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Kentucky Gun Laws


Regular Member
Nov 5, 2015
To our defense, kys ban on cc was unconstitutional , therefore a null and valid law.
Carrying cc back then in reality was not an illegal activity.

Unless you committed a crime using it I never heard of an arrest where the only charge was carrying concealed.
I think it was a 25 dollar fine back then.

gutshot II

Regular Member
Jul 1, 2017
Central Ky.
To our defense, kys ban on cc was unconstitutional , therefore a null and valid law.
Carrying cc back then in reality was not an illegal activity.

Unless you committed a crime using it I never heard of an arrest where the only charge was carrying concealed.
I think it was a 25 dollar fine back then.
The Ky. statute making the carrying of a concealed weapon a Class A misdemeanor was first passed in 1974 and can earn a person up to a $500 fine and a year in jail.


Regular Member
Nov 5, 2015
The Ky. statute making the carrying of a concealed weapon a Class A misdemeanor was first passed in 1974 and can earn a person up to a $500 fine and a year in jail.

So concealed carry was legal in ky before 1974?
Dont think so.

Regardless, outside of someone committing some other crime with a gun, I never a d doubt you have either known anybody arrested for concealing a gun in ky.
Everyone I ever knew carried open and concealed without a mother may I slip , the cops all knew it, nobody cared but the panty wads in Frankfort that passed the ban way back before I was born.

1974? CC carry was banned in Ky LONG before that. In fact I think ky was one of if not the first state to ban cc.


Regular Member
Aug 22, 2013
here nc
seems, by exercising a smidge of wobbly & loose poetic license, the 13th century proverbial commentary re the loss of a citation this discussion re CC legality cannot be successfully adjudicated to indicate a clear winner, not like the Hamilton & Burr discussion!

color of law

Accomplished Advocate
Oct 7, 2007
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
The Ky. statute making the carrying of a concealed weapon a Class A misdemeanor was first passed in 1974 and can earn a person up to a $500 fine and a year in jail.

So concealed carry was legal in ky before 1974?
Dont think so.

Regardless, outside of someone committing some other crime with a gun, I never a d doubt you have either known anybody arrested for concealing a gun in ky.
Everyone I ever knew carried open and concealed without a mother may I slip , the cops all knew it, nobody cared but the panty wads in Frankfort that passed the ban way back before I was born.

1974? CC carry was banned in Ky LONG before that. In fact I think ky was one of if not the first state to ban cc.
The 1792 and 1797 Kentucky Constitution said:

“That the right of the citizens to bear arms in defence of themselves and the State shall not be questioned.”

But in 1850 the concealed carry part was added.

“That the right of the citizens to bear arms in defence of themselves and the State shall not be questioned, but the general assembly may pass laws to prevