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Missouri House Committee Passes “Second Amendment Preservation Act”

color of law

Accomplished Advocate
Oct 7, 2007
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
So, what is next?


Regular Member
Nov 5, 2015
So, what is next?

Passing a .nullification law similar to it in KY. Long overdue here.

color of law

Accomplished Advocate
Oct 7, 2007
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
...cops don't need to follow no federales laws no how anyways...
All true, but there is no double jeopardy on prosecutions for the same crime under federal and state law. Carry a gun into a school and you may be prosecuted for the same crime twice.

My example is for illustration purposes. 18 usc 922(q) has been ruled unconstitutional.


Jan 16, 2020
ALL laws are to be "EQUITABLE" meaning "the same for EVERYONE" !
So I guess discrimination in some cases is legal. :(
Like one good cop said "Only outlaws are free" I Guess we will find out after the vote having federal
"Red Flag Laws passed" What was that "Outlaw Josey Wales, said "I Recon Not " :)
By the way we do have it from the highest authority to arm up Jesus Christ in Luke 22:36
as he knew times would be dangerous, and they sure are today, remember the 1 st Amendment
Congress SHALL make NO law respecting an establishment of religion OR prohibiting the FREE
exercise thereof:
So there you have it ! So the only question is "Who are the enforcers working for " ? We the people OR
the New World Order, the "Great Reset Agenda" as they call it now.


Regular Member
Aug 22, 2013
here nc
ALL laws are to be "EQUITABLE" meaning "the same for EVERYONE" !
So I guess discrimination in some cases is legal. :(
Like one good cop said "Only outlaws are free" I Guess we will find out after the vote having federal
"Red Flag Laws passed" What was that "Outlaw Josey Wales, said "I Recon Not " :)
By the way we do have it from the highest authority to arm up Jesus Christ in Luke 22:36
as he knew times would be dangerous, and they sure are today, remember the 1 st Amendment
Congress SHALL make NO law respecting an establishment of religion OR prohibiting the FREE
exercise thereof:
So there you have it ! So the only question is "Who are the enforcers working for " ? We the people OR
the New World Order, the "Great Reset Agenda" as they call it now.

Gypsy47, really, you beat your bolded statement to death in Jan 2021 on page 5 in the "Firearm on Post Office property"
where theologians - https://www.biblestudytools.com/commentaries/gills-exposition-of-the-bible/luke-22-36.html - enquivically disputed your perceiption the Jewish preacher and religious leader wants you to arm up!

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