Accomplished Advocate
Sure, the shooters are crazy people, who form a random element in society. So it's theoretically possible that all the sudden instances are merely coincidental. But I don't believe it. I think someone acting on behalf of the fascists has been roiling up crazy young men to goad them into "direct action" in order to support public fear in order to overcome legal objections to regulation of the right to bear arms. Since the U.S. has been doing domestic surveillance, particularly with respect to "social media", they have the capability to identify such whackoes pretty easily (I know, I wrote some of the earliest software used for that sort of purpose in the early 1980's on a contract to "A Government Agency"). I'll bet they're using AI algorithms to participate in online FPS games designed to locate and identify such people. And once found, someone can buddy-up to them and work them into a frenzy, suggest tactics, etc. And, having created mass hysteria out of engineered violence, they propose to sail in and solve the problem for us. Just as when that government agency was importing huge amounts of cocaine into the U.S. to fund the secret parts of the war in Nicaragua, and Reactionary Bush said, in effect, "Just give us more money and power and we'll solve the problems associated with drug violence."
"You can trust me, I'm from the Government and I'm here to help you."
Well, and now we're sending missiles to Ukraine, conditioned on their sincere promise not to use them offensively against targets inside Russia. So, that precedent having been established, what if, instead of "gun control", we just sincerely promise to use the guns for defensive purposes only?
Some other issues regarding proposed Senate bills re: gun control -
- state law sets age of majority for each state
- in states in which the age of majority is 18, and congress passes a law that says 18-20 y.o. can't buy rifles, that's a violation of the right to equal protection
- the second amendment is an amendment, thus takes precedence over all conflicting prior documentation, including the supremacy clause, regulation of interstate commerce, as well as management of the economy and the "postal roads". The amendments are not merely extra provisions tacked-on after the fact.
Congress lacks the authority to do what it's attempting.
"You can trust me, I'm from the Government and I'm here to help you."
Well, and now we're sending missiles to Ukraine, conditioned on their sincere promise not to use them offensively against targets inside Russia. So, that precedent having been established, what if, instead of "gun control", we just sincerely promise to use the guns for defensive purposes only?
Some other issues regarding proposed Senate bills re: gun control -
- state law sets age of majority for each state
- in states in which the age of majority is 18, and congress passes a law that says 18-20 y.o. can't buy rifles, that's a violation of the right to equal protection
- the second amendment is an amendment, thus takes precedence over all conflicting prior documentation, including the supremacy clause, regulation of interstate commerce, as well as management of the economy and the "postal roads". The amendments are not merely extra provisions tacked-on after the fact.
Congress lacks the authority to do what it's attempting.