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South Sound OC Report........


Regular Member
Apr 24, 2011
2 months between posts. Where do we send the flowers when this site dies.

Sent from my SM-N920T using Tapatalk


Regular Member
Aug 22, 2013
here nc
liquid sunshine notwithstanding, OC'd ~ UPlace wally world & FMyer; BBuy & TBell around the mall.

at BBuy had a middle aged gentleman express pleasant surprise i was OC'g saying he thought the state was only CC, he was given the forum's url.

few other places as well, except as mentioned, nothing said, not even raised eyebrows...

life is good with the exception of the constant liquid sunshine...sigh



Activist Member
Apr 27, 2010
Lawton, OK USA
Went to the local Safeway, and since it was the only stop I was lazy. I just tossed a Kel-Tec P32 in my pocket (wanted that element of surprise :)). Ran into a unicorn in line in front of me, and let him know about the site. His wife seemed to appreciate the info it saying she was new to gun ownership.
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Regular Member
Oct 1, 2007
Tacoma, Washington, USA
Let him KNOW not NO. Unless you are some how implying a negative about things.
She was new to gun ownership or he was?

And as long as I am on "correct your syntax diatribe", THEN and THAN are also constantly misused. I placed the pistol on the table rather THAN on the desk, THEN I picked it up and loaded it.

OK, sorry for being picky but things like this get under my skin at times.

By the way I OC'd at Safeway in Tacoma today too (not to). No issues.
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Regular Member
Mar 3, 2013
Let him KNOW not NO. Unless you are some how implying a negative about things.
She was new to gun ownership or he was?

And as long as I am on "correct your syntax diatribe", THEN and THAN are also constantly misused. I placed the pistol on the table rather THAN on the desk, THEN I picked it up and loaded it.

OK, sorry for being picky but things like this get under my skin at times.

By the way I OC'd at Safeway in Tacoma today too (not to). No issues.

A captious individual who cannot resist the urge to correct a spelling and or grammar mistake even in informal setting. After pointing out the linguistic shortcoming in others. You feel a strange sense of twisted and un-constructive intelligentsia delight. Obviously all you have to show for that wasted liberal arts education is your inimical personality and your status as a grammar Nazi.

Ok, Ill be honest, picky quasi-intelligent grammar Nazi's get under my skin at times.



Campaign Veteran
Jun 30, 2008
Snohomish, WA, ,
A captious individual who cannot resist the urge to correct a spelling and or grammar mistake even in informal setting. After pointing out the linguistic shortcoming in others. You feel a strange sense of twisted and un-constructive intelligentsia delight. Obviously all you have to show for that wasted liberal arts education is your inimical personality and your status as a grammar Nazi.

Ok, Ill be honest, picky quasi-intelligent grammar Nazi's get under my skin at times.


So let me get this straight.......You peruse all the various threads in this forum to single out an answer over a month old, and that was 100% correct in the content presented, and promptly violate both rule 6 and rule 9 of the forum rules, so that you can feel better. I admire your willingness to push the edge of the envelope. Carry on good sir!

Someone above commented on where to send the flowers when this forum passes away. I would hope that it never passes away, but I am encouraged by the fact that most of us open carry quite regularly and there are very few if any poor interactions anymore. I think the core purpose is being met, in that we are exercising our right to the extent that both law enforcement and the public, at least in WA seem to be getting used to it and/or educated on the legality of our rights.


Regular Member
Oct 1, 2007
Tacoma, Washington, USA
Today I OC'd at Home Depot, Fredmeyer, my barber,Burger King and while walking the dogs around the neighborhood.
Zero reaction except from the dogs who thought I put treats in my holster. I guess they think treats smell like Hoppes #9. Taste is horrible but makes a good aftershave lotion.

And then concerning trolls from NJ: You know why the baby Jesus would never be born in New Jersy?
Because they could never find 3 wise men and a virgin.
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Legendary Warrior
May 21, 2006
Caution/warning - use very judiciously. Hoppes #9 is a very powerful aphrodisiac.

Be careful. The modern formulation is NOT the traditional formulation that was an effective aphrodisiac. The modern stuff smells mostly like my car wash soap - bananas.

I believe Hoppes left Coatesville, Pennsylvania when Vista Outdoors added them to their business poker chips. When I used to visit the Coatesville area I asked for a tour of the facility and was refused.
I still have a partial bottle of the original formulation. I can personally attest to the effectiveness of the forumlation. I have to carry a big stick. :lol:


Regular Member
Oct 1, 2007
Tacoma, Washington, USA
Real quiet here. Nobody has a report on their OC adventures?

I will add my .02.

OCed over the last 2 days at Buttered Biscuit at Bonney Lake,Dairy Queen Bonney Lake,Fred Meyer,Tacoma,Two different Safeways,Home Depot, McDonnalds in Edgewood, Sears,Tacoma Mall (nobody noticed a thing) and walked the neighborhood with my dogs.

All Quiet, no gasps of "he's got a GUN!" no unusual stares, just normal walk abouts. As it should be.


Legendary Warrior
May 21, 2006
I still have a partial bottle of the original formulation. I can personally attest to the effectiveness of the forumlation. I have to carry a big stick. :lol:

We each have our individual burdens to bear.
I've heard that if you put it in with your engine oil, it will clean the valves and pistons.

Also some say adding it to your fuel tank will raise the octane level, permitting more advanced timing.

Marvelous stuff. Just don't spill any of it on your wife's favorite chair or your bed.

Most of the above is sarcasm, except for the last line above.
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Regular Member
Oct 1, 2007
Tacoma, Washington, USA
I reiterate: Does no one report on their OC doings in this state? Just a bunch of extraneous conversations on side issues not related to OC. Is everybody CC? The good weather should bring out all the OC but I see nothing commented on. Some "reports from" have not had a post in months.
Maybe this forum should be renamed "The Seattle Tax Forum".
This forum as far as Washington is concerned has become unrelated to the main theme. Are ANY open carryer's out there? Even if it is a no event carry day Let's hear about it. It encourages others who may think there is no one else out there.

I have gone to the off leash dog park, open carry and recieved best wishes from several people and other comment that they always carry concealed and ask questions on OC.
I have NEVER recieved a bad look or comment no matter where I go. So anybody out there who are hesitant-go for it. Just get informed on where you can not carry such as areas restricted to over age 21 or post offices etc.

OK, my .02 are in. You folks carry on, or not.


Activist Member
Apr 27, 2010
Lawton, OK USA
I'd post up more, but it makes no sense posting about the same five places I go every week with no issues. I usually post when I go somewhere new. I would also post if I had a bad reaction, but that hasn't happened yet.


Legendary Warrior
May 21, 2006
I'd post up more, but it makes no sense posting about the same five places I go every week with no issues. I usually post when I go somewhere new. I would also post if I had a bad reaction, but that hasn't happened yet.
Live dangerously - go somewhere new and different, expand your horizons. :D


Aug 26, 2017
Thanks to all from this newbie

I just wanted to thank everyone who has contributed to this thread, and to encourage members to update it regularly. If there hadn't been any recent postings I might have given up reading this thread last night. I did read it though and that gave me the encouragement I needed to OC for the first time today.

It was just a trip on my motorcycle to Grocery Outlet in Chehalis. The only person who showed any reaction at all was the young lady who was the cashier, and that was just a slight pause in her gaze as she spotted the weapon on my waist. She didn't day a word about it, but we did have a nice conversation about the Seahawks game.

Now that I have gotten past that first time, I will be OC'ing on a regular basis for a while and will report back on how that goes.


Regular Member
Aug 22, 2013
here nc
I just wanted to thank everyone who has contributed to this thread, and to encourage members to update it regularly. If there hadn't been any recent postings I might have given up reading this thread last night. I did read it though and that gave me the encouragement I needed to OC for the first time today.

It was just a trip on my motorcycle to Grocery Outlet in Chehalis. The only person who showed any reaction at all was the young lady who was the cashier, and that was just a slight pause in her gaze as she spotted the weapon on my waist. She didn't day a word about it, but we did have a nice conversation about the Seahawks game.

Now that I have gotten past that first time, I will be OC'ing on a regular basis for a while and will report back on how that goes.

ensure, to share your encounters so others might benefit as you have!