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Lynchburg Area - OC reports


Founder's Club Member
Jun 12, 2008
Lynchburg, Virginia, USA
The wife and I have still been on the kick to try some new places on the weekend. Last weekend we had Saturday lunch at Skybox of Lynchburg (sandwich shop) and then got dessert at Cao Artisan Chocolates again. The best part of eating at Skybox was receiving the owner's recommendation to try out Hot & Cold Cafe just up the street. We took that recommendation and had lunch there on Saturday. The food offerings are Mediterranean and Indian, with the Indian influence on both since that is where the owner is from. We will certainly be going back to Hot & Cold Cafe as soon as time permits, along with Al Ryan Mediterranean (run by a Jordanian), and Cao Artisan Chocolates. Although the folks at Skybox were pleasant enough, and the place was well decorated and clean inside, I wasn't a big fan of the food. A couple weeks prior we also tried out Ty Thai (Thai restaurant) in Wyndhurst for a second time and were very pleased with our food, although the food is more pricey than the other Thai spots in town. In all of the places I had my sidearm openly carried and nobody seemed to care a bit.

Other than to these new joints, we've hit our regular spots such as RA Bistro, Arosto Pizza, The Spot, Texas Roadhouse, Vinny's, and Carabba's down in Roanoke (which is an occasional destination) and Lowe's, Kroger, and Walgreen's again with no issues with my visibly holstered sidearm.


Legendary Warrior
May 21, 2006
Other than to these new joints, we've hit our regular spots such as RA Bistro, Arosto Pizza, The Spot, Texas Roadhouse, Vinny's, and Carabba's down in Roanoke (which is an occasional destination) and Lowe's, Kroger, and Walgreen's again with no issues with my visibly holstered sidearm.
DoubleTap and I are big fans of Vinny's - love their Tortellini in red sauce, scrumptious.

Recently had an OC dinner at the one on Forest Hill Ave in Chesterfield - food an service were both excellent.
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Founder's Club Member
Jun 12, 2008
Lynchburg, Virginia, USA
Vinny runs a good operation. His little brother Jimmy runs the store here in Lynchburg (on Wards Rd) and keeps it running pretty well. I've been told that Vinny has some other restaurant concepts up in Fredricksburg, but they haven't made it out of that area yet.


Founder's Club Member
Jun 12, 2008
Lynchburg, Virginia, USA
Last weekend (the weekend of Thanksgiving) the wife and I decided to try some place new as we headed back into the Burg from our Thanksgiving travels. We stopped in at The Old 97 up in Madison Heights and had a tasty dinner on Sunday evening. Business was light that evening, but we received good service and food they had no issue with us either.

Outside of the Lynchburg area we've also stopped at a couple places in Buena Vista on our way to West Virginia, including Kenney's (where we just stopped to grab some milkshakes last weekend) and Nick's Italian Kitchen where we stopped for dinner about a month or so back. No issues OCing at either spot and both will be places we'll go back to when we're in the area.

Other than these, it's been life as usual with no issues OCing in the Burg.
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Founder's Club Member
Jun 12, 2008
Lynchburg, Virginia, USA
Been out and about like usual here in the Burg, open carrying with no issues. Prior to Christmas the Auburnlea Farm Corner Store opened up in the Cornerstone community on Greenview (between Leesville and Timberlake near Lowe's). The store is a combination small market and butcher shop, with a soda / ice cream counter and a cafe where they serve food made with their own meats and veggies. We've been in 4 or 5 times now, including twice for dinner and didn't have the first issue OCing. While out and about in downtown, we've also hit up Cao Artisan Chocolates again, and even ran across a street vendor with a doughnut stand based out of an old travel trailer (Mama Crockett's Cider Doughnuts). Had no issue OCing at any of these either.

On our way out of town for Christmas we hit up Nick's Italian Kitchen down in Buena Vista again with no issues this time either. After returning from Christmas break we dropped by The Old 97 again in Madison Heights for lunch one afternoon and had no issues there either. Seems like I'm missing a new place or two, but can't think what it might be. Otherwise, nothing's new in Lynchburg.

Any of you other Lynchburg folks still out there?


