This meeting went off well tonight. I went a little early and shot about 50 rounds thru a German G3 308 rifle that I had not fired before. It was quite an experience after shooting nothing but 5.56 rifle and handguns for several years. More gun than I want to shoot every day. I was OC while I shot at the range, but disarmed to go into the classroom.
Anyway, the meeting started on time but a few people were late. Only about half of the 18 that signed up actually made it to the meeting. The speaker was great. She knew her topic and she was very interesting and interested in the subject matter. She was just like me, wind her up and she wouldn't shut up, if the topic is guns. This lady was a fountain of information about the laws and why and how they got worded like the are. She made a few mistakes but they were minor points. We all survived going about an hour and a half without our sidearms. Not one wounded person in the classroom.
She knew all about KC3 and our lawsuits against UK and several cities, especially Hillview. I didn't tell her that I was a KC3 member until after the meeting. When she was asked about how violations of our laws by local governments happened, she answered correctly that they happen because nobody challenges them. This was a valuable evening. I am glad I went and intend to go to more if the organizer sets them up. He seems like a great guy. I hope that I have the opportunity to hear this speaker again. She made it a worthwhile evening.