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How did we ever get here. ??


Regular Member
Jan 12, 2010
Poulsbo, Kitsap County, Washington, USA
‘We’ll never be the same’: How a hydroponic tomato garden inspired cops to raid a family’s home

We spend a fair bit of time here on OCDO discussing Qualified Immunity and our rights. This case just might be a break through with regard to accountability.


The raid turned up no marijuana. Before leaving the Harte house, police would only say the family had been targeted and surveilled because marijuana “seeds and stems” had been found on the property. The police also suggested the couple’s son was smoking pot, and told the Hartes to take him to a pediatrician for a drug test.

In the year following the raid, Addie and Bob both struggled to come up with an explanation for why marijuana seeds and stems would have been at their home. The couple say they’ve never smoked pot themselves. There just wasn’t a sensible reason for the raid. The unanswered question began to eat particularly at Bob; previously calm and carefree, he stopped sleeping, and found himself mentally tripping down a rabbit hole of possible scenarios. Who were they dealing with here, he wondered. Was this a situation of corrupt cops or a setup? Or did a neighborhood teen drop some marijuana on their lawn walking by?

Addie, whose brother was a former New York City police officer, watched as her children became frightened just driving by the police station or seeing a patrol car on the road.
Finally, nearly a year after the incident, JCSO provided some documentation to the couple. Right away, they understood what had happened. On the official paperwork before the raid, investigators noted they had pulled the couple’s trash before the incident as part of the investigation. But the reports didn’t refer to “stems and seeds.” They referred to “wet glob vegetation.”
“As soon as we heard that, we knew it was my tea,” Addie told The Post, referring to a loose-leaf Teavana brand tea she drank regularly. “But it took over a year and $2,500 for a lawyer to figure out what had happened.”
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Regular Member
Jul 25, 2017
just another way for the governments to enforce the "Asset forfeiture" laws and prohibitions against lawful citizens.

In this case, i would sue for the max the law allow, just to make an example for their incompetency and misuse of tax payers money.

Only if the hippies were still around, they would be hugging their trees in protest against this tyranny.

Ironally or comically, they us the date 4/20 for the RAID. Look like Kansas need more violent criminals to keeps these cops from boredom.

FYI, this was in 2012.
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color of law

Accomplished Advocate
Oct 7, 2007
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
From all the cases I have read over the years and from personal experience it is clear that the citizen does not have a chance against the police and the courts will do whatever they have to do to protect every dirty cop from prosecution. Remember, the cops are the courts agents.


Regular Member
Mar 3, 2013
I shall do my very best to honor our no LEO bashing rule. Their actions speak well enough.

Where does the blame go here? The top brass at the PD? The local prosecutor? The judge that signed off on the warrant? Clearly they all fumbled the ball on this violation of a law abiding citizens rights... A family was held against their will and yet no chargers against the kidnappers, was there even an apology?.. Do law enforcement agency's no longer use background checks? Is stupidity and ignorances a free past to violate rights?
Is the 4th amendment now a joke?.. We read these horrors and we say oh well, but keep in mind, this horror may happen to us or loved ones

The fourth amendment was not ratified to only protect so-called criminals, law abiding citizens are protected too. Last I checked we are not living in Nazi Germany. Storm troopers busting down doors and looting through the property of law abiding citizens cannot be tolerated in America.

Their stupidity and lack of training cannot go overlooked and excuses no longer tolerated. If our victims did not have the financial means to fight these criminals this case would gain no attention.

Qualified immunity, asset forfeiture BS laws need to be repealed.. Incompetent judges must also be held accountable. We need independent prosecutors that have some balls to prosecute these vile criminals.. We also need LEO to step up and denounce the actions of their criminal blue-line members..

We need Federal authorities and judges to start bringing criminal chargers under federal law statute 18 U.S.C. section 242, deprivation of rights under color of law.. See Screws v United States-- S.ct ( 1945)..

These injustices must not go unpunished.. A warrant , a badge and a gun and persons in possession thereof should not grant authority to commit criminal actions against citizens..

I also think we here at OCDO need change the LEO bashing rule.. If we can't call a spade a spade, than surely we are also part of the problem.

" ' Give me the liberty to know, to utter, and to argue freely according to conscience, above all liberties" John Milton

" To constrain men to any inconvenience doth seem " unreasonable'. Locke

' No one ought to harm another in his life,health,liberty or possessions' Locke

" The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing" Edmund Burke

I feel we are all part of the hypocrisy and guilt thereof..

Were those armed thugs that terrorized that innocent family, were they law-abiding citizens, if yes, count me out of that class of citizen.

My .02
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OC for ME

Regular Member
Jan 6, 2010
White Oak Plantation
The term "thug" is not to be applied to cops...this is a unwritten rule. Unreasonable, irresponsible and un/under trained is permitted here on OCDO.

color of law

Accomplished Advocate
Oct 7, 2007
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
I don't believe it is cop bashing when discussing a court case where cops didn't play by the rules. Nor do I think it is cop bashing when the comments are from personal experience. I agree this forum is not Copwatch, but there are cases that need to be discussed.

One of the problems is bad cop stinch rubs off on to good cops.


Legendary Warrior
May 21, 2006
I don't believe it is cop bashing when discussing a court case where cops didn't play by the rules. Nor do I think it is cop bashing when the comments are from personal experience. I agree this forum is not Copwatch, but there are cases that need to be discussed.

