Did I Vote?
There is no person on earth I hate so much that I would actually
vote to inflict government on them.
With that said, I cannot vilify the person who votes defensively. For example, someone who voted for Trump in order to prevent Hitlery. While I disagree with such defensive logic, I do understand it.
The people who would rule us depend on our agreement. The neocons and liberals hold us in contempt--yet they depend on our productivity. They
need our agreement.
So, some time ago, I decided, "no!" I am done with your lies. I am done with your bizarre and irrational assertions that I indirectly consented to be governed by you. I am done with you: pretending to inflict yourself on fellow human beings while claiming to represent me--implying that I authorized you to inflict your disastrous regulations, economic policies, and laws on the decent fellow human beings with who I share this continent.
So, no. I didn't vote.
This next part is a pre-emptive comment--pre-emptive against those few who might say, "then you have no right to complain." You see, that comment has come up a few times before. So, I write now to undermine it before it occurs.
"Oh, really? Since I didn't vote, I have no right to complain? You think so? You haven't read the last clause of the First Amendment in a while, have you?"
The last clause of the First Amendment guarantees our
pre-existing right to petition for redress of grievance. What is a grievance? A complaint.
I've looked over the Bill of Rights repeatedly for various reasons across the years. Of this I am very sure: there is no requirement to vote in order to enjoy any of the rights.
Moreover, women did not obtain the right to vote until the 1920's. A good fifty percent of the population "did not have a right to complain" according to the argument that if one does not vote, then he cannot complain. Same for the African-Americans who counted as only 3/5 of a person. Go ahead. If you still hold that I have no right to complain because I didn't vote, I dare you to imply that the slaves had no right to complain.
I have every right to treated as an equal. And, to complain when not treated as such.
I hold that there is no human being on earth enough better than me to rule me without my express individual consent. I certainly will not do it to others--by voting.
Who is enough better than you?