When you become a national citizen, you become a citizen of said state you got citizenship in.
Maybe not Virginia, it is a Commonwealth, but say that in many states further west and it could quite possibly end with your person leaking some blood in a non fatal way. It is not an opinion I recommend being vocal about.:cuss:You may be a citizen by birth or by legal process of the United States. There is no "citizenship" of any state.
Let's work towards getting a good (excellent) National Gun law that recognizes open carry, concealed carry, etc.
Maybe not Virginia, it is a Commonwealth, but say that in many states further west and it could quite possibly end with your person leaking some blood in a non fatal way. It is not an opinion I recommend being vocal about.:cuss:
Seriously? I am a citizen of the United States that happens to live in the Commonwealth of Virginia. Before I moved here, I resided in the State of Maryland. Where I live does not make me a citizen of that jurisdiction, because I am a citizen of the United States. I may be subject to my current jurisdiction's laws, but my rights as a citizen devolve from the U.S Constitution. When I travel in Europe, my passport says that I am a United States citizen, not a Virginian.
Make no mistake -- I am very happy residing in Virginia, especially as that residency gives me more freedom concerning my right to keep and bear arms compared to my former residence... but no matter where I live in this great country, I am, first and foremost, a U.S. citizen.
ROTFLMAO. I was stating something so different from what you read, it is nearly on a different planet.
You have absolutely ZERO understanding of the people who live in the western (not the Left Coast) states. I suggest you go back and re-read both the post I quoted and what I wrote. You should probably do it very S L O W L Y. Possibly only one word at a time.
You are both right - or at least you are both correct.
One of the great tests of citizenship is - or used to be - the franchise to vote. Because you are a citizen of the nation you get to vote in the national elections. Because you are a citizen of the state* you get to vote in the state elections. Because you are a citizen of the municipality you get to vote in their elections.
* At one time "the state" (emphasis on the small-"s"-ness of "state") used to be the defining issue as these were the United states. Nowadays the emphasis seems to be on the plurality of the United States. We can thank, among many others, Mr. Lincoln for not preserving but actually creating the Union we now have, as opposed to the union we used to enjoy.
Yes, some of the states located West of New Yawk City are putting a lot more emphasis on the 10th Amendment than it used to get. But how all that ties in with whether or not we want a national handgun carry permit, based on a national law, often escapes me. The best I can come up with in tying the two together is that each state asserting its own soverignty while at the same time equally respecting the soverignty of all the other states should, at least in theory, give us coast-to-coast carry based on the permit our home state issued to us. Heck, they do it with drivers licenses and automobiles kill and maim more people each year than do all non-military/non-LEO firearms. (I started to write "civillian" but LEO falls under that heading, doesn't it?)
stay safe.
Why is there such an uproar about the confusion that would be caused by a few States having slightly different laws concerning illegal immigration enforcement, but not a care in the world about the myriad gun laws that exist in the 50 States? With the millions of different gun laws, you are breaking the law in one State, but not breaking it in another. This exists in almost all States, Counties, Municipalities. Let's work towards getting a good (excellent) National Gun law that recognizes open carry, concealed carry, etc. The only exception I can think of is if an owner of private property posts a sign prohibiting firearms in his establishment. He has the right to post the sign and we have the right to picket. See how easy it is?
I'm all for all states to recognize the constitution for what it says and allow everyone to keep and bear arms. However to force all states into one national gun law and regulation removes the states rights argument.