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Just thought I would introduce myself to the rest of Hawaii. I am Active Duty serving with the US Navy, stationed in Pearl Harbor. I heard about this site through my Dept. head, who is also a member here. I have held, and have kept current both my Texas and Colorado CCW permits, so I can carry when I am back home visiting friends. To be honest, I never really gave "open-carry" a thought until about 6 months ago. I never have really followed the laws of the state to much, whatever I was told by a LEO, I guess I pretty much accepted as "it must be true". I'm glad I have seen the light so to speak.
The 2 questions I have are ...1) As big an issue as this is, how can we get MORE people here in this state interested in getting the state laws changed to endorse/enforse the rights already granted us by the US Bill of Rights. IMO there seems to be a major lack of support for this, at least here on this forum. I'm no lawyer, but it seems that the state law directly infringe the right to keep AND bear arms. I don't have a problem so much with being required to obtain a permit to carry, open or concealed, but rather with the fact that1 person, not a lawyer or judge, has unilaterally DENIED WITHOUT CAUSE almost every application for a permit, because of the way the law is worded. Hawaii is a "May Issue", rather than a "Shall Issue" state. My 2nd question addresses this.
2)...There are to bills to the senate right now, SB-327 &SB-328, both dealing with Sec. 134 right now, as to changing to wording from "may issue" to "shall issue" of open carry and concealed carry permits. How can I track the status of these and other bills? I.E. how can I find out when and where these will be discussed, and when is it possible to speak on behalf of, in support of these bills?
I realize that I lack the education and the knowledge I need to help persue this, thats why I'm here......better late than never I guess. Any comments and/or advise here is greatly appreciated. Thanks
Just thought I would introduce myself to the rest of Hawaii. I am Active Duty serving with the US Navy, stationed in Pearl Harbor. I heard about this site through my Dept. head, who is also a member here. I have held, and have kept current both my Texas and Colorado CCW permits, so I can carry when I am back home visiting friends. To be honest, I never really gave "open-carry" a thought until about 6 months ago. I never have really followed the laws of the state to much, whatever I was told by a LEO, I guess I pretty much accepted as "it must be true". I'm glad I have seen the light so to speak.
The 2 questions I have are ...1) As big an issue as this is, how can we get MORE people here in this state interested in getting the state laws changed to endorse/enforse the rights already granted us by the US Bill of Rights. IMO there seems to be a major lack of support for this, at least here on this forum. I'm no lawyer, but it seems that the state law directly infringe the right to keep AND bear arms. I don't have a problem so much with being required to obtain a permit to carry, open or concealed, but rather with the fact that1 person, not a lawyer or judge, has unilaterally DENIED WITHOUT CAUSE almost every application for a permit, because of the way the law is worded. Hawaii is a "May Issue", rather than a "Shall Issue" state. My 2nd question addresses this.
2)...There are to bills to the senate right now, SB-327 &SB-328, both dealing with Sec. 134 right now, as to changing to wording from "may issue" to "shall issue" of open carry and concealed carry permits. How can I track the status of these and other bills? I.E. how can I find out when and where these will be discussed, and when is it possible to speak on behalf of, in support of these bills?
I realize that I lack the education and the knowledge I need to help persue this, thats why I'm here......better late than never I guess. Any comments and/or advise here is greatly appreciated. Thanks