That's probably a really good idea to get them in one place. The NCGS page is not the easiest to navigate sometimes.
Here ya go. Not only is some of these gun bills but other bills I'm interested in and others may be also.
2013 North Carolina House Bills:
1. HB 8 – Deals with Eminent Domain
2. HB 16 – No NC Exchange no Medicare Expansion
3. HB 17 – Restaurant Carry and Confidentially of Gun Permits
4. HB 19 – Respect our Fallen Heroes
5. HB 25 – Amend Felony Breaking and Entering
6. HB 26 – Strengthen laws pertaining to Vehicle Theft
7. HB 30 – Repeal Combined Motor Vehicle Registration / Tax System
8. HB 41 – 0.00 Alcohol restriction – All DWI
9. HB 49 – Firearms in locked vehicle / parking lot
10. HB 59 – Eliminate Safety / Emission Testing Requirement
2013 North Carolina Senate Bills;
1. SB 4 - No NC Exchange no Medicare Expansion
2. SB 16 – Revoke drivers license for passing a stopped school bus
3. SB 17 – Concealed Carry permit validity
4. SB 25 – Hunting/Fishing for Active Duty Military
5. SB 27 – Public School Protection/Firearm Amendment
6. SB 28 – Gun Permit Information / No Publication
7. SB 82 – Eliminate Straight Ticket
8. SB 86 – Permanent License Plate for REACT