One of the problems is bad cop stinch rubs off on to good cops.
There are those who would say that OCDO is not normally/routinely that place.


Regular Member
Mar 3, 2013
I don't believe it is cop bashing when discussing a court case where cops didn't play by the rules. Nor do I think it is cop bashing when the comments are from personal experience. I agree this forum is not Copwatch, but there are cases that need to be discussed.

One of the problems is bad cop stinch rubs off on to good cops.


We give praise when praise is due, we should be allow to decry, when decrying is apropos.

I'm not anti-cop, I'm pro-citizen!. Cops that commit criminal acts are indeed ***** and criminals. Not bashing simply stating the obvious.

My .02
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Legendary Warrior
May 21, 2006

We give praise when praise is due, we should be allow to decry, when decrying is apropos.

I'm not anti-cop, I'm pro-citizen!. Cops that commit criminal acts are indeed **** and criminals. Not bashing simply stating the obvious.

My .02
Much depends on the level and depth of the reports and of the verbiage used.

Your choice of words is close enough to a rule 6 violation - take note that called decisions are equally valid.


Legendary Warrior
May 21, 2006
"ACAB" is bashing.
"This particular cop in this particular case..." is not bashing.

When even the National Review is calling out police for misbehavior and constitutional violations, then we have reached the level of general public awareness of the problem.


It would therefore appear that you are suggesting that 50 some posts on such behavior would not be bashing or taking on the persona of CopWatch.

We are not the National Review and do not care to be. Our primary tenet is promoting and defending open carried handguns as we go about our everyday business. Posting negative behavior of LEOs in the Social Lounge doesn't change that.

I've said before that the frequency of such posts and/or the verbiage used contributes to my response.


Regular Member
Mar 3, 2013
It would therefore appear that you are suggesting that 50 some posts on such behavior would not be bashing or taking on the persona of CopWatch.

We are not the National Review and do not care to be. Our primary tenet is promoting and defending open carried handguns as we go about our everyday business. Posting negative behavior of LEOs in the Social Lounge doesn't change that.

I've said before that the frequency of such posts and/or the verbiage used contributes to my response.

Grape, Since these kinds of injustices are occurring more and more, the post on the topic will also increase.. These out of control storm troopers need be exposed, not hidden away. The whole system from the judges down to the boots on the ground need be exterminated like the roaches they are.

" No moral man can adjust to injustice" Henry David Thoreau

The Catholic church protected their evil pedophile sexual predators for centuries, Evil is evil, we cannot continue to protect evil.

" Evil is important and has no power but that which we let it extort from us, and, I saw that evil was impotent and the only weapon of its triumph was the willingness of the GOOD to SERVE it"..

We and our posterity are all potential victims..

My .02

Firearms Iinstuctor

Regular Member
Jul 12, 2011
northern wis
We? You are a supposedly a retired cop and you are just now hearing about them due to your internet access? ."

By we I mean most people who would not have any idea what is or is not happening across the country unless it is transmitted by electronic means.

You are old enough to know of the limited reporting of things when we had only the printed word and very limited TV and radio reporting.

If you didn't know there was limited reporting I can not help you.

Do you think a shooting in LA was reported in NY or even heard about in rural America if AP didn't run it.

Now with a couple click of a mouse gets you news from any where.

I never said these things were not happening I just said most people did not hear about them.

The people in the system or the a local area knew about them.

But most people never heard about such happenings because they were not reported in the main stream media.

Except on the rare occasion that they made national news.

You mention being involved with one PD now you find out things going on in
PDs all over the country.

Why because with the click of a mouse you can find that information out.

Firearms Iinstuctor

Regular Member
Jul 12, 2011
northern wis
I've been on the internet since 1985. My PD was run by very connected and informed cops that kept us informed beyond the news and the net. Don't project your limitations onto others.

You were in the system so what.

What about the millions that were not did not have the net only had the main stream media to inform them.

You keep confusing them with I.

As with projecting things it would seem that is a problem for some.


Regular Member
Mar 3, 2013
Or are we just hearing about them more due to the internet being able to spread the word.

Both.. We can only imagine the many injustices that occurred before the advent of the internet and video recording. What we need to see is these vile criminals going to prison. We need follow up on the criminal and civil litigation about these vile criminals...

Until we see justice being served, we and our posterity are in danger each and every day..

Go on youtube and view the actions of these criminals..

My .02

OC for ME

Regular Member
Jan 6, 2010
White Oak Plantation
Or are we just hearing about them more due to the internet being able to spread the word.
Interesting position. I would submit that the Interwebs has eroded the local cop shop from concealing the obvious. Do not take my comment as a negative of any particular cop shop, or your position, just a swipe at any cop shop that has been in the news that has obviously attempted to conceal the truth of their lawlessness...and been give a stay outta jail card.


Regular Member
Jan 12, 2010
Poulsbo, Kitsap County, Washington, USA
Seeing what we want ?

In the original example it appears (to me) the "stake out" of the trash bin was the point of no return. Did the field test really reveal the presence of marijuana or is that what they wanted to find.
As humans we are all wired similarly and often times we will see or hear exactly what we want by creating the situation.
Those that have worked in technical fields will attest that preconceived notions or ideas are or can be disastrous.

I would submit the investigators wanted to find marijuana - so - they did. The difficulty with my assertion is of course proving it.

I would also submit two former CIA agents absolutely understand there is more than one way to skin a cat. I don't think we have heard the last of this.
