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open carry with concealed weapon..


Regular Member
Feb 28, 2011
Goldsboro, North Carolina, United States
if you are open carrying.. then it is known that you have a weapon. so if you have a sneaky pete on your ankle, would that be breaking concealed carry laws? (if youdont have a concealed carry permit) i assume technically the weapon is concealed so yes, but if you are showing.. then why would it matter?.

and on a different note... why in the hell am is so dissapointed with where my country is going lately?? im ready to move to texas, but dont want to so that NC have 1 more conservative vote. how are the gun laws in texas?


Campaign Veteran
Jan 15, 2007
if you are open carrying.. then it is known that you have a weapon. so if you have a sneaky pete on your ankle, would that be breaking concealed carry laws? (if youdont have a concealed carry permit) i assume technically the weapon is concealed so yes, but if you are showing.. then why would it matter?.

Yes, your BUG is concealed and therefore you need to have the appropriate paperwork. There is nothing wrong with having a BUG - in fact some folks highly recommend it. But if it's concealed you need the paperwork to remain on the lawful side.

and on a different note... why in the hell am is so dissapointed with where my country is going lately?? im ready to move to texas, but dont want to so that NC have 1 more conservative vote. how are the gun laws in texas?

I'm going to guess that your feelings stem from the same issues as a lot of folks here on OCDO and around the rest of the country. GTT (Gone To Texas) used to be a way of getting away from the over-civilization of the rest of the country, but now I think you will find that Texas has very little to offer over NC (except perhaps for that ego thing:D) - to start with they do not allow OC in Texas. Next, their BBQ is vastly different than what you are used to and it does not even use pork half the time:uhoh:.

As bad as the condition of the country is at the moment, there is still not another one that is better. Running away just gets you out of the frying pan and into the fire. Better to stay where you are and contribute to the fight to restore and preserve rights than go to a place where they have fewer rights to begin with. Applies to going to Texas as much as it does going to Australia. (And that's a shame because when I visited both places I met folks who are wonderful.)

stay safe.


Regular Member
Mar 24, 2011
Okanogan Highland
You can OC your main and CC your bug IF you have a concealed permit (except in AK, AZ, VT resident of WY, doing some recreational activity in WA and a few other exceptions to the permit part)

Why would you want to move to TX? You can only OC on private property there. Oh yes, like WA they do not have a state income tax...that is a plus.
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