Founder's Club Member
Jun 12, 2008
Lynchburg, Virginia, USA
The wifester and I were out to dinner last night at Auburnlea Farms Corner Market's cafe and then did some shopping afterward. As we checked out, one of the owners complimented me on my sidearm, which spurred a longer chat with her, the clerk, and some of the other employees standing around. I talked with the young male clerk about carrying in Virginia, while my wife talked with the owner over their own carry methods and they discussed different holster options for women. Although it's rare to run into issues while carrying around here, it was awfully nice to run into other carriers and chat about the different products we use and carrying out and about.
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Founder's Club Member
Jun 12, 2008
Lynchburg, Virginia, USA
Right Place, Right Time

I was at my usual lunch spot today when I overheard one of the managers asking another manager to please get a "No Firearms" sign for a large group meeting they have coming up soon (that may have rougher than normal characters). I know them both since I'm a regular customer and was nearby so I spoke up and said "If you guys hang that up as a regular thing, you won't see me in here anymore. My wife and I both carry and we don't do business in places that hang "No Firearms" signs." I wasn't quite sure how it would go since I don't OC at lunch and they probably didn't know I carry, but I couldn't ignore what I'd heard.

Fortunately they heard me out and relented from the idea. Apparently they contacted another friend they know who carries and he advised them that a sign like that would just drive off the customers they do want (like me and the wife, my coworkers, and others) and be meaningless to those who would cause trouble for them anyway. I had said much the same to them and noted that someone who came in and didn't care about murdering someone in a fit of anger really wouldn't care much about a potential trespassing charge anyway and would carry just the same.

We discussed the legalities of carrying and consuming alcohol (what's legal with a firearm in the open vs. concealed) and the option to not serve alcohol to those they know are carrying (if that's a middle ground position they wanted to take). I know the both of them simply want to operate their restaurant without trouble and they recognize that their ABC license comes with conditions about controlling the amount consumed by the customers.

So this is a situation where OC allows business owners to see just how they might be impacted by their gun carrying customers disappearing, and underlines the importance of developing good relationships with those who you do business with and being willing to take up the hard topics as necessary.
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Campaign Veteran
Jan 15, 2007
Very well done.

But what are "rougher than normal characters"? Known criminals? Lumberjacks who wear plaid? Guys with neckbeards who wear skirts but call them kilts? Banjo players (or those that refer to the sound of banjos)?

If the group has a history of misbehavior why would they be allowed to hold a meeting there in the first place? Wouldn't they mske the horses faint and stampede the women just by being there?

It sounds like you covered all of those bases without having to actually mention any of them.

Plus, they now know at least one gun-wearer that is not frightening to them. Who knows - there may be other gun-wearers who are also non-frightening.

stay safe.


Activist Member
Nov 22, 2009
Lynchburg, Virginia, USA
I was at my usual lunch spot today when I overheard one of the managers asking another manager to please get a "No Firearms" sign for a large group meeting they have coming up soon (that may have rougher than normal characters). I know them both since I'm a regular customer and was nearby so I spoke up and said "If you guys hang that up as a regular thing, you won't see me in here anymore. My wife and I both carry and we don't do business in places that hang "No Firearms" signs." I wasn't quite sure how it would go since I don't OC at lunch and they probably didn't know I carry, but I couldn't ignore what I'd heard.

Fortunately they heard me out and relented from the idea. Apparently they contacted another friend they know who carries and he advised them that a sign like that would just drive off the customers they do want (like me and the wife, my coworkers, and others) and be meaningless to those who would cause trouble for them anyway. I had said much the same to them and noted that someone who came in and didn't care about murdering someone in a fit of anger really wouldn't care much about a potential trespassing charge anyway and would carry just the same.

We discussed the legalities of carrying and consuming alcohol (what's legal with a firearm in the open vs. concealed) and the option to not serve alcohol to those they know are carrying (if that's a middle ground position they wanted to take). I know the both of them simply want to operate their restaurant without trouble and they recognize that their ABC license comes with conditions about controlling the amount consumed by the customers.

So this is a situation where OC allows business owners to see just how they might be impacted by their gun carrying customers disappearing, and underlines the importance of developing good relationships with those who you do business with and being willing to take up the hard topics as necessary.

Great job there! I've been having a few discussions in the coffee room. The most recent was in regards to open carry and that it was just inviting someone to come take it away from the average joe. Also that there should be minimum requirements for carry. These comments were espoused by someone who claims to be a conservative. I tried to explain the difference between a right and a privilege. I also tried to explain that stupid cannot be legislated and that led to a discussion about barriers in law are only barriers to law-abiding citizens. I don't know how much of it made it between the guys ears but I hope some of it did. I also told him that he would be a good mouthpiece for bloomburger (ex-mayor yankee from NY) and his common sense gun law group. That did offend him so I think there may be hope.


