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Seriously thinking of doing a bi-monthly BBQ


Regular Member
Mar 26, 2011
Lexington, Ky
Hey guys, while I was packing up my Jeep with my grill, supplies, condiments, and other items that doesn't require being in a fridge over-night, I got to thinking; I -really- love to BBQ, grill, and cook in general. I would like to poke around, and test the waters, to see if I held a twice-monthly event, of grilling, getting together, and shooting the sh*t with other OCers, if anyone would take an interest, and come along!

I know that the one main challenge for any of us to go to an event, or meet-up, 90% of the time, is distance. We have a few people who live in the Ashland area, a few in the L-ville area, a couple in NKY/Cinci, a handful in Lexington, and the I-75 region, and more out west. And while I wish I could satisfy everyones needs, I'd just like to have a Grill n' Greet, say, twice a month in June, held at Jacobson park in LEX, not reserving anything so no need to worry about .gov permission, just everyone gather at a table, unpack my grill, and get to talking, eating, and lazing about. then in July holding two grill n' greets, say, down at Lake Cumberland, or one down there, and another at Grayson Lake over in Grayson.

I literally found out today by sheer chance, and the purest of luck, that my barrel grill can fit in the back of my jeep in two sections. So, this means I don't have to use those nasty POS grills at parks that are infested with Gods know what. I watch the BBQ Pit Boys channel on Youtube RELIGIOUSLY and along with my own techniques, I wanna share it with other OC'ers, and I wanna get us all somewhat organized, or at least together now and then.

Look, I know each and every one of us have are disagreements, and I know that I've peeved off a couple people on our sub-forum, and likewise been Peeved off by a couple other people. But how about we bring our guns, and our apetites to a meet, and have some meat!

What do you all say? Anyone up for some hot-weather, hot-food, juicey lazing about noms?

as far as meats go, I prefer to shop at a local butcher in Mt. Sterling, and I can get my hands on some domestic [pork, beef, goat, lamb] meat products, as well as some exotic [aligator, elk, buffalo, gazelle] meats. So you guys just worry about bringing drinks and sides, and leave the meats to me :p


Campaign Veteran
Jan 15, 2007
The standard response is "Hold it and they will come."

Remember, if just one person shows up it was a success. Which gives you the impetus to do it again, hoping that the second time more folks show up. If nobody comes do it again anyway to give folks a chance to think about what they missed.

Post it. Keep reminding folks as the date draws closer. Consider posting a running list of those coming. (Look at the posts for the monthly OC dinners in the Virginia/Richmond section.)

stay safe.


Regular Member
Jun 21, 2010
Gravel Switch, KY
I'd be down for something. My problem is that it would most likely have to be a Sunday event for me as I am working every Saturday.


Regular Member
Apr 8, 2012
sparta ky
OK just seen this.
Has anything happen yet.
I work every other weekend so I may be able to make one.

Mike D


Regular Member
Mar 26, 2011
Lexington, Ky
My appologies for not posting any updates, I've been in Tornado Alley the past couple of days, doing some Tornado chasing! Gotta tell ya, Wyoming is a very pretty state, but I'll always remember it as the state where I took a softball sized hail stone in my sun roof winder. My hail protector didn't even stop the stone!

As I'm currently planning my July 4th weekend to be camping in Pennsylvania, and the end of this month for personal time, I'll say let's look for the second weekend of July, at Jacobson Park in Lexington, OR at the Fort Boonesborough picnic ground. Probably on a Sunday, early afternoon, or a Saturday late afternoon.

Only thing I'd say to bring, is name tags, an apetite, and any side-dishes that anyone likes, and can share. I deal in the grilling of meats, and all I realyl need is some bread to slap it on, and some soda, so if you guys want something extra, then bring it along!