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Kitsap County Open Carry Report


Legendary Warrior
May 21, 2006

I think you've missed the point.
Nah - I got it.

Noticed that you left out "UR" - understand that capitalization can be harder to pronounce though, unless you are into depreciation also. I would have used the diminutive form "ur" then.

fire suppressor

Regular Member
Jul 13, 2008
Kitsap County
Good morning everyone I hope everyone has been doing well. I know you have not seen me in a month or two but no that things are calming down for the moment and the motorcycle projects are coming to a end I hope to get back on the forum more often. I have been so busy with work the last few months I have not even been able to get much carry time in. I was able to get a good day of open carry in for the first time yesterday in months so I thought I would share it. It was a good open carry day at a few places I do not normally open carry. It made for a fun day

I met a friend at Popeye's in Bremerton for lunch. I have not been to a Popeye's in years and I have never open carried in one. Lunch went well no problems I am not even sure my friend notice my XD. I did get a few looks from a father in a military uniform with his younger daughter. It was not a look of panic or fear more of acknowledgment. After lunch I used the Kitsap Credit Union ATM in Silverdale across from Wholesale Sports. It looked busy inside and the ATM had a shorter line. After the ATM I went right down the road to the car wash cross from Costco and spent about a hour washing and then vacuuming out the Jeep. It was a slow buy steady day for the car wash I was not the only customer there. I have never open carried at the car wash but again no problem and the Jeep came out looking real good. After the car wash I did a walk through of Wholesale Sports but could not find anything I had to have so after a short time walking around I left. My next stop was yo g's frozen yogurt in Poulsbo. I have open carried there before and just like every other time no problems. After some more miscellaneous running around I ended the day around 7pm at wood fire pizza in downtown Poulsbo. The owner and I are both big Mariners fans so I decided to stop by for a slice and baseball talk. I am a regular trying to limit myself to one visit a week but by chance rarely have I ever open carried inside. Did Chuck (the owner) notice my gun or not, I do not know he did have a odd viewing angle while making pizza. Either way I spent about a hour inside chatting with Chuck.

That was about it not the most exciting day but it was a really good feeling to be able to put the XD on and go about my day. My comfort level with open carrying is dependent on repetition and it can be easy for my comfort level to drop when I go a while without open carrying. It was a good moral booster for me and brought my comfort level back up to where it should be so in a taring aspect it was a very good day


Regular Member
Sep 9, 2009
Port Orchard Wa. /Granite Oklahoma
Went into Michaels in Silverdale today to get A few items and while waiting in the checkout lane A little boy behind me with his mother was overheard saying " Mommy he has A cap gun just like mine" I was about to tell him it wasn't A cap gun when his mom said that's A grownup cap gun. I just looked at her and smiled.


Regular Member
Jan 14, 2012
Greater Eastside Washington
Went into Michaels in Silverdale today to get A few items and while waiting in the checkout lane A little boy behind me with his mother was overheard saying " Mommy he has A cap gun just like mine" I was about to tell him it wasn't A cap gun when his mom said that's A grownup cap gun. I just looked at her and smiled.

You were carrying the cap and ball revolver?

I figured you'd be carrying that S&W 500....


Regular Member
Aug 7, 2012
S. Kitsap, Washington state
Went into Michaels in Silverdale today to get A few items and while waiting in the checkout lane A little boy behind me with his mother was overheard saying " Mommy he has A cap gun just like mine" I was about to tell him it wasn't A cap gun when his mom said that's A grownup cap gun. I just looked at her and smiled.

some friends and I went out shooting near Belfair today, we get done shooting, I loaded up my father's GLOCK which I was borrowing for the shooting trip, and OC'd it in a leather holster. headed into Belfair and bought gas, no trouble, then we drove up to Bremerton to Crazy Eric's. so we order our food and are waiting, this car comes up, and a man and three children get out, my friend and I were joking about a news story in newspapers at the burger joint, and this guy looks at me, then he piles his kids back in the car and drives away all of them staring at me......

