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Anti-gun Employer


Regular Member
Jan 14, 2013
Marion County, Tennessee
I open carry. (duh)

I even open carry at my bank, which is a private business with no policy regarding firearms. I have been doing so since I received my carry permit in February of 2013. The bank manager and I are cool, I'm super nice to all the tellers, and I have a recording of the manager saying he's received zero complaints.

In November, I started a new job working for my local government at the water plant.

During the interview process, an alderman asked me (in the presence of the mayor) about any criminal history. I said "No, they don't give these to thugs." and showed them both my TN Handgun Carry Permit.

I got the job. The employee handbook basically says "Don't do drugs, come to work, and don't do drugs." There are literally zero words regarding weapons in general or firearms in specific.

So a couple weeks into the job, I get told by my supervisor that the mayor 1) Doesn't want me carrying a gun with my work shirt on and B) Doesn't want any guns on the premises of the water plant. So now, I don't wear my work shirt unless I'm literally at work and the other thing is, fortunately, not within State law for him to request. I suppose word got to him from my carrying at the bank, Dairy Queen, and Subway.

All was calm until last month. A coworker informed me of a rumor regarding a police officer. The police officer (supposedly) wanted to arrest me for carrying in the bank. The words from my coworker included "He said he's already caught you once and talked with you about it, and the next time he catches you, he's taking you to jail."

I've never had any interactions with law enforcement regarding where or how I carry. In fact, my only firearms-related interaction with law enforcement was in Dairy Queen, when a state trooper mentioned I should insure my guns separately instead of together.

I dismissed the rumor as being just a rumor, possibly even a hothead cop letting his mouth run too much.

Yesterday, however, when I went to the bank to drop off my paycheck, the manager told me that a cop had been by literally the same day as the last time I'd visited there. He came in so soon after me, the manager thought it couldn't be a coincidence. The cop said "I suggest that you get a 'No guns' sign to stick on your door. The way it is now, just anybody can carry in here." The manager said the cop's tone was cautionary, as though armed citizens are dangerous and "Zomg" and stuff. The manager said "So as it stands now, anybody can legally carry a gun in here. Right?" The cop confirmed it. He said he was getting signs for city hall and the library. Oh, and the cop just happens to be the mayor's son.

The manager told me that he spoke with his manager, who said they have no intention of changing any policies regarding firearms in the bank or any of its branches. So I have that going for me, which is nice.

Some have said we open carry so that we can expose the corrupt cops. Seems like I have found myself shoulder-deep while only wearing waist-highs.


Regular Member
Oct 29, 2008
Montgomery, Alabama, USA
Good for you and good for that bank manager.

Now, let this old man add one word of caution: Watch your back. I'm not telling you to walk on eggshells, but the fact that the mayor doesn't want you carrying either at work or while wearing your work shirt plus the fact that the mayor's son is a cop who doesn't like you carrying (the fact he went to the bank trying to scare them into posting signs) could spell a lot of trouble for you.

Dunno how big your town is, but I do know that small-town politics and politicians can be very dangerous.
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Regular Member
Jan 14, 2013
Marion County, Tennessee
Fairly small. Think rural county seat.

I worked for four years at a company that had a no-weapons policy, and I bit the bullet (haha) then. I do it now, too. I don't carry at work.

I also begrudgingly understand the request to not openly carry (make a political statement) while wearing the work shirt.

But I hope I'm just being paranoid with my all-interactions-recorded-including-phone-calls stand.


Regular Member
Nov 5, 2013
Kalamazoo, MI
"Getting signs for the City Hall and the Library." Hmm. Does TN have any premption laws? Laws that make it more difficult or even illegal for local govt. to enact laws tougher than the State? If so, those signs are moot and un-enforceable.


Regular Member
Jan 14, 2013
Marion County, Tennessee
Tennessee fortunately has almost complete state preemption with four exceptions: enforcement of state or federal laws, discharge of firearms within town/city limits, locations of shooting ranges, and employees carrying while in the course of employment. That last part prompts me to reiterate that I do not carry at work.

Now, the Tennessee Code Annotated (don't ask me to quote it, and my Google-Fu is depleted for the day) says that individuals, private businesses, and government entities may prohibit carry or possession within their buildings or parts of buildings as long as they post a sign. But if they post a sign without the consent of the townfolk who pay their bills there, employees who work at City Hall, or employees who pick up their paychecks there, well, the already-unpopular mayor is going to have more phone calls than he can answer.

Phoenix David

Regular Member
Sep 8, 2009
Glendale, Arizona, USA
...During the interview process, an alderman asked me (in the presence of the mayor) about any criminal history. I said "No, they don't give these to thugs." and showed them both my TN Handgun Carry Permit...

Why didn't you just say "No I don't have a criminal history"?

When someone asks my shoe size I don't whip my shoes off and show them.


Regular Member
Jun 19, 2013
Nashville, TN
So the mayor sits in on interviews for water plant workers? How small is this town? If it's that small, I'd say you better start complying or youre going to be out of a job pretty quickly.

Im always puzzled by how anti gun a lot of these small towns are. My last small town i lived in was like that. nearly everyone has a carry permit but the police/sheriff and politicians are very anti gun.

My friends and i have pretty big weekend shoots at my shop there which is just a mile outside city limits. Id say every other time we shoot, the sheriffs will roll up. I could tell them to shove off as it's private property, we're not doing anything wrong etc but i always put down my firearms im carrying (holstered) and unsling my AK or AR before i walk over to chat with them (they always stop like 50 yards away). The usual melodrama will ensure... "hey, we have a report of shots fired", i point to the several thousand empty shell cases and half dozen guys all holding firearms and say "yes sir, probably going to be a lot more shots fired" they laugh and say ok, be safe guys.

Whole point is i could be a dickhead and make it a big deal but id rather just get along. I don't want my friends being pulled over as they leave. It's difficult to win against cops/politicians. If your source of employment is an anti gun mayor whose son is a local LEO, you should keep a lower profile lest you find yourself needing another job.
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Rusty Young Man

Regular Member
Jun 19, 2013
Árida Zona
I'll second SFCRetired on this one: watch your back and "cover your *ahem*" by recording as much as possible.
You seem to be a lone OCer on the ground against a would-be king and his court :)p).

Best of luck Silvertongue.:)