Founder's Club Member
Jun 12, 2008
Lynchburg, Virginia, USA
Good to hear you're at least being heard! Sometimes it's just a matter of adding the seed of an idea to get people to understand the differences between rights and privileges.


Regular Member
Aug 18, 2013
Plus, they now know at least one gun-wearer that is not frightening to them. Who knows - there may be other gun-wearers who are also non-frightening.

Skid...two-gun wearers - suppose you're referring to Mrs J - Mr J is not really scary either :)


Campaign Veteran
Jan 15, 2007
Bikers (biker gangs). The owner didn't book the meeting, but one of the managers did.

Bikers? Or biker gangs?

And if the latter, which one(s)? (I'd be more inclined to tell Hog Owners they can't come in than I would BACA http://bacaworld.org/ or Patriot Riders - both of whose members can be downright scary-looking.)

It's like you setting up an OC dinner vs. TCOC setting up an OC dinner. It's not the looks but the behavior that should be the consideration.

stay safe.


Founder's Club Member
Jun 12, 2008
Lynchburg, Virginia, USA
Bikers? Or biker gangs?

And if the latter, which one(s)? (I'd be more inclined to tell Hog Owners they can't come in than I would BACA http://bacaworld.org/ or Patriot Riders - both of whose members can be downright scary-looking.)

It's like you setting up an OC dinner vs. TCOC setting up an OC dinner. It's not the looks but the behavior that should be the consideration.

stay safe.

Members of biker gangs, such as Pagans, The Outlaws, etc., may attend this thing from what I was told (apparently the organizer mentioned it). I don't know exactly what is going on or why there's some sort of meeting. Various groups end up with gang members in them and cause no trouble, so I really wouldn't expect any now. In my limited experience, the gangs don't cause too much trouble with each other in public venues anyway. I think the owner is just worried about who might attend and what trouble they may cause for the little business. It probably won't be any problem. If there is, a "No Guns" sign sure isn't going to stop it from happening anyway.


Campaign Veteran
Jan 15, 2007
OK. Got it. PSH over what might happen, even though there is some record of nothing happening.

Also probably a good dose of "What were you thinking? Were you even thinking at all?" [/my dad's voice]

stay safe.


Founder's Club Member
Jun 12, 2008
Lynchburg, Virginia, USA
I was off in Minnesota from mid-March to mid-April, so I missed the opportunity to OC or even carry for about a month. Been back for a while now and still haven't had the slightest issue OCing around here or in Roanoke, when I've been down there. I've seen a few other OCers out and about, both here and in Roanoke, but didn't take the chance to chat them up and tell them about OCDO. The only new spot (that I can think of) where I've OCed is Lola's Mexican Restaurant on Old Forest Rd. Not a peep was made there, just like any other place.


Activist Member
Nov 22, 2009
Lynchburg, Virginia, USA
Carry and the Jewish rabbi anti gun lady

I've been carrying for a few years and one of the places I frequent is Krogers. Since I open carry people feel free to question or comment on it. One such person who about two years ago decided that it was an evil thing and proceeded to berate me for carrying a weapon. I mostly listened and let her speak and when she asked why I would answer and listen again to her failure of logic. Over the years we have had these occasional conversations and more lately it had seemed that she started to hear what I was saying. One never knows for sure. Her lapses in logic had gotten less and less frequent and a few times she saw me sans open carry and would ask me why I wasn't armed. I eventually told her that just because armament isn't apparent does not mean I am unarmed. This began a discussion of OC vs CC. The long and short of this tale is that today while shopping she and I encountered each other and she told me she had just taken a class on CC and was looking at a small frame 38 for carrying for self defense.



Legendary Warrior
May 21, 2006
I've been carrying for a few years and one of the places I frequent is Krogers. Since I open carry people feel free to question or comment on it. One such person who about two years ago decided that it was an evil thing and proceeded to berate me for carrying a weapon. I mostly listened and let her speak and when she asked why I would answer and listen again to her failure of logic. Over the years we have had these occasional conversations and more lately it had seemed that she started to hear what I was saying. One never knows for sure. Her lapses in logic had gotten less and less frequent and a few times she saw me sans open carry and would ask me why I wasn't armed. I eventually told her that just because armament isn't apparent does not mean I am unarmed. This began a discussion of OC vs CC. The long and short of this tale is that today while shopping she and I encountered each other and she told me she had just taken a class on CC and was looking at a small frame 38 for carrying for self defense.

Sometimes it is a lot like fishin' - patience and reeling them in slowly can pay dividends.