Woolard Cetiori Denied by SCOTUS
Though I wish it were otherwise, it has become abundantly clear that as far as SCOTUS is concerned regulation of concealed carry is not something that they will take up. Gura has had many at bats and each time he has struck out. It has been a good fight, but further litigation creating bad precident is not what the pro gun side should be seeking.
What they need is a clean (open carry) bear arms case.
This is exactly what they have in Palmer v. DC. DC is the only place left in the US with an outright ban. Palmer is a game we cannot afford to lose.It was so important that over two years ago Chief Justice Roberts took it out of the hands of District Court Judge Kennedy for taking too long. Ironically Senior Judge Scullins is taking even longer.
What I fear is that DC will actually pass a may issue scheme and really f%&$ it up.
If you care about the right to Bear Arms, pay attention to Palmer v. DC.
Woollard wasn't a CCW case, MD's permit allowed for public carry in either manner. It's a stretch IMO for the court to deny cert in Woollard but grant cert in an unlicensed OC case. The court likes only small bites, and it doesn't make sense for them to pass on a narrower case and go for the more complex one.
That said, there are many OC stones yet to be turned that can help add conflict to lower courts and push the issue. For example, Oregon is basically an OC state but some towns have OC bans and they won't issue CCWs to anyone not residing in a state bordering Oregon. Any non CA,WA,ID, or NV resident would have standing to go after one of those towns. We need more cases in the pipeline to create a deep split.
As far as DC goes, I do agree they would try to go may-issue. Although Palmer losing at the DC Circuit may not be a bad thing. It would create a split with Moore and Aguilar.