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Bellingham Gay Pride 2A Educational Outreach Booth July 14, 2019


Regular Member
Mar 3, 2010
Bellingham, WA, USA
Time to celebrate our LGBT brothers and sisters and let them know that they deserve the right to self defense, too! As usual, we will have a booth setup to perform some education and outreach. The parade is at noon, but we will be there to setup at 9:30am. Anyone with an interest in helping further our 2nd Amendment efforts is welcome to come and help us setup, and/or help man the booth. Even an hour or two is helpful. The folks are nice, the food is great, and our message is really starting to find a receptive audience. We will be coordinating with the Bellingham chapter of the Pink Pistols. The festival may last as long as 6:00pm, but any time you can spend is welcome.