Law abider
Regular Member
Yes, indeed they are frustrating!
I dare say that many (most?) user/members here on OCDO would shout triumphantly if tomorrow true Constitutional Carry became the law of the land from coast to coast. We know that isn't going to happen anytime soon - if ever.
Meanwhile, we fight our local battles and right as many wrongs as we can. The local/state convention involvement is a good place to start and then on to the election process. Staying in touch with elected representatives through lobbying efforts adds to the positive outcome frequently.
Problem is that creating and maintaining good relationships frequently involves some compromises along the way.
The person who demands all w/o exception, frequently gets nothing and has burned his/her bridges behind themselves. Hate to see anybody become a ranting voice in the wilderness.
However, every time we gain ground, we are retaking lost territory. Like the old slogan from General Electric said, "Progress is our most important product."
Agree heartily