Firearms Iinstuctor
Regular Member
CC outdoors and take your coat off once inside - that's why all of the fasteners are in the front.
That's what they put zippers in for one would have never guessed:banana:
CC outdoors and take your coat off once inside - that's why all of the fasteners are in the front.
Happy New Years Everybody . This now being 2016 we now have open carry in Texas ...yaaaahhhooooo...ok I would like to start this as the new thread of o-carrying experiences year = new thread.Do I have the record? left down town ft worth shortly after turn of the year , went to waffle house and ate an entire double h-browns,two eggs ,toast ,glass of oj off the five dollar menu and hee hawed with some customers all while open carrying without incident.went to wallmart in Irving off of 183 gathered sausage, onion and when getting the banana's at 03:58 am ,little miss Walmart and the biggest male employee that was available came all the way from the midsection of the cash register isle to check my permit status, she was very nervous to where she kept dropping the few things she had in her hands, and her help just buzzed around on the other side of the fruits. I told her that she has no right to check permits of open carriers unless she was l.e.o. and then she needed an r.a.s... she said that she was told to do it and didn't really want to . I said well that may possible get you a charge of impersonating an officer, that is a felony ,also corperate wallmart policy allows what the state allows I have the number do you want it ,but if you deny me my legal right to carry you may also be in trouble with another new tx law ...I believe but not sure the first time is $1500 and the second one I think is $10,000 but not certain on this. i stated that i didn't see any 30.06 or 30.07 sign on the entrance she said there is one on the other side but it was behind some thing to where you can't really see it ,I said maybe there is one on the another side but not on the entrance I came in . ok then there may possible be another hit for improper signage , can I get you a cart so the you don't have to keep picking up the things that you keep dropping. now the cops are being called and I hear the guy say they couldn't send anyone unless I was being a problem because they don't really know what the law is also...little miss Walmart didn't have a name tag but kept telling me to just keep shopping anyway . a little open carry meet could help this store, so I think . like I mentioned earlier this started happened at 3:58 am any body else get accosted before me?well lets hear it.....update I have been back several times and no other contacts were made ....really it seems to me that texas has been handling o-carry very well
Decided to swing by Bass Pro at the Rim (I-10 @ 1604) after lunch. I didn't get asked for my license OTW in and nobody raised an eyebrow or said a word. There were two checkouts open. I got stuck behind some guy who's credit card wouldn't read. I did notice everybody else was going to the other checkout though. Not sure if they could've even realized there was a card read problem or if they just felt more comfortable not standing in line behind me.
sumthuth bout deodorant fail in the lone star state me thinks ~ this is the SECOND story about folk backing up from OCers...
guess the excitement of carrying ur shooting peace makes you forget the hygiene essentials, eh?
can't be the firearm...mine don't stink...ask me
Wasn't the green van with square wheels supposed to have picked you up 30 minutes ago?
guess the excitement of carrying ur shooting peace makes you forget the hygiene essentials, eh?
<wall of text>
I decided it wasn't worth my while to try and decipher the wall of text (something the OP could have easily done by editing it), but to the OP:First of all, the paragraph is your friend. Use it. ...
... A sure way to see more 30.07 signs is to act like a jerk when openly carrying. Give it some thought.
Well we don't all get a sponge bath 3 times a day like you do
Besides, I was checking out with a few boxes of ammo. Maybe the site of me OC with boxes of ammo in hand was enough to deter them from standing behind me rather than my substandard deodorant.
I would think that the best place to be would be right behind the guy with a gun and plenty of ammo
Decided to swing by Bass Pro at the Rim (I-10 @ 1604) after lunch. I didn't get asked for my license OTW in and nobody raised an eyebrow or said a word. There were two checkouts open. I got stuck behind some guy who's credit card wouldn't read. I did notice everybody else was going to the other checkout though. Not sure if they could've even realized there was a card read problem or if they just felt more comfortable not standing in line behind me.
I've heard it said, that a fox doesn't smell his.--snipped--...mine don't stink...ask me
First of all, the paragraph is your friend. Use it.
This was a Wal*Mart that sells alcohol, right?
What is your point? Are you thinking of the "51%" sign and sorta equated it to the 30.07 sign? By Law, they mean different things...
I told her that she has no right to check permits of open carriers unless she was l.e.o. and then she needed an r.a.s...
