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Reno Earthquakes


Founder's Club Member
Feb 7, 2007
No longer in Alexandria, Egypt
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Holy Crap!:shock: Folks, we've had 20, yes I said 20 earthquakes here in Reno in one hour! We're fine and nobody was hurt and just minor damage closer to the epicenter. Everybody else in Reno ok?

All were centered just 4 milesWNW from our apt in Mogul, NV. On April 15th we had a swarm of about 12 and the largest a 3.6 woke me from my sleep. I felt 4 that day.

But today took the cake with the largest being 4.2, 4.1 and a 3.0! My wife felt the 4.2 and 4.1 as they shook the hospital where she works almost 10 miles to theeast! These were felt all the way to Virginia City and over to Lake Tahoe. W felt another just a short while ago.

They're saying it's a new fault, but we all know that it's really LEO229's fault! ;)

For those that don't know, each .1 is twice the force so the 4.2 was double the strength of the 4.1 and believe me, the 4.1 was a winner! You get off a place or boat and are thankful you're on solid ground. But if you've never experieced an earthquake, all bets are off when the ground under your feet is moving, everything is rattling the ground itself is groaning!

Here's a couple maps of our activity:

http://www.seismo.unr.edu/feature/2008/mogul.html(my apt is so close it's on that map!)



Shake Map:

From this page you can download a file from the USGS that will map earthquakes right into your Google Earth! It takes about 10 mins form the quake unti it updates on the map:

Bottled water and extra ammo is in the car just in case.

Did I mention...

HOLY CRAP!:shock:


Regular Member
Mar 21, 2007
Centreville, Virginia, USA
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I hear yaman. I experienced a few in San Diego and some in the Phillipeans. Very unsettling when everything is moving and there's nothing you can do to stop it. "Stand in a door frame" - my ass. When was the last time you saw - rubble rubble door frame, rubble, rubble, door frame?


Founder's Club Member
Feb 7, 2007
No longer in Alexandria, Egypt
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bohdi wrote:
I hear yaman. I experienced a few in San Diego and some in the Phillipeans. Very unsettling when everything is moving and there's nothing you can do to stop it. "Stand in a door frame" - my ass. When was the last time you saw - rubble rubble door frame, rubble, rubble, door frame?

Dude, that's EXACTLY what it felt like for those very long 5 seconds!

Actually they just upgraded the big one to a 4.4! Funny thing is I was just minutes ago walking to the car to get my phone and coming backI was looking at the carport awning wondering how sturdy it was and ifI would be able to get the car out from under it if it fell.I heard it rattling as if in the wind, but there was none andI heard Rosana laughing in the apartment.

She waswatching alive news report about the earthquakes when this 3.3 hit andone second after she felt it, it hit the reporter and he wobbled and his knees got weak and he had to compose himself, so she laughed at the irony!

The total is now up to over 40 - FOR JUST TODAY. We've only felt those 5 though. Only...sheesh!


Founder's Club Member - Moderator
May 14, 2006
Virginia, USA
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All I got for ya.


Founder's Club Member
Nov 15, 2006
Fairfax Co., VA
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I guess its better to bleed off the stress in the fault in numerous little quakes instead of all at once in a great big quake.


Founder's Club Member
Nov 15, 2006
Fairfax Co., VA
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I don't see what you're complaining about. :)

Toss all that spent brass you've been saving in a 5-gal bucket, throw in a couple scoops of sand, and wait a day. Presto! Polished brass ready forreloading! :)


Regular Member
May 26, 2006
Alaska, USA
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BobCav wrote:
Holy Crap!:shock: Folks, we've had 20, yes I said 20 earthquakes here in Reno in one hour! We're fine and nobody was hurt and just minor damage closer to the epicenter. Everybody else in Reno ok?

All were centered just 4 milesWNW from our apt in Mogul, NV. On April 15th we had a swarm of about 12 and the largest a 3.6 woke me from my sleep. I felt 4 that day.

But today took the cake with the largest being 4.2, 4.1 and a 3.0! My wife felt the 4.2 and 4.1 as they shook the hospital where she works almost 10 miles to theeast! These were felt all the way to Virginia City and over to Lake Tahoe. W felt another just a short while ago.

They're saying it's a new fault, but we all know that it's really LEO229's fault! ;)

For those that don't know, each .1 is twice the force so the 4.2 was double the strength of the 4.1 and believe me, the 4.1 was a winner! You get off a place or boat and are thankful you're on solid ground. But if you've never experieced an earthquake, all bets are off when the ground under your feet is moving, everything is rattling the ground itself is groaning!

Here's a couple maps of our activity:

http://www.seismo.unr.edu/feature/2008/mogul.html (my apt is so close it's on that map!)



Shake Map:

From this page you can download a file from the USGS that will map earthquakes right into your Google Earth! It takes about 10 mins form the quake unti it updates on the map:

Bottled water and extra ammo is in the car just in case.

Did I mention...

HOLY CRAP!:shock:

Glad everything is ok Bob, earthquakes can be pretty scary. I have been through many myself, including one that jolted us afew weeks ago. My father was here in Alaska during the great earthquake of 1964 and that one lasted a ridiculous time of 4 minutes. (my gosh, that's a long time..) It measured a 9.2 and was the 2nd largest quake ever recorded in the world. Everyone in the family survived but there was a large tsunami that caused a lot of havoc on the fishing ports, etc. There is a park on the outskirts of Anchorage called Earthquake Park that tourists can visit tosee how much the land sunk and what kind of damage occured, even today.

When one drives south toward the Kenai Penninsula, you can still see trees that are dead from the salt water that the tsunami brought inland.



Founder's Club Member
Feb 7, 2007
No longer in Alexandria, Egypt
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Damn, we just had a 4.9 (prelim)!! A 3.0 and 2.4 aftershock as well. We're fine, it just knocked a couple things down on the counter.

