Oh, I thought it was a good video ... a good example of why investing in additional training is sooooo worth it! :lol:
One of the topics stressed in my advanced training was how to dress with a gun ... even though we are a CC only state, I can still pull, target and shoot in under 2 seconds ... this was a timed draw and shoot command in street clothes. It showed folks the problems with what they were wearing and also demonstrated the problems with certain holsters they were using or the need to cant the holster to facilitate the draw, and we had to maintain concealment ... no hiking the shirt tail over the gun.
I do agree that if you don't practice regularly you will loose the skill. But, along with that is the need to identify and react to a situation with the correct response. This is another advantage to advanced training ... a good course will have a video segment or other identify/shoot/noshoot segment. In one section, we used airsoft pistols against cardboard cutouts that had a map pin stuck through from the back and 2 different colored ballons suspended over the COM or in the Tzone ... pink were friendlies, purple were BGs and the room was darkened, the course was to clear the room and shoot all the BGs including the 2 hidden ones. Cheap, easy to set up and reset. On one target, the pistol misfired 3 times but I kept pulling the trigger until the balloon burst. The instructor laughed at me at the end saying he wasn't sure I was going to get that one, but I did right by continuing to fire until the BG was stopped. Ah, well ... Tap, rack, bang.