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What are liberal ideas?


Regular Member
Jan 14, 2012
Greater Eastside Washington
I am trying a new (for me) tactic, I am trying to get liberals to explain what liberal and/or progressive ideas are. If they are progressive, what are they progressing towards?

I want them to explain themselves. So far, striking out.

"I don't want to explain myself to a conservative..."

Any luck/answers from our open carry community?

color of law

Accomplished Advocate
Oct 7, 2007
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
Name it what you will, but anyone that believes what is yours is theirs and what is theirs is theirs has a malevolent inclination to destroy your life, your liberty and your happiness.

OC for ME

Regular Member
Jan 6, 2010
White Oak Plantation
1. a thought or suggestion as to a possible course of action.
If a liberal tells you, not they they need to tell you, that liberal will be admitting that they are not interested in individual liberty...your individual liberty that is.


Founder's Club Member
Jun 15, 2006
Bryan, TX
I don't know what a "conservative" or a "liberal" is.

I used to think I was conservative, as I stand for an individual's responsibility to himself, his family, and his community. I believe in small government, lower taxation, and individual liberty. I don't believe because an idea or action is "good" that government at any level should legislate it.

Then I was told I can't be "conservative" because I'm not Christian (though the whole "...no religious test ..." part of the Constitution is thus ignored; because I support marriage equality (amazing what "equal" does or does not entail); and because I will not support a legislator who practices medicine, whether by dictating tests, by insisting on artificially prolonging life, or by getting between a woman and her doctor in reproductive decisions.

But "liberals" say I can't carry a gun - or support those who do - and be a "liberal". Never mind that most of the liberals I've talked to support all civil rights guaranteed by the Constitution EXCEPT the one that allows an individual to be responsible for his own safety.

So ... how are you defining "liberal" and "conservative"?


A conservative accepts responsibility.

The snowflake liberal cannot accept responsibility and spends his/her time pouting, whining, and smashing other people's stuff because it has to be someone elses fault they didn't get their way.
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Regular Member
Jan 14, 2012
Greater Eastside Washington
I don't know what a "conservative" or a "liberal" is.

I used to think I was conservative, as I stand for an individual's responsibility to himself, his family, and his community. I believe in small government, lower taxation, and individual liberty. I don't believe because an idea or action is "good" that government at any level should legislate it.

Then I was told I can't be "conservative" because I'm not Christian (though the whole "...no religious test ..." part of the Constitution is thus ignored; because I support marriage equality (amazing what "equal" does or does not entail); and because I will not support a legislator who practices medicine, whether by dictating tests, by insisting on artificially prolonging life, or by getting between a woman and her doctor in reproductive decisions.

But "liberals" say I can't carry a gun - or support those who do - and be a "liberal". Never mind that most of the liberals I've talked to support all civil rights guaranteed by the Constitution EXCEPT the one that allows an individual to be responsible for his own safety.

So ... how are you defining "liberal" and "conservative"?
Until they can convey their ideas, I don't have a clear definition.

Sent from my SM-G386T using Tapatalk

OC for ME

Regular Member
Jan 6, 2010
White Oak Plantation
I don't know what a "conservative" or a "liberal" is.

I used to think I was conservative, as I stand for an individual's responsibility to himself, his family, and his community. I believe in small government, lower taxation, and individual liberty. I don't believe because an idea or action is "good" that government at any level should legislate it.

Then I was told I can't be "conservative" because I'm not Christian (though the whole "...no religious test ..." part of the Constitution is thus ignored; because I support marriage equality (amazing what "equal" does or does not entail); and because I will not support a legislator who practices medicine, whether by dictating tests, by insisting on artificially prolonging life, or by getting between a woman and her doctor in reproductive decisions.

But "liberals" say I can't carry a gun - or support those who do - and be a "liberal". Never mind that most of the liberals I've talked to support all civil rights guaranteed by the Constitution EXCEPT the one that allows an individual to be responsible for his own safety.

So ... how are you defining "liberal" and "conservative"?
A conservative is too busy taking care of their own while not being compelled by the threat of government violence to take care of anyone else.

No, liberals do not support civil rights in any way shape or form...conservatives know this.


