Keith Cromm
Regular Member
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(15) WE ADVOCATE FOR THE 'LAW-ABIDING' ONLY: Posts advocating illegal acts of any kind are NOT welcome here. Even if you feel that a law is unconstitutional we do not break it, we repeal it or defeat it in the courts.
Wow!. I am certainly glad this isn't how the men that founded our great nation thought! If it was, we would still be loyal servants to the crown, and would have been disarmed. We would not be debating on this website, because open carry would be unknown.
(15) WE ADVOCATE FOR THE 'LAW-ABIDING' ONLY: Posts advocating illegal acts of any kind are NOT welcome here. Even if you feel that a law is unconstitutional we do not break it, we repeal it or defeat it in the courts.
"Re-read" the rules?!
Didn't read 'em to begin with! (But I did of recent...)
OCDO ~ I think my friend was diagnosed with this once.
You know, Obsessive Compulsive Dictatorial Oppressionism.
(OK, people, it's humor... rules are good... {most of the time, anyway!})
[no, really, you can courtesy chuckle any time now...]
That is, if you can stand to be out in the sunlight after living your entire "adult" life in your parent's basement, making absurd statements and armchair ninja pronouncements on forums, in between online matches of HALO...
Yes we are still waiting. This is indeed pathetic.
It was one year ago today that the order of the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court took this case out of the hands of Judge Kennedy and placed it in the hands of Judge Scullin.
To date we have only crickets from Judge Scullin. He has not even ruled on Gura's objection to DC's blatent rule breaking.
Next month it will be 3 years without a ruling.
Is the 3 year anniversary the right time to have an empty holster protest at the DC District Court House?
Judge Scullin issued an order yesterday setting a hearing on outstanding motions for August 27, 2012. How long he takes to decide the case after the hearing is anyone's guess, but at least we have some movement. If you will be in the DC area on August 27, it should be an entertaining session, especially if 7th circuit decides its carry case in the meantime.
Glad to hear that there MAY be some movement on this case....
I was wondering this, if needed, is there a Writ of Mandamus type proceeding to force movement on this on this theme that Justice Delayed is Justice Denied!