Mr. Mendelson must become practically apoplectic when the President or some governmental "VIP" visits an active OC state like NC, VA, AZ or NV.
The RKBA has NOTHING to do with the safety of elected or appointed officials. It has to do with INDIVIDUAL CITIZENS and their ability to defend themselves and their families against ALL ENEMIES, foreign AND domestic--whether those enemies be some cracked-out gang-banging thugs, or out-of-control tyrannical government of our own.
Mr. Mendelson is a sociopath, who believes that the lives of "public servants" are somehow more precious than the lives of individual citizens, and their familes--and I find that attitude to be fundamentally disgusting and on it's face, un-American and repulsive.
People like Mr. Mendelson do not deserve the honor of being called an "official", and do not deserve the honor of sitting in a position of authority in Washington DC. He is a disgrace to the principals of our Constitution, an embarrassment to the legacy of the Founding Fathers, and his disdain and utter disregard for his Oath as a public Servant is bordering on seditious.
Mr. Mendelson should be reminded of the exact and VERY SERIOUS wording of U.S. CODE, TITLE 18, PART I, CHAPTER 115, and reminded that this Code applies to HIM just like it applies to every other Citizen, and that means the PENALTIES for violating this Code apply to him as well...