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Now We Go on Offense for a Change

gutshot II

Regular Member
Jul 1, 2017
Central Ky.
The first of at least two progun bills appeared today. It is HB 529 and it's sponsored by Savannah Maddox. You can see the bill here:

This bill is a total repeal of KRS 237.115. For the first time, in my memory, a statute that "infringes" on our right to keep and bear arms will be completely eliminated. KRS 237.115 has been state law since 1996. It was part of the original concealed carry law. It extends the authority of public colleges and universities that allows them to "control" concealed weapons. It also allows local governments the authority to prohibit concealed weapons in their buildings. If this bill passes, all of the "No Concealed Weapons Allowed" signs on every local government building will have to come down. A public college or university could no longer prohibit concealed carry on property that they control. This can become the first step in a long list of Ky. gun laws that will be removed or replaced.

Naturally, there will be considerable opposition to this bill. There always is opposition to gun bills. It will take a lot of work to get this passed but if we can get it passed much more will follow. We have to let them know that we want fewer restrictions on our rights and will help them, if they will help us.
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Regular Member
Aug 22, 2013
here nc
The first of at least two progun bills appeared today. It is HB 529 and it's sponsored by Savannah Maddox. You can see the bill here:

This bill is a total repeal of KRS 237.110. For the first time, in my memory, a statute that "infringes" on our right to keep and bear arms will be completely eliminated. KRS 237.115 has been state law since 1996. It was part of the original concealed carry law. It extends the authority of public colleges and universities that allows them to "control" concealed weapons. It also allows local governments the authority to prohibit concealed weapons in their buildings. If this bill passes, all of the "No Concealed Weapons Allowed" signs on every local government building will have to come down. A public college or university could no longer prohibit concealed carry on property that they control. This can become the first step in a long list of Ky. gun laws that will be removed or replaced.

Naturally, there will be considerable opposition to this bill. There always is opposition to gun bills. It will take a lot of work to get this passed but if we can get it passed much more will follow.
We have to let them know that we want fewer restrictions on our rights and will help them, if they will help us.

wow...lots of pronouns in that last sentence without a single definition of "who we, or them, we, our, them, they, and us" - are!

'"it" will take a lot of work'....without a hint of suggestion on type, scale of effort, or better yet how...'but if "we"' who is the nebulous "we" being referred to here for goodness sakes?

so gut...what's the game plan to get "we, them, our, and us" involved for the "lot of work" needed?

but huzzah for Rep Maddox postulating and introduced the effort into the KY House 🥳🥳🥳


Regular Member
Aug 22, 2013
here nc
darn oh wait...i'm persona non gratis to gutshot...guess he'll have to leave me out of the "we" help force and do it himself [read K3C]

color of law

Accomplished Advocate
Oct 7, 2007
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
Color of Law said:
You will know when the legislators are serious about the 2A when they repeal KRS 237.110.
gutshot II said:
It would also be their last term in office. Our concealed carry law is enormously popular in this state. Without it we lose reciprocity and the gun owners won't stand for that. The vast majority of gun owner's affection for the Constitution won't extend that far.

I'm confused....

gutshot II

Regular Member
Jul 1, 2017
Central Ky.
I made up my mind long ago and have not changed. I think it more likely that YOU are confusing KRS 237.110 and KRS 237.115.


Regular Member
Nov 5, 2015
The first of at least two progun bills appeared today. It is HB 529 and it's sponsored by Savannah Maddox. You can see the bill here:

This bill is a total repeal of KRS 237.110. For the first time, in my memory, a statute that "infringes" on our right to keep and bear arms will be completely eliminated. KRS 237.115 has been state law since 1996. It was part of the original concealed carry law. It extends the authority of public colleges and universities that allows them to "control" concealed weapons. It also allows local governments the authority to prohibit concealed weapons in their buildings. If this bill passes, all of the "No Concealed Weapons Allowed" signs on every local government building will have to come down. A public college or university could no longer prohibit concealed carry on property that they control. This can become the first step in a long list of Ky. gun laws that will be removed or replaced.

Naturally, there will be considerable opposition to this bill. There always is opposition to gun bills. It will take a lot of work to get this passed but if we can get it passed much more will follow. We have to let them know that we want fewer restrictions on our rights and will help them, if they will help us.

While I support this bill the need for it to get rid of a regulation that was part of the cc bill is a prime example of why a certain group of people should have had more patience back then and we would have had permitless cc WITHOUT all the added garbage that came with the permission slip about 2 years later.

gutshot II

Regular Member
Jul 1, 2017
Central Ky.
And nothing has happened that would make me change that opinion. What makes you think that I "don't want to own-up to what" I said about the repeal of KRS 237.110? Please show us anyplace where I have said that a repeal of KRS 237.110 would be a wise political move for a Ky. lawmaker. Have you had another stroke or are drinking heavily again.


Regular Member
Nov 5, 2015
And nothing has happened that would make me change that opinion. What makes you think that I "don't want to own-up to what" I said about the repeal of KRS 237.110? Please show us anyplace where I have said that a repeal of KRS 237.110 would be a wise political move for a Ky. lawmaker. Have you had another stroke or are drinking heavily again.

Legislators who would repeal the ccdw law and every regulation that was born with it, entirely and replace it with a 15 dollar no training. no class , no nothing ccdw permit card for folks that need one to carry in other states would be in office for life.

Scrapping the stupid 110 buck scam to get a ccdw permit to go out of state is a VERY popular position.

color of law

Accomplished Advocate
Oct 7, 2007
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
Thank-you solus and Ghost for quoting gutshot II's original post. Because he has edited it by removing "This bill is a total repeal of KRS 237.110."

Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive.


Regular Member
Aug 22, 2013
here nc

missed that... tidbit....

yesterday "Last edited: Yesterday at 2:04 PM" eh gutshot

rollin on the floor

buggers tough to get caught

even worse to endure the bloody harassment for getting caught ~ huh!