A photo of a open carried pistol over the commentary...[couldn't get the foto to copy properly...sigh!]
"The security of kydex with the comfort of premium durable leather. A new kind of concealed!"
urban carry holsters...
[ https://urbancarryholsters.com/?gclid=EAIaIQobChMI6d_f8rep7wIVBBSzAB3QowsjEAEYASAAEgJ3S_D_BwE ]
H U Z Z A H!
"The security of kydex with the comfort of premium durable leather. A new kind of concealed!"
urban carry holsters...
[ https://urbancarryholsters.com/?gclid=EAIaIQobChMI6d_f8rep7wIVBBSzAB3QowsjEAEYASAAEgJ3S_D_BwE ]
H U Z Z A H!