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"You'll be the first one shot!" You're welcome.


Regular Member
Jan 14, 2013
Marion County, Tennessee
Recently, I got kind of frustrated with someone who disliked my preferred method of carry. He didn't accept it when I told him that the gun-control movement has been trying to separate gun owners (specifically the hunting crowd from the self-defense crowd) for years, and we couldn't really afford to help them out. He pressed on, and I finally responded to his tired old "You'll be the first one shot!" routine with a simple "You're welcome."

He looked a little confused and just walked away.

Has anybody else tried this yet? Do you think it helps or hinders the cause?


Regular Member
Aug 7, 2012
S. Kitsap, Washington state
Recently, I got kind of frustrated with someone who disliked my preferred method of carry. He didn't accept it when I told him that the gun-control movement has been trying to separate gun owners (specifically the hunting crowd from the self-defense crowd) for years, and we couldn't really afford to help them out. He pressed on, and I finally responded to his tired old "You'll be the first one shot!" routine with a simple "You're welcome."

He looked a little confused and just walked away.

Has anybody else tried this yet? Do you think it helps or hinders the cause?

how would it "hinder the cause"?


Jan 14, 2012
earth's crust
Recently, I got kind of frustrated with someone who disliked my preferred method of carry. He didn't accept it when I told him that the gun-control movement has been trying to separate gun owners (specifically the hunting crowd from the self-defense crowd) for years, and we couldn't really afford to help them out. He pressed on, and I finally responded to his tired old "You'll be the first one shot!" routine with a simple "You're welcome."

He looked a little confused and just walked away.

Has anybody else tried this yet? Do you think it helps or hinders the cause?

I'm sure you'll get a xmas card from that guy. :D


Regular Member
Aug 7, 2012
S. Kitsap, Washington state
By causing further division between the two "factions" of carriers. The cause, to me, is getting OC accepted and subsequently ignored by everybody but those who would do us harm.

this whole "two factions of carriers" is far overstated. you have a handful of people in the "tactical" camp who teach classes nessecary to recieve a CPL in most states ,and their recent students.

sure there's extremists in every group, but this shift is far overstated, most people who conceal carry do not have an opinion of open carry. plus it's highly unlikely even a concealed carrier will call his representative and say "these open carriers are a problem time to ban it"


Regular Member
Jan 14, 2013
Marion County, Tennessee
this whole "two factions of carriers" is far overstated. you have a handful of people in the "tactical" camp who teach classes nessecary to recieve a CPL in most states ,and their recent students.

sure there's extremists in every group, but this shift is far overstated, most people who conceal carry do not have an opinion of open carry. plus it's highly unlikely even a concealed carrier will call his representative and say "these open carriers are a problem time to ban it"

My experiences must vary slightly from yours.


Regular Member
Feb 3, 2013
Las Vegas
Yes, we all know that thugs are well trained in going to a stop-and-rob armed with a keen sense of threat awareness, situational assessment and multiple contingencies for every stick-em-up op :lol:

I believe that crooks want the easy way...the easy money. If they take the time to look around and see a threat they usually go to the next easier target. Those that are too concentrated on the prize usually get caught by surprise.

I should try to get a grant so I can study this crap and/or finish my thesis:uhoh:
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Regular Member
Jan 4, 2011
Recently, I got kind of frustrated with someone who disliked my preferred method of carry. He didn't accept it when I told him that the gun-control movement has been trying to separate gun owners (specifically the hunting crowd from the self-defense crowd) for years, and we couldn't really afford to help them out. He pressed on, and I finally responded to his tired old "You'll be the first one shot!" routine with a simple "You're welcome."

He looked a little confused and just walked away.

Has anybody else tried this yet? Do you think it helps or hinders the cause?

play it like we do here , people have been ocing for years so ,surely you can state a case, and the site that I can look up would be????


Regular Member
May 27, 2013
Salem, Or
Recently, I got kind of frustrated with someone who disliked my preferred method of carry. He didn't accept it when I told him that the gun-control movement has been trying to separate gun owners (specifically the hunting crowd from the self-defense crowd) for years, and we couldn't really afford to help them out. He pressed on, and I finally responded to his tired old "You'll be the first one shot!" routine with a simple "You're welcome."

Best answer ever


Regular Member
Aug 7, 2007
Granite State of Mind
Great response. The fact that you confused him and caused him to wander off means you disrupted his thought process and gave him something else to chew on.


Regular Member
Dec 29, 2008
Recently, I got kind of frustrated with someone who disliked my preferred method of carry. He didn't accept it when I told him that the gun-control movement has been trying to separate gun owners (specifically the hunting crowd from the self-defense crowd) for years, and we couldn't really afford to help them out. He pressed on, and I finally responded to his tired old "You'll be the first one shot!" routine with a simple "You're welcome."

He looked a little confused and just walked away.

Has anybody else tried this yet? Do you think it helps or hinders the cause?

Love it... Absolutely love it.


Regular Member
Aug 20, 2012
I just had a conversation with a long time friend who proclaimed that if we were standing next to one another (he carrying concealed and myself OC) I would be the first one shot in an armed robbery.. And that I should get a CHL. We had a long talk and he is certainly set in his ways so the conversation ended when oregon ducks were brought up and another argument started.. But what does it matter if I OC? Does that hurt the cause? Does that drive a wedge? I don't think so...

-Matt of Hillsboro OR-

Firearms Iinstuctor

Regular Member
Jul 12, 2011
northern wis
I would say 90 percent of the people out there never see your OC gun let alone some one who is busy with something else.

Yes it could happen but then can a lot of other bad stuff I don't worry about it.


Well-known member
Jan 6, 2010
Fairborn, Ohio, USA
BGs hate the presence armed citizens.

If one plans on robbing a place and sees your OCed firearm, what is his most likely reaction? Taking you out first, or leaving in favor of a better time or place to commit the robbery.

For the answer, google "open carry waffle house kennesaw georgia."
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