She certainly has the right to ask to see your permit and eject you should you refuse to comply.
He wasn't buying cigarettes, beer, guns or (obviously) hard liquor [we know this because Wal*Mart CAN'T sell liquor in Texas!] and was 'detained' by a civilian for the brazen act of breaking NO Law --and asked for his 'papers'.
By your later logic (see below), ANYONE working there is instantly an "Authority" capable of speaking for the entire company. That said, if that's the companies policy: POST ALL NECESSARY SIGNS, as dictated BY LAW, and have a MANAGER simply ask them to leave. Most likely they'll try to make their point while leaving yet --the business itself will be left with a shopping cart full of [unsold] goods needing restocked/spoiled/thawed, no money and a future non-customer.
I said well that may possible get you a charge of impersonating an officer, that is a felony
Oh, please. This statement is silly. Unless you are so dense that you think a small female wearing a blue Wal*Mart smock is a LEO.
Can't speak for Texas, yet in Nevada there IS a State Code that addresses the matter of someone approaching you under the "Color of the Law", which may apply here as well in that: a citizen cannot ask another citizen for ID arbitrarily. The Law must somehow factor in. Given that they lacked the proper signage... you do the math.
,also corperate wallmart policy allows what the state allows I have the number do you want it ,but if you deny me my legal right to carry you may also be in trouble with another new tx law ...
There is no general right to carry on private property. Texas requires a permit to carry in a business that sells alcohol for off-premise consumption. Allowing an non-licensee to carry could cost the business its liquor license. Since Wal*Mart is following state law, by your standard you don’t have a valid complaint.
Following State Law is my litmus test. Texas required (until 01/01/2016) a License to carry concealed OR a long gun (without license!) --Now it allows for the LICENSED carry that is open. All the same, if a business DOESN'T like it, they don't create the rule of Law but the Law gave them the Right to tell them to go away. While I've never been 'trespassed' for OC, how many stories can you relate to us that tell a different story?
In any event, notice by somebody with apparent authority negates the need for any sign. Don’t be such a drama queen. You were not “accosted,” you were addressed in a polite manner.
"Apparent authority", you say? "Addressed", you say? "negates the need for any sign", you say? That last one is pretty telling as to where you stand between Lawful and Authoritarian. There ARE ACTUAL LAWS regarding those signs.
Who is the REAL "drama queen" here?
A sure way to see more 30.07 signs is to act like a jerk when openly carrying. Give it some thought.
I'd be inclined to address the harassment of the store Manager's personal policy, as they set the tone: reacting to a person breaking no laws by bringing the largest guy they could find [on their payroll] to act as muscle for the intent of both; "We hired you because you're both big and stupid." and that "I'm the Boss and I'M RIGHT".
30.07 basically TELLS you that 'You're not welcome here', still, is it being a jerk or standing up for ones Constitutional Rights? Many people, especially HERE on this forum, hate/d the idea of open carry of long guns by Texans (when that was all we were 'allowed') and we were mocked... yet, despite all the videos you'll see portraying them as idiots and reckless... they helped make this happen. So the way I see it, +apjonas (does the AP stand for the Associated Press? That would be interesting as I quoted you above!), you're simply here to cast doubt and dispersion on a Right you so dearly despise.
Please let me know if I've mishandled this.
Floyd's barbershop for a haircut, then Exxon for gas and the winning ticket. Dinner at Pho Que Huong and then picked up dessert at Ida Claire. Still no issues, comments, or signs.
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Great stuff! Errrm, except...I actually have the winning ticket
Let me get this thread back on topic....
Decided to change it up and carry in the shoulder holster today.
First stop was a convenience store to buy a few Powerball tickets (I know, I know but it's 1.3 billion man!). The clerk was talking to what I assumed was a friend of his at the counter and then just both stopped talking and sort of stared at me. I went about my business and as I was leaving I noticed a small gunbuster sign on the door and little type saying "no open carry." Whoops, I was day dreaming about winning all that money and I let my situational awareness down. Looked around at the front of the store from my car at all the various advertisement signs and crap they had in the window and about 15-20ft from the left of the entrance was a 30.07 sign in the corner. Whoops again, but it was far enough away from the entrance that any person could have easily not seen it. Clerk didn't mention it. Either way I won't be going back there again.
Grabbed an over-priced coffee and did some grocery shopping. I don't think anyone even noticed I was carrying.