It's worth remembering how anti-gun the Missouri legislature and governors were, long after other states joined the "shall-issue" crew.
Just like Virginia, things can flip with a single election.
And these communists will keep violating gun owners rights because gun owners will not fight back. Paying lip service in protest is not fighting back.
United State Supreme Court in
Marbury v. Madison, 5 US 137, 177. (1803) stated: “Certainly all those who have framed written constitutions contemplate them as forming the fundamental and paramount law of the nation, and, consequently, the theory of every such government must be, that an act of the legislature, repugnant to the constitution, is void;”
The United State Supreme Court in
Miranda v. Arizona, 384 U.S. 436, 491 (1966) the Supreme Court stated that “Where rights secured by the Constitution are involved, there can be no rule making or legislation which would abrogate them;”
In 2008 the United States Supreme Court in
District of Columbia v. Heller, 554 U.S. 570, 592, 171 L.Ed 2d 637, 128 S.Ct. 2783, reiterated: “Our opinion is, that any law, State or Federal, is repugnant to the Constitution, and void, which contravenes this right, originally belonging to our forefathers.”