Originally Posted by
If you think you are irrelevant then you are and they have won without your having even farted in their general direction.
What have I done? I have argued/exposed national reciprocity for the federal power grab 2nd Amendment neutering boondoggle it is on this and other forums and in real life for one thing. I've done the other usual, and generally useless, writing of letters and making phone calls also.
But if you want me to spend 7 or 8 million bucks in an anti national reciprocity campaign in order to be considered credible then I'm out of luck because I don't have the bucks. Wish I did though so I could spend them so the only thing I really can do is to show people, people like you, just how much of a bull crap anti 2nd Amendment right to bear arms idea national reciprocity is in the hopes they too will spread the word and get enough folks educated/worked up that those mostly useless letters and phone calls start having an effect.
Unfortunately entirely too many people take the position of ecstatically jumping up and down knowing they will have a brand new privilege or they take the other view that they really don't much care because it doesn't change their carrying abilities at all. Neither of which understand they are handing Daddy Fed the power to regulate concealed carry out of existence throughout the entire nation in the future.
How could that possibly happen? All an anti gun Daddy Fed Congress/Administration need do is to set the standards for qualifying for that permit. Standards that include how much the permit itself costs that could be anything Daddy Fed decides prices out the "deplorables", and to set the standards for how much training is necessary, where that training must be had (only one or two places in the country limiting the availability pretty much to only the elite?), and who are acceptable trainers.
By the way.. setting standards is regulating and some folks say the current reciprocity bills don't set any standards for permit qualification but those same folks don't understand that requiring all States to recognize carry permits from other States IS.... regulating carry permits and is setting the precedent of Daddy Fed having the power to .... regulate... even further.
Does all that sound like paranoia? Think about Diane Feinstein's "Mr and Mrs. America. Turn then all in!" comment and consider the make up of a future Congress and Administration. Then ask yourself if Daddy Fed ever EVER passed up any opportunity to use it's power to enact, or at least try like hell to enact, more gun control?
Ok... now you have seen an example of what I do in this, and many other forums, along with talking to folks in real life and those mostly useless letters and phone calls. Now, since you challenged me..... what exactly are YOU doing about it? No animosity in that question... I'm just wondering if you are actively doing something or just howling into the emptiness of OCDO.