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Tennessee LEO expanded to include Enhanced Carry Permitees. HB 2554 Hurt, and SB 2523 Hensley


Active member
Nov 21, 2018
Washington Island, WISCONSIN. Out in Lake Michigan

Firearms and Ammunition - As introduced, expands the definition of "law enforcement officer" to include a person who has been issued an enhanced handgun carry permit; provided, that the permit is not suspended, revoked, or expired, for purposes of authority to carry a firearm under certain circumstances. - Amends TCA Title 39.


Regular Member
Aug 22, 2013
here nc
Open Carry is only legal for those with a valid permit/license to carry a concealed firearm. (handgunlaw.us)

39-17-1351 – Enhanced Handgun Carry Permit
(n) (1) Except as provided in subdivision (n)(2) and subsection (x), a permit issued pursuant to this section
shall be good for eight (8) years and shall entitle the permit holder to carry any handgun or handguns that the
permit holder legally owns or possesses. The permit holder shall have the permit in the holder's immediate
possession at all times when carrying a handgun in a location or manner that would be prohibited if not for the
person's status as an enhanced handgun carry permit holder and shall display the permit on demand of a law
enforcement officer under such circumstances

Firearms and Ammunition - As introduced, expands the definition of "law enforcement officer" to include a person who has been issued an enhanced handgun carry permit; provided, that the permit is not suspended, revoked, or expired, for purposes of authority to carry a firearm under certain circumstances. - Amends TCA Title 39.

key statements from dougie's cite:
HB = Ref. to Civil Justice Committee
SB = Senate Judiciary Committee

may they rest in peace...but that stated...notice whom the enhanced permit is geared for...

Training requirement options for Enhanced Handgun Carry Permit
8 Hour handgun safety course certificate
P.O.S.T. certification
T.L.E.T.A. (The Law Enforcement Training Academy)
Armed Guard
Dept. of Corrections
Proof of military handgun training

Firearms training accepted for the Concealed Carry Permit
Active or honorably discharged military (Active duty ID or DD-214)
Prior TN Handgun Carry Permit (not suspended or revoked)
Active law enforcement (Current credential card). Governmental law enforcement agency firearms
blah blah blah...
training course and qualifying to carry a firearm in the course of normal police duties.

Dirk platinum

Regular Member
Nov 3, 2013
The “enhanced” permit was the only permit tn had for decades. It’s not geared toward cops all those cop things are just special treatment for them to skip the 8 hour class that “regular” people have to do. (cops need no permits to carry anywhere in tn ) over 100,000 people have had that permit before it’s name was changed. Before adding the concealed only permit and the “permitless “ carry , the “enhanced “ was just called , handgun carry permit.
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Regular Member
Aug 22, 2013
here nc
The “enhanced” permit was the only permit tn had for decades. It’s not geared toward cops all those cop things are just special treatment for them to skip the 8 hour class that “regular” people have to do. (cops need no permits to carry anywhere in tn ) over 100,000 people have had that permit before it’s name was changed. Before adding the concealed only permit and the “permitless “ carry , the “enhanced “ was just called , handgun carry permit. Once again solus speaks of a state he doesn’t live in like he has any idea what he’s talking about.
Dirk, a TN heresy history lesson, w/o applicable cites per forum guidelines, was excellent...thanks...

however Dirk, the cites i provided in feb 22 were from the TN state training requirements for either the concealed or enhanced carry permits and if you noticed specifically P.O.S.T or T.L.E.T.A training specifically completed by those individuals who perceive they are consecrated, er blessed, as LEs.

however, as you noticed, Nightmare started this thread with a commentary of pending TN legislation, w/o clarification, aiming on expanding the State's statutory definition of Law Enforcement and the enhanced permit.

"HB2554/SB2523: Firearms and Ammunition - As introduced, expands the definition of "law enforcement officer" to include a person who has been issued an enhanced handgun carry permit; provided, that the permit is not suspended, revoked, or expired, for purposes of authority to carry a firearm under certain circumstances. - Amends TCA Title 39." https://wapp.capitol.tn.gov/apps/subjectindex/BillsBySubject.aspx?PrimarySubject=1785&GA=112

so back to the statement at hand...do you have cite for your statement "cops need no permits to carry anywhere in tn"
but allow this outsider provide some insight to members which disputes your heresy "anywhere" perception, quote:
Tennessee Code Title 39. Criminal Offenses § 39-17-1350
(a) Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, any law enforcement officer may carry firearms at all times and in all places within Tennessee, on-duty or off-duty, regardless of the officer's regular duty hours or assignments, except as provided by subsection (c), federal law, lawful orders of court or the written directives of the executive supervisor of the employing agency.

(c) The authority conferred by this section shall not extend to a law enforcement officer:

(1) Who is not engaged in the actual discharge of official duties as a law enforcement officer and carries a firearm onto school grounds or inside a school building during regular school hours unless the officer immediately informs the principal that the officer will be present on school grounds or inside the school building and in possession of a firearm.  If the principal is unavailable, the notice may be given to an appropriate administrative staff person in the principal's office;

(2) Who is consuming beer or an alcoholic beverage or who is under the influence of beer, an alcoholic beverage, or a controlled substance or controlled substance analogue;  or

(3) Who is not engaged in the actual discharge of official duties as a law enforcement officer while attending a judicial proceeding.

humm Dirk, your definition of 'anywhere' isn't the same as what the TN statutory states places where LE can not carry!

ps...CoL, seems you were right...
HB2554: Taken off notice for cal in s/c Civil Justice Subcommittee of Civil Justice Committee

SB2523: Assigned to General Subcommittee of Senate Judiciary Committee