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Run in with cops, bad experience with bank and police



imported post

dang! they come up and man handle you, try to grab your money, put the cops on you deliberately. the cops cuss you, humiliate you, refuse to identify themselves. these are good people?! how the hell they all sleep at night is beyond me!


Founder's Club Member
Jul 18, 2008
Lander, Wyoming, USA
imported post

If the teller was on your side of the counter and tried to grab your money, they are attempting to steal from you and should be treated accordingly.

The sheriff's deputies were in violation, acting in a public capacity for a private party.

Wy National, here in Lander, has asked that I not carry open in the bank because they feel it would upset other patrons. Of course, I attempt to conform to their wishes - except when my truck brokedown in their parking lot and I did not have my vest with me to go concealed. I went in, apologized to the VP for carrying open and asked if I could use their phone. No problem.

Other than that, I carry open everywhere in Lander (where LAWFUL) including the city offices, county courthouse & offices, DFS, and the Lander Police Department for a meeting with some of the officers.

BTW The post office is not under Title 18. It is covered under another title, but I'm having difficulty locating it again.

Will post when I find it.

In all reality - since Title 18 is in direct violation of the Second Amendment to the Constitution for These United States - it is not law and, therefore, need not be obeyed - Yes?


Regular Member
Oct 13, 2009
, ,
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Hey BigUgly I see you made it back here. I wish the WY forum would be a lot more alive than it is...


Accomplished Advocate
Feb 12, 2009
Northern Piedmont
file suit against the idiot who grabbed your arm, personally (i.e., don't sue the bank, don't sue the cops). The caues of action are "battery" (any offensive and unprivileged touching of the person of another without cause, justification or excuse) and "false arrest/ false imprisonment" (any time you are not "free to leave", you're "arrested", a Norman French word we get via the common law that simply means, "stopped":). Were I live, there's also one called "curse and abuse" - when the cop called you a "dumbass", that was both "curse and abuse" as well as "public disturbance" (anything likely to cause a breach of the peace). That's what I think I'd do, though I can't give you legal advice.


Regular Member
Aug 22, 2013
here nc
file suit against the idiot who grabbed your arm, personally (i.e., don't sue the bank, don't sue the cops). The caues of action are "battery" (any offensive and unprivileged touching of the person of another without cause, justification or excuse) and "false arrest/ false imprisonment" (any time you are not "free to leave", you're "arrested", a Norman French word we get via the common law that simply means, "stopped":). Were I live, there's also one called "curse and abuse" - when the cop called you a "dumbass", that was both "curse and abuse" as well as "public disturbance" (anything likely to cause a breach of the peace). That's what I think I'd do, though I can't give you legal advice.
uh, er, ummm...user this event took place in 2009 and the OP hasn't graced the forum's site since 2011...

just saying


Accomplished Advocate
Feb 12, 2009
Northern Piedmont
uh, er, ummm...user this event took place in 2009 and the OP hasn't graced the forum's site since 2011...

just saying
True. But I don't much pay attention to stuff like that; I'm pontificating for the benefit of the general public, assuming there may be someone who finds what I say useful. I figure anyone who doesn't won't care and can ignore it. Besides, I am getting to be a fat old geezer and losing my mind. Notice the avatar - that's HAL's camera from "2001 A Space Odyssey", in which the computer famously said, "My mind is going, Dave... I can feel it."