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My Weapons


Regular Member
Aug 28, 2007
Windsor VA, ,
imported post

Here is the firearms I now own. I will be getting a few more during the year.

The top one is a 308 Lee Enfield , 22 Marlin antique ( no searl numbers) 22 Winchester model 69, Glock 30 (my primary carry weapon) US 38 police positive, Colt new army 44, Remington Army 44, Browning 25, MANN 25, 12 gage percussion cap double barrel shotgun.


Regular Member
Aug 25, 2008
Richmond, Virginia, USA
imported post

I'd post a pic of mine, but they were all lost overboard in a boating accident. We were about 100 miles off of Nags Head. I think it's pretty deep there so I might not be able to get them back.