 and my FNP45. I don't think I would like a 6287. The 6280 lets me choose to un-tuck my shirt, or not, with not much difference.

Well, allow me to say that I totally don't understand your post. :)

A 6287 would also allow you to un-tuck your shirt or not, right? The 87 just rides higher, which is, I think, only about 100% better.
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Regular Member
Jul 25, 2012
Auburn Hills, Mi

back on topic:
OCed at CVS, Walmart, Meijer and GameStop yesterday. Nothing eventful. Just people seeing an OCer for the first time


Regular Member
Mar 18, 2010
Roseville, Michigan, USA
Well, allow me to say that I totally don't understand your post. :)

No worries, I was running on at the mouth a bit.

A 6287 would also allow you to un-tuck your shirt or not, right?

Yes, but I expect because it rides higher my un-tucked shirt would ride higher near the top of my pants and I don't really want to flash people my gut. :p

The 87 just rides higher, which is, I think, only about 100% better.

I disagree. I didn't really care for the higher ride when I used to use a serpa. I feel it is quicker to get a grip on my pistol if it rides lower since I don't have short little T-Rex arms. The 6287 is a concealment holster and I basically never CC.

The beauty of the Safariland holsters is you can order the belt loops, paddle, drop adapter, etc, and completely change how the holster rides by changing 3 screws.

OT: I plan to OC around the neighborhood on a bike ride this afternoon.