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New Constitutional Amendment


Regular Member
Jun 27, 2010
North Carolina
Is it time to work for a Constitutional Amendment redefining with explicit language that the original 2nd Amendment bestows an individual right to keep and bear arms in all PLACES? This would include concealed and open carry. My opinion is that at least 40 States would approve, more than needed to pass the Amendment. Or am I looking for an easy way out? ::confused:


Regular Member
Mar 18, 2011
Celina, TX
The obvious trap there is that pressing for such an amendment would be viewed as a tacit admission that the Second Amendment does not already mean exactly that. That's a can of worms we do not want to willingly open.

Herr Heckler Koch

... am I looking for an easy way out?
Yep, and worse. The more words allow more twisted meanings in an increasingly illiterate nation. Look how abused "shall not be infringed" has become.

For example, a particular state bars gun carry in "medical facilities." The state has not clarified that to mean facilities under the direction of a Doctor of Medicine, on one extreme, or Doctor Wu's Holystic and Homeopathic Medicine Parlor on the other extreme.


Regular Member
Jan 5, 2012
Weber County Utah
I see nothing wrong with Amendment II as it stands - just with the left's desire to "interpret" it. The Second should only need interpretation for those who are not native speakers of the English (American version) language, as the amendment itself is quite elegant in it's simplicity. :shocker: Pax...