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Kuyper Consulting LA Concealed Handgun Permit Class


Regular Member
Aug 26, 2008
Shreveport, LA
Kuyper Consulting LA Concealed Handgun Permit Class
Saturday 15 February 2014
Kinder, Louisiana
Valentines Day Special
Buy one, get spouse 1/2 off
Couples rate ($202.50)
Class includes:
NRA Basic Pistol Shooting Course
This course includes classroom and range time learning to shoot_ Students learn NRA’s rules for safe gun handling; pistol parts and operation, shooting fundamentals, range rules and cleaning the pistol.
Students will receive the NRA Guide to the Basics of Pistol Shooting hand-book, NRA Gun Safety Rules brochure and course completion certificate.
Louisiana Concealed Carry Law and Application Process
- Bring at least 75 rounds of factory ammunition (no reloads).
- Bring a warm jacket as we will be shooting outdoors.
- Rental pistols/ammunition are available upon request at $40 per student
- A notary is available to notarize your applications, $10 fee per application
For More Info and Registration Contact:
Kuyper Consulting LLC 337-424-6451