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What was the last firearms related bill to pass


Regular Member
Mar 29, 2007
Virginia USA, ,
imported post

That actually addressed a crime?

Thinking of the Restaruant bill and Gun show bill - none of these actually address a crime being committed. They are all dealing with "possible" crimes being committed in the future.

What was our last bill that dealt with firearms used in the comission of a crime?

I guess it is too much for the legislature to actually punish those that commit crimes and far easier to punish everyone instead.


Campaign Veteran
Apr 5, 2008
Prince William County, Virginia, USA
imported post

I have a theory about this question. Pretty much anything a criminal would want to do is already illegal. Rather than have nothing to do, legislators start making more laws duplicating the existing laws, making them broader and start making citizens into criminals.


Regular Member
Mar 29, 2007
Virginia USA, ,
imported post

DHCruiser wrote:
I have a theory about this question. Pretty much anything a criminal would want to do is already illegal. Rather than have nothing to do, legislators start making more laws duplicating the existing laws, making them broader and start making citizens into criminals.
I can't say you are off the mark ;)

Look at school bans. What do they help? If you are going to take a gun on to a school to shoot someone you are breaking a far more important law: Murder.


Campaign Veteran
Apr 5, 2008
Prince William County, Virginia, USA
imported post

Exactly. It's similar to a large corporation when they replace a big honcho. If the new guy leaves everything the same, then they are stepping in and running the old guy's layout, which means they can only take so much credit. So, they reorganize, lay people off, hire other people, etc. Whether it's a good or bad structure, it's "their" structure and now they can claim the productivity of the company is due to their changes.

Lawmakers want to have their name on big bills and be able to say "Hey look, I made a difference. All this good is due to what I did." Unfortunately, they step on citizen's rights more often than help the situation. It's too bad there aren't more people who want to be good lawmakers / defenders of freedom rather than all the people who just want their names in a history book somewhere.