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Daily Utah Chronicle - UofU blinks, will allow open carry by students to class


Site Co-Founder
May 13, 2006
Fairfax County, Virginia, USA
Open carry - works like drano to root out and unclog right to bear arms violations . . . even by ivory tower bureaucrats!



After weeks of confusion, the rules regarding firearms on campus might have been settled once and for all.

On Thursday, Rep. Curtis Oda, R-Clearfield introduced a House Bill 75, which would clarify that it is legal to openly carry a firearm on a state college campus. Oda spoke with U President Michael Young, and they came to an understanding that the U cannot ban open carry or regulate any other state firearm laws.

Oda has since removed the language from the bill, deeming it unnecessary.

. . .
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Regular Member
Jun 18, 2009
Salt Lake City, UT
"There should be some room for authority allowing a university campus to enforce its own policies with the gun issue," said Emi Dunn, government relations director for ASUU. "Campus needs to be a safe learning environment, and it is unacceptable for professors or students to feel threatened by the presence of guns in a class room."

Dunn said she is relieved Young addressed the issue, but said ASUU is still opposed to open carry.

"Nearly two-thirds of Utah voters (64%) would oppose an open carry law on campus, and we are part of that two-thirds," she said.

Interesting that the administration feels that they are not subject to state law and are entitled to enforce "policy" and that policy is based upon public opinion THEY happen to agree with.

The state should fire the whole damn lot of them.



Regular Member
Oct 23, 2007
Provo, Utah, USA
On Thursday, Rep. Curtis Oda, R-Clearfield introduced a House Bill 75, which would clarify that it is legal to openly carry a firearm on a state college campus. Oda spoke with U President Michael Young, and they came to an understanding that the U cannot ban open carry or regulate any other state firearm laws.

Oda has since removed the language from the bill, deeming it unnecessary.

. . .

He should have left the language in the bill. It may be unnecessary for the moment, but what about when the leadership (I use that term loosely) at UofU changes? Or when Young gets another wild hair up his behind?


Regular Member
Jan 18, 2010
He should have left the language in the bill. It may be unnecessary for the moment, but what about when the leadership (I use that term loosely) at UofU changes? Or when Young gets another wild hair up his behind?

I agree completely. It WILL be an issue again, eventually, if the language isn't in the final draft of the bill


Regular Member
Oct 23, 2007
Provo, Utah, USA
As I read the most recent amended version of HB75S1, it looks to me like a "one step forward, two steps back" bill. The only thing we appear to gain is the removal of the roaming school zone provision. It looks like it actually expands the definition of a school and adds day care centers to the restricted locations.

There was an attempt to add a provision that would make a person carrying a gun financially responsible if some paranoid school administrator called for a school lock down because of seeing a gun.

As the bill stands now, I am hesitant to support it. I have emailed Rep Oda asking why he put the 1000 foot rule back in, but have not yet received a reply


New member
Mar 30, 2011
The only thing we appear to gain is the removal of the roaming school zone provision.

For firearm possession, HB75S1 also eliminates the 1,000' rule. This is a huge gain. It removes the grounds of a preschool or child-care facility, and narrows the definition of "public or private vocational school or postsecondary institution" to "a public or private institution of higher education."

It looks like it actually expands the definition of a school and adds day care centers to the restricted locations.

"on or about school premises" already includes "in or on the grounds of a preschool or child-care facility". That's the way the law existed before HB75S1 was even a twinkle in Rep. Oda's eye (see 76-3-203.2 (1)(a)(iv)). HB75S1 didn't add them, they're already restricted locations.

As for the definition of schools, they're more narrowly defined under HB75S1 too, unless you consider "in a public or private institution of higher education; or on the grounds of a public or private institution of higher education" to be an expansion from "in a public or private vocational school or postsecondary institution or on the grounds of any of those schools or institutions."

There was an attempt to add a provision that would make a person carrying a gun financially responsible if some paranoid school administrator called for a school lock down because of seeing a gun.

Yes, there was, and it was defeated.

As the bill stands now, I am hesitant to support it. I have emailed Rep Oda asking why he put the 1000 foot rule back in, but have not yet received a reply

HB75S1 essentially splits the definition of "on or about school premises". Previously, it had existed only in 76-3-203.2(1)(a) and applied to both sentencing enhancements for criminal acts and the restriction on firearm possession found in 76-10-505.5. HB75S1 leaves the sentencing enhancements largely untouched (at the request of the Utah Sentencing Commission) and redefines "on or about school premises" for purposes of firearm possession in 76-10-505.5.

The goal of HB75S1 was to ease the restrictions on otherwise-lawful firearm possession. In that regard, it succeeds brilliantly. It removes a number of restricted locations without adding any new ones.
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New member
Mar 14, 2010
Sunset, Utah, USA
Rep. Curtis Oda, R-Clearfield for now

Don't look forward to my vote at the next election. It is time we (all of America) stand up and let our so-called representive know if you do not support our cause (OC) then we will not support your. I have had it up to my eyes-balls with Obama all the way down to our mayors. You had better start looking and listening to the people who put you in office. Only those with the nerve will stand-up and say hell no we are not going to take crap from our government any more. Our fore-fathers based our laws on the Bible whom I believe with my mind body and soul. As a veteran I fought in DS/DS Medically retired and work at the VA in SLC. I do have PTSD and being treated for it along with other things. One I guess you can tell by my rambling on.
We need some buiness cards with what we feel so strong about and know that we can black ball establishments that do not allow OCing.

I am working on one and I will send it to the person who runs this forum if he will email me at work. This is so once I have completed the draft we could let everyone else put in their thoughts. I was thinking of putting the 2nd Amendment on the back of the cards. I have an idea for the front but it is just a matter of putting on paper.


PS: My first Grandson's bithday is the 13th of this month, and I still have not be able to hold him. But if it works out I will see him in late may-early june of this year. Too many family issues.

Don't Tread on Me


Jun 20, 2008
Pleasant Grove, Utah, USA
Don't look forward to my vote at the next election. It is time we (all of America) stand up and let our so-called representive know if you do not support our cause (OC) then we will not support your. I have had it up to my eyes-balls with Obama all the way down to our mayors. You had better start looking and listening to the people who put you in office. Only those with the nerve will stand-up and say hell no we are not going to take crap from our government any more. Our fore-fathers based our laws on the Bible whom I believe with my mind body and soul. As a veteran I fought in DS/DS Medically retired and work at the VA in SLC. I do have PTSD and being treated for it along with other things. One I guess you can tell by my rambling on.
We need some buiness cards with what we feel so strong about and know that we can black ball establishments that do not allow OCing.

I am working on one and I will send it to the person who runs this forum if he will email me at work. This is so once I have completed the draft we could let everyone else put in their thoughts. I was thinking of putting the 2nd Amendment on the back of the cards. I have an idea for the front but it is just a matter of putting on paper.


PS: My first Grandson's bithday is the 13th of this month, and I still have not be able to hold him. But if it works out I will see him in late may-early june of this year. Too many family issues.

Don't Tread on Me

I admit it! You got me scratching my head.... Just what does this have to do with Rep. Oda of Clearfield? I wasn't able to follow your thought process.


Regular Member
May 28, 2012
I've never understood how what amounts to a glorified student organization somehow justified violating state law, but I guess when they can just charge people with unrelated offenses, it isn't a firearms issue? bah, least I can (and do) CC there constantly...