Regular Member
Oct 29, 2010
Dandridge, TN
Liberal, conservative, progressive, libertarian.......what ever label one may attach to themselves or others is really irrelevant as I see things. Human beings are selfish beings and all they are motivated to do is most always for selfish reasons. The politicians need those that would rather sit on their back sides than work to keep them in power. Hunger is a powerful motivator but when a politician says we must help the most needy in our communities then all other good working taxpaying citizens are then forced to pay for them, which is not and should not be a governmental role but has become one, like it or not. We know that is all focused on reducing crime, because desperate people are dangerous people, so we bribe them with free stuff.

The conventional thinking here is that the liberal would rather pay off those that would prey upon them to leave them alone and the conservative would just as soon defend himself against those that would try to take what they have worked for than rely on a government agent to do the dirty work for them. I like watching old westerns on TV and the townsfolk always cower in the doorways when the bad guys ride into town. I used to think that was a ridiculous portrayal but that seems to be the reality, even today. I believe we will always have that very clash of thinking and making anyone explain their position on an issue is a good exercise in understanding, as futile as it may be.


Regular Member
Jan 19, 2015
Liberal, conservative, progressive, libertarian.......what ever label one may attach to themselves or others is really irrelevant as I see things. Human beings are selfish beings and all they are motivated to do is most always for selfish reasons. The politicians need those that would rather sit on their back sides than work to keep them in power. Hunger is a powerful motivator but when a politician says we must help the most needy in our communities then all other good working taxpaying citizens are then forced to pay for them, which is not and should not be a governmental role but has become one, like it or not. We know that is all focused on reducing crime, because desperate people are dangerous people, so we bribe them with free stuff.

The conventional thinking here is that the liberal would rather pay off those that would prey upon them to leave them alone and the conservative would just as soon defend himself against those that would try to take what they have worked for than rely on a government agent to do the dirty work for them. I like watching old westerns on TV and the townsfolk always cower in the doorways when the bad guys ride into town. I used to think that was a ridiculous portrayal but that seems to be the reality, even today. I believe we will always have that very clash of thinking and making anyone explain their position on an issue is a good exercise in understanding, as futile as it may be.

I think i'll add that, depending on their level of dangerous, and their geographic location, if they portray their danger, they may also very likely be DEAD before actually being dangerous.

frankly, this method is more preferential in my opinion, then being forced to give them stuff in the form of taxes.


Regular Member
Mar 3, 2013
I prefer " Lockean Liberalism" over modern day liberal or conservative ideology.

I believe in the Golden Rule and I shall fight for your rights and my only wish is that you will fight for mine.

My .02


OC for ME

Regular Member
Jan 6, 2010
White Oak Plantation
The town of Boston took an important step toward rebellion on November 20, 1772, by adopting a declaration of “the Rights of the Colonists” drafted by Sam Adams, the firebrand of the Revolution. Adams summarized these “Natural rights” as “First, a Right to LIFE; Secondly to LIBERTY; thirdly to Property.” He described a “natural liberty of Men,” a “state of nature” where each was “sole judge of his own rights and the injuries done him.

I have long argued this very point. Liberals are incapable of accepting this. Any idea a liberal has/espouses must be considered as a threat to this prime principle of individual liberty.


Campaign Veteran
Jan 14, 2010
Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA
Until they can convey their ideas, I don't have a clear definition.

I just want them to admit to being evil while sounding good.

They convey their ideas all the time, on Facebook, Twitter, and even on the evening news, "admitting evil while sounding good."

Haven't you been paying attention? :lol:
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May 1, 2016
I am trying a new (for me) tactic, I am trying to get liberals to explain what liberal and/or progressive ideas are. If they are progressive, what are they progressing towards?

I want them to explain themselves. So far, striking out.

"I don't want to explain myself to a conservative..."

Any luck/answers from our open carry community?

Try encouraging them to get on their high horse and teaching you how much better educated and socially responsible they are than you. Go with-- I am learning more about politics since Trump and getting less and less conservative and beginning to think much more progressive myself. I am looking for information and education on that.

A nickel says you will quickly get drafted to their cause. And indoctrinated.

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