We've had 139 in 24 hours, a 3.3 last night that freaked my wife out at 1:45 in the morning and 4 more 3.3's today as well.

HOLY CRAP, this is getting worse and worse! I've had 5 good sized shakers today but this one took the cake!

Doug Huffman

Jun 9, 2006
Washington Island, across Death's Door, Wisconsin,
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When I saw Reno then I assumed Long Valley (Caldera). You might enjoy reading on its history and, uhh, predictions. I'm not familiar with Verdi-Mogul, what's shaking? I grew-up in Santa Clara, Ca in a house that survived the 1906 earthquake. And looking at the quake site I see that the New Madrid has shivvered a bit again. When that breaks it will be a big one.


Activist Member
Nov 12, 2007
Reno, Nevada, USA
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Everyone around me is talking about all these earthquakes!

Yesterday I was driving and didn't feel the major ones. Last night I was sleeping and didn't wake up during the earthquake. If it weren't for everyone else telling me about them I wouldn't have even known about them. While I'm some ways from the epicenter, it woke up other people in my area.


Founder's Club Member
Feb 7, 2007
No longer in Alexandria, Egypt
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OK, they downgraded it to a 4.7, but counting that we've had 5 more 3.3-3.7's and 156 in the past 12 hours!!

Usually you get one big one and a lot of small aftershocks, but on this one, we're getting tons of small ones then BLAMMO! The seismologists are all scratching their heads and no one knows what's to think.

The timeline of quakes over 3.0:

24th 2329 - 3.3
24th 2340 - 4.7
24th 2343 - 3.4
25th 0029 -3.7
25th 0111 - 3.4
25th 0620 - 3.5 (Morning wake up call)


Regular Member
Feb 19, 2008
, , USA
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BobCav wrote:
OK, they downgraded it to a 4.7, but counting that we've had 5 more 3.3-3.7's and 156 in the past 12 hours.

Not to be the one who brings bad news, but it sounds like an earthquake swarm to me.

Ascending magma is accompanied be an earthquake swarm.

The earthquakes tend to get really bad just before the magma reaches the surface and the volcanic eruptions commence.

Remember Mount Saint Helens?


Founder's Club Member
Feb 7, 2007
No longer in Alexandria, Egypt
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You know, that's what I was saying as this is very atypical for just earthquakes. Gonna read up on eqrthquake swarms and volcanic activity. We have emergency supplies in the car and the tank is full.

While visiting Virginia City, I learned ofhow the famous Comstock Lode was probably 80% undiscovered. They had tostop mining because there was so much scalding hot water that couldn't even be removed by the Sutro Tunnel. There are also a lot of hot springs in this area as well. Lots of geothermal activity and quakes, likeYellowstone and hergeysers.

Let's hope and pray it's water and geysers instead of volcanoes and magma!

LEO 229

Regular Member
Feb 21, 2007
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"They're saying it's a new fault, but we all know that it's really LEO229's fault! ;)"

It is true... I am well known for "shaking things up" and making people nervous. :lol:


Regular Member
Feb 19, 2008
, , USA
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BobCav wrote:
You know, that's what I was saying as this is very atypical for just earthquakes.  Gonna read up on eqrthquake swarms and volcanic activity.  We have emergency supplies in the car and the tank is full.

While visiting Virginia City, I learned of how the famous Comstock Lode was probably 80% undiscovered.  They had to stop mining because there was so much scalding hot water that couldn't even be removed by the Sutro Tunnel.  There are also a lot of hot springs in this area as well.  Lots of geothermal activity and quakes, like Yellowstone and her geysers.

Let's hope and pray it's water and geysers instead of volcanoes and magma!

It is true that eruptions follow magma ascending and they are accompanied by earthquake swarms, but all arthquake swarms are NOT accompanied by volcanic eruptions.

It is always good to be prepared, but I was having some fun with this. ;)


Founder's Club Member
Jun 15, 2006
Bryan, TX
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Hope you come through this all right.

I spent my forst 15 years in the military analyzing earthquake activity - this makes me want to go out to the USGS web site and start watching seismograms!


Founder's Club Member
Feb 7, 2007
No longer in Alexandria, Egypt
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Tess wrote:
Hope you come through this all right.

I spent my forst 15 years in the military analyzing earthquake activity - this makes me want to go out to the USGS web site and start watching seismograms!

Thansk Tess! You would definitely be interested in something I found while loking at a plot of the quakes on Google Earth - a pattern!Not just along a fault line, but a pattern that just doesn't appear in nature:a 1.39 mile longitudinally AND latitudinally separated GRID! Check out the attached pic. Accordingly the grid hasgrown since yesterday morning.

If you have Google Earth you can see the grid pattern in real time for yourself. Justgo to this USCS web page http://earthquake.usgs.gov/research/data/google_earth.phpand download the .kml file for M1+ Real-Time Earthquakes, Past 7 Days or just click this link:


Open the fileusing Google Earthand take a look at Reno from a 25-45 mile altitude. The smaller quakes from this past week have a grid pattern that just doesn't appear in nature!

It's only apparenton low amplitude quakes and occasionally they'll plot a larger one on the grid, then move it later once checked against other stations. I imagine it's either a glitch in the computer program that initially plots the epicenters or a bad sensor/station that has a low amplitide calibration issue. I checked it against other recent swarms and thee are no other patterns anywhere. I already notified the USGS with my findings, pics and data and they were really glad to get my work butI haven't heard back yet.I imagine they're a tad busy!

Of course there's two otherpossibilities: Firstthat there is some power with the power enough to create theseearthquakes and the intelligenct to plot them on a pattern.

Secondit could be a failure of The Matrix.


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