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Me - Novice / You - Expert


Regular Member
Jun 27, 2010
North Carolina
To all you great men and women who open carry - I admittedly have little hands on experience, while you guys have been in the trenches for years. What frustrates more than anything is reading 1,000 good experiences and 1,000 bad experiences almost every day. It seems as if we take two steps forward and two steps back in our fight to regain our freedoms. WHAT WE HAVE TO DO IS COORDINATE . Can't we pick a place, say, 4 times a year for all of us to meet? We could have a picnic, pick up trash, wash cars, anything. In numbers, there is strength. We need media coverage, politicians, and children attending. Maybe we can carve the Country up into quarters, and have 4 meetings in each quarter. Maybe, maybe, maybe. Please don't get me wrong. I am so impressed by what all of you are doing, but are making any real headway? Maybe we are, but I am not seeing it.:banghead:

carry for myself

Regular Member
May 1, 2011
the change comes slowly. As it did here in Maine. 2-3 years ago. officers used to tell me i would be shot for OC. Now the smile and wave. Last year. biddeford PD used to harass anyone who OC'ed. now they drive right by.

2 years ago people were getting arrested in Portland. now the cops just attempt to check ID's.

Cabela's did not allow OC for a long time. neither did target, walmart, petco, among other places. but now they do or do with conditions.

we are making change. change is happening, just at a slow pace. the anti-gunners and liberals are making OC hard. but we are pushing back harder. they say "you cant" we say "yes we can" they try to take our guns, we reply with "out of my cold dead fingers"

OC is gaining speed. respect. and people are realizing we are not running away, giving up or just going to up and stop tomorrow.

people are not as affraid because of the media coverage we get.

so yes :) change is happening. just not fast change. :)


Regular Member
Jun 27, 2010
North Carolina
Should have explained better, sorry

Great idea, if I lived in NJ. Sorry, I don't and with gas prices being what they are, post this in the NJ forum. You may get a good response.

Sorry, OC from ME - I didn't mean to have a meeting in NJ, where it is illegal. I meant somewhere in the good ole USA where a particular problem recently happened.


Campaign Veteran
Jan 15, 2007
Grass roots is just that. If you want something to happen, do not ask "Why can't we have a picnic, pick up trash, wash cars, anything?" The way to make it happen is to announce that you are going to do it and wait to see who else shows up to do it with you. If you want media coverage, politicians, and children attending then be sure to invite them.

If your event is sucessful in whatever terms you want to use to define success, then announce you are going to do it again, and invite folks to come join you. Tell them about how much fun doing it was last time, and post pictures of you and whoever else showed up doing it. And invite the media, politicians and children to show up to do/watch you doing it again.

Once you do it twice folks willbegin to think you are serious when you announce you are going to do it again, and they will see that they are not going to be perceived as any more geeky/strange/odd/ outlandish than the folks who did it with you the previous times. They might even begin to think you and whoever showed up to do it actually enjoyed yourselves while doing it. And then they will want to enjoy doing it too.

Good luck to you.

stay safe.


Regular Member
Mar 24, 2011
Okanogan Highland
What skid said, plus, get ACTIVELY!!!! politically involved. Work hard to remove those politico's that are against your movement. NJ is a horror when it comes to handguns. You need a whole new group of people in the legislature. I'm not sure, there may be one or two worth keeping, but oust them and elect supporters. Do not wait for someone else to do it for you. You have to do it yourself.

Go by philosophy, not party or if the politico is an important person. Freedom first is what you are looking for. Then after the election, keep on the ones that were elected to change the law where it is in conflict with your freedoms.

It does not happen instantly, and it does not happen while you sit back and wait... Do you remember who Rosa Parks is? Remember, many gun laws (and drug laws too) were enacted specifically to restrict the rights of certain segments of the population (think colour and language)


Regular Member
Jun 27, 2010
North Carolina
Lesson from Skidmark

On May 23rd, Skidmark and Hermann put me in my place. I know that I can't just offer suggestions without committing to walking the walk. Thanks, guys. I will continue to give suggestions, but will also follow up with doing, organizing, and getting involved.