Regular Member
Spent all day in Snohomish OC'ing while entered in the Chamber of Commerce Car show. Got an occasional look and a couple thanks for open carrying, otherwise nobody cared.
Spent all day in Snohomish OC'ing while entered in the Chamber of Commerce Car show. Got an occasional look and a couple thanks for open carrying, otherwise nobody cared.
A tad late on this report, but I'm just human, so sue me.
OC Report 21/5/14:
Strapped on the Smith and headed into Snohomish to pick up a fellow carrier for some an important trip into Seattle (yes, I hate Seattle in case you wanted to know). Then after milling around "Precise Shooter" we mozy'd into Beth's Cafe for chow. After demolishing our plates we headed south into the Lion's Den, Downtown! Traffic was a real pain so we hid in Outdoor Emporium until the hordes thinned out. Then back up to Snohomish we went. Oh and we saw Avengers II but I thought is was just ok.
Sometimes delays are due to a common name, having a security clearance, or just luck of the draw.
I dropped my social security number because I do have a very common name.
Socialist Security numbers are for socialists.
Sometimes delays are due to
1. a common name,
2. having a security clearance,
3. or just luck of the draw.
1. I have an "uncommon" name, but I share it with a union thug in penna.............delayed
2. Carried a TS-BI for many, many years while in service...........delayed
3. Luck of the draw.....yeah, like catching EVERY urinalisis for thirty years (random check my @ss).......delayed
I have been told by batf that a UPIN would help almost everybody............except me. I always call when denied, and I will call again
Had a great day a couple of days ago, which is the norm now. No news is the standard OC day.
Went to Home Depot to do a return, hit the Burger King for a quick bite to eat, back to Chase Bank for business, Safeway for groceries. Then to Ace Hardware for propane and fertilizer, and the strip mall mart for some beer.
Nary a glance/comment the whole day. This is as it should be, and it is due to this forum and the efforts put forth by so many individuals from this fine group.
Best Regards.