first negative reaction..... I would presume.
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Campaign Veteran
Oct 25, 2009
Federal Way, Washington, USA
some friends and I went out shooting near Belfair today, we get done shooting, I loaded up my father's GLOCK which I was borrowing for the shooting trip, and OC'd it in a leather holster. headed into Belfair and bought gas, no trouble, then we drove up to Bremerton to Crazy Eric's. so we order our food and are waiting, this car comes up, and a man and three children get out, my friend and I were joking about a news story in newspapers at the burger joint, and this guy looks at me, then he piles his kids back in the car and drives away all of them staring at me......

first negative reaction..... I would presume.

Most likely because you had a Glock in a leather holster! Major faux pas!


Regular Member
Feb 19, 2013
some friends and I went out shooting near Belfair today, we get done shooting, I loaded up my father's GLOCK which I was borrowing for the shooting trip, and OC'd it in a leather holster.

You must wear socks with sandals, too. You're a walking Pemco commercial, aren't 'cha? ;)


Regular Member
May 14, 2008
Bremerton, Washington, United States
some friends and I went out shooting near Belfair today, we get done shooting, I loaded up my father's GLOCK which I was borrowing for the shooting trip, and OC'd it in a leather holster. headed into Belfair and bought gas, no trouble, then we drove up to Bremerton to Crazy Eric's. so we order our food and are waiting, this car comes up, and a man and three children get out, my friend and I were joking about a news story in newspapers at the burger joint, and this guy looks at me, then he piles his kids back in the car and drives away all of them staring at me......

first negative reaction..... I would presume.

I live about 100 feet from that Crazy Erics, you should've stopped by. ;)


Regular Member
Nov 1, 2007
Deer Park, Washington, USA
Got to do a little OC yesterday with the nice weather. Went to my mail box at Pack-n-Mail and Wally World. Seems like most every time I OC into Wally World and there's no LEO outside, when I come out they're there.:uhoh: No trouble though, as usual.


Regular Member
Sep 9, 2009
Port Orchard Wa. /Granite Oklahoma
building up my collection again

Beautiful weather today went To some garage sales today OCing as usual and ended up trading A benchmade pocket knife for A Herters 22 revolver,JC Higgins 20 gauge bolt shotty A charter arms ar7 22 survival rifle and A marlin model 70 22 semi auto. its going to be A good year for garage sales.
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Activist Member
Aug 21, 2011
Freeland, WA
Went to Walmart in Port Orchard with my dad today. Returned some Red Box movies, got a few things and some Subway, and rented some more Red Box movies on the way out. After paying for the movies, the man behind me waiting to use the Red Box said "Glad to see someone else exercising 2A and not just me" (he was CC). WE told each other to have a good day and went our separate ways. I was OCing my RIA 1911A1 .45 in a Serpa Paddle Holster.


Regular Member
Jun 25, 2008
Port Orchard, Washington, USA
Beautiful weather today went To some garage sales today OCing as usual and ended up trading A benchmade pocket knife for A Herders 22 revolver,JC Higgins 20 gauge bolt shotty A charter arms ar7 22 survival rifle and A marlin model 70 22 semi auto. its going to be A good year for garage sales.

I need to start hitting the sales up too. I just am never awake during the days anymore.


Regular Member
Sep 9, 2009
Port Orchard Wa. /Granite Oklahoma
was going to rig one of these up to OC but just couldn't bring my self to drill holes in them all of them being classic old shotguns L to R win. mod 12 (1957) rem.1100 gift from dad when I was 9 and a JC Higgins 16 ga bolt from 1953.


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Regular Member
Sep 9, 2009
Port Orchard Wa. /Granite Oklahoma

cruising the different gun sites on facebook and ran across a box of 40 cal Federal hydra shock for $15 jumped on it. I met the guy at the AM PM in Port Orchard and I was OCing my 4006 Smith