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Snohomish county oc report


Regular Member
Jan 9, 2012
Stanwood, WA
So, this is saying that you MUST have firearms or illegal weapons to visit there.

This is high school English. The reason that 'NO' is not in front of ever other activity was because they are listed a prohibited.

The following are prohibited;
No firearms.

That means that if you have "No firearms" that you are prohibited.
I can only go by what is presented in writing.
That's how I read it!

Which by the time you are able to read them, you are already in violation. :banana:
Only if you are unarmed!

I think, tho', that their attitude is along the lines of:
"We know you believe that you understand what you think we said, but we're not sure you realize that what you read is not what we meant."
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Regular Member
May 9, 2010
No guns on property.....

So I talked to Gary Schwanke head of security today and no guns are allowed in Alderwood Mall property per the property owner but if you are carrying concealed then how are we going to know.
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Regular Member
Jun 9, 2014
Snohomish, WA
So I talked to Gary Schwanke head of security today and no guns are allowed in Alderwood Mall property per the property owner but if you are carrying concealed then how are we going to know.

Everett Mall was the same way. The difference is that security asked me to put mine away, NOT necessarily leave so they really didn't care I was armed, more that I was OC.


Regular Member
Jan 14, 2012
Greater Eastside Washington
Stop Asking For Permission!

Everett Mall was the same way. The difference is that security asked me to put mine away, NOT necessarily leave so they really didn't care I was armed, more that I was OC.

Stop going to malls!!

The North Bend Premium Outlet Mall, supposedly has a no guns policy, but to find the policy you'd have to look for the main office there to find it I've been told.

I know that the policy is not legitimate because, there is a public bus stop there.

So it's better to stop shopping at malls and if you want to make a point, walk the sidewalk outside of the mall parking lot and announce that, "This mall is an unarmed victim zone!!! Shop here at your own risk!"


Activist Member
Apr 27, 2010
Lawton, OK USA
I personally love the mall's no gun policy. I HATE malls! This just makes it so much easier to not go there, thank you so much for your policies.

sudden valley gunner

Regular Member
Dec 13, 2008
Whatcom County
Stop Asking For Permission!


So what could of happened if I had not asked, and went in there open carrying?

Maybe nothing, maybe asked to leave or cover up. Why are you so afraid just to carry as you go about your daily business? Or why not just not go there ?

Either way asking permission has a history of getting a No for an answer. Not a wise move.


Regular Member
Jan 14, 2012
Greater Eastside Washington
So what could of happened if I had not asked, and went in there open carrying?

You might have been asked to leave. So, you leave. They want it to be an unarmed victim zone then don't stick around to see if there will be another lunatic interested in shooting up a mall.

You do not need the drama. Also if you have purchased items already, just tell them that you need to do your returns before you leave since your guns are not wanted here your money will not be staying. Be polite but firm.


Campaign Veteran
Jun 30, 2008
Snohomish, WA, ,
So what could of happened if I had not asked, and went in there open carrying?

Don't ask!!!

Just go there and OC if you want to OC. You can't get arrested for committing a crime! If they ask you to leave, then put your stuff down right where you are at, and leave the mall. To not trespass, you leave immediately. You don't argue, cajole, or threaten. You simply leave.

You have been on this forum long enough to know the RCW's, and should be able to answer your own question above!

There are a couple or three stores I need to shop at there once in awhile, and I choose to CC when I am there because I know their policy. I refuse to be disarmed if I need to go there. I sure as hell don't call them before I go and ask for permission.


Regular Member
May 9, 2010
Well in my mind it played ......

out a little different. I saw people calling the 911 to report me like at greenlake and the cops showing up making a big scene, maybe the news media shows up and it makes open carry look bad.

Imagine my surprise when they tell me hey we follow Washington law.

Now I know northgate and southcenter malls ban guns, so why think different. But they say come on in.

So I do, walk around for 10 minutes while handling my business.

Then I come on here praise the mall, and then find out they have posted rules to the opposite and its a no go.

Lesson learned.

Just for the record there is a difference between asking permission and asking what their policy is.
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Regular Member
Jun 9, 2014
Snohomish, WA
I stay away from Malls when I OC which I will be doing until winter when I will start to CC. And once I am CC, I am still going to enter a mall regardless.


Regular Member
Aug 10, 2012
Spent the day OCing around downtown Snohomish with the wife looking at antique shops. No comments made and only a few looks from some obvious Seattlites who were shocked that guns exist. All the business proprietors were friendly and welcoming.

FMJ 911

Regular Member
Dec 3, 2011
People's Republic of Snohomishia
I open carried in Cabela's yesterday and the guy at the gun check in counter asked if I had a gun (he could see it no trying to hide it) I said "Yah, but it's stayin in the holster." and he said "Ok, that's what I wanna see." and I bought some tumbling media and reloading manuals.

After that I went to Lucky Buffet with "The Great Unicorn" and we chowed down on some food.

The drive home was nice, and I open carried while in the car too!