hummm barros....seems in your initial post your final sentence was, how did you word it,
Yes, it is analogous to the dilemma faced by the military.
Then you "stated" you meant:
My original statement was regarding collateral damage.
whew barros, i'm sure glad i didn't mis-speak when i made my comment towards you about "mean what ya say & say what ya mean!"
oh and your civility is almost bordering on elementary school potty mouth

oh wait a sec...number 5 crossed the line...yepper certifiable school grade potty mouth language...
so for reasonable discourse about reading the WHOLE constitution...hummm let me check sumthing...yepper still on the premier open carry firearm site in the nation where the only thing that concerns me is the interpretation of the only amendment of the constitution concerning itself with firearms which is the 2nd amendment.
as for your stated grandiosity bravado of stalking a trespasser or wanting to kill a police informant neighbour or how you are going to jump into any fracas involving a public shooting event and protect life is nothing more than just further BS bravado which i filed under "W" for who cares!
soooo barros...any other reasonable discourse you wish to engage in...cuz you haven't yet!