Let me start off by saying I'm very happy to have found this forum. I joined in effort to fully educate myself and anyone I meet on the subject of open carrying. That is to the best of my knowledge and in the most raw, unmolested form of the law. I feel like it's my duty to do so since most of what I hear from people in my family and friends is in my opinion hear say and not backed by a law. Not a good idea to go walking and driving around with a firearm based on hear say.
My name is Jared. I live in Columbiaville, MI and I am 24 years old. I've been around firearms my entire life. Life member of the NRA. Sadly, little knowledge of open carrying a firearm. I have read up on most of the stickies here and miscellaneous links on Google so I feel I'm probably a solid 7/10 as far as general knowledge of laws and procedures go. Now to the questions -
(Reference http://forum.opencarry.org/forums/showthread.php?113518-Open-Carry-without-a-CPL)
Any help is appreciated and sorry for the long winded post. I'm typically short worded but I want to be absolutely sure I'm conveying my questions correctly.
By the way, currently carrying a Taurus G2C 9mm in all black with the standard 13 round clip in a paddle style holster.
Can help with fishing holes and autobody questions in return
My name is Jared. I live in Columbiaville, MI and I am 24 years old. I've been around firearms my entire life. Life member of the NRA. Sadly, little knowledge of open carrying a firearm. I have read up on most of the stickies here and miscellaneous links on Google so I feel I'm probably a solid 7/10 as far as general knowledge of laws and procedures go. Now to the questions -
(Reference http://forum.opencarry.org/forums/showthread.php?113518-Open-Carry-without-a-CPL)
- Do I need an "excuse" or "reason" to transport my legally purchased and registered pistol in my vehicle (MCL 28.422)(MCL 750.227) ? Do I just say I'm going to or from the range every time I'm pulled over and they ask if I have any weapons and why ? Keep in mind my pistol is stored in a case with empty magazines underneath the passenger back seat of my full size Silverado. Ammo stored in the glove box in the box it came in.
- How about the same but open carrying the pistol ? (I know this is an odd question because its my RIGHT to do so) But I've heard from some sources that wouldn't knowingly steer me wrong that they heard from LEO's in their 60+ years that you must have a reason to be carrying the pistol. AKA have a hunting permit. I know ... Odd. (This is what I mean by hear say) Google has not been my friend in these two categories.
- I run my business out of a 6x10 ENCLOSED trailer. I plan on carrying every day while working. The only thing that worries me is: I'm legally carrying my firearm. I get into my trailer which I do quite often to mix paint and get warm in the winter. Am I then breaking the law by concealing the firearm in my trailer ? While still visible on my person, rear barn doors open on trailer.
- Can I keep a loaded magazine in the same case as the firearm ? Not in the magazine well but fully unloaded from the firearm itself. In its appropriate spot in the case. (MCL 750.231a)
Any help is appreciated and sorry for the long winded post. I'm typically short worded but I want to be absolutely sure I'm conveying my questions correctly.
By the way, currently carrying a Taurus G2C 9mm in all black with the standard 13 round clip in a paddle style holster.
Can help with fishing holes and autobody questions in return