I too sent one off this evening
I was informed today that at your Saginaw location you have posted a sign indicating you do not allow handguns in your establishment. I can only assume that you have the same policy at your Bay City location as well.
I would like to thank you for posting that sign and making your business a Criminal Empowerment Zone!
You see, when you post a sign like that, you are telling criminals that your place of business is a Gun Free Zone and thus an easy target for their criminal activities!
FBI studies show that criminals will think twice about committing crimes where they know people are legally allowed to carry handguns.
When you deprive legal gun owners like me from carrying handguns into your establishment for self-protection, you are telling me that you consider my life worthless and not worth protecting.
Therefore, I for one will never set foot inside either of your two locations as long as you keep this current policy. I will also publish the fact that you support a Criminal Empowerment Zones on the many gun forums in Michigan thus informing other legal gun owners of your policy. This will serve them notice not to spend money at your business since you deprive us of our 2nd Amendment rights under the Constitution of the United States and Section 6 of the Michigan Constitution, to wit: The Right to Bare Arms.
According to recently published reports, Michigan has about 344,000 citizens who are legally licensed to carry a handgun. Each one of those 344,000 legal handgun owners has gone through an extensive background checks by their County sheriff (or City Police), the Michigan State police and the FBI. Not to mention the safety training required by the state, BEFORE they will receive their Michigan Concealed Pistol Permit. That’s a lot of people and money you seem not to want in your business.
With all that said, I understand your concern. You have no idea who is bringing in a handgun into your business. Now with your signs up, can rest easy in knowing that whoever has a handgun in your business are CRIMINALS since legal handgun owners will either follow your request and leave their guns at home or not visit you place at all.
I have no desire to put my life in jeopardy by leaving my safety up to you. I believe that a Majority of the 344,000 other citizens who have been issued a License to carry a handgun in this state may just feel the same way!