OC for ME
Regular Member
There is a link to the KC3 website on their Facebook home page...WE see little reason to constantly update OUR website nor do I see much reason for US to explain why WE do anything. The important people, ie our members, keep up with our Facebook page. When the legislative session is finished, we may update the webpage as WE feel appropriate. I am sure that several here, who are NOT members, will find that update unsatisfactory. Those people find almost everything unsatisfactory and I see no reason to try to even attempt to satisfy them.
March 10th was the last post from KC3 on their Facebook home page, a Reuters article regarding the Creepy Grandpa Joe interaction with a auto worker.
The Community page has not had a new entry for close to a year.
The Photos page last entry was 2015.
The number of likes/follows for KC3's Facebook page is ~1200...seems typical for state level grassroots organizations focused on gun rights.
Getting a little individual liberty restored this year and starting again next year to get a little more of our individual liberties restored takes time, resources, and patience. The important people within KC3 have little interest, it appears, in expanding their rolls if they have not made the time to inform non-member visitors to their two web locations on KC3's efforts on a weekly basis...examples of KC3 in action is one manner in which new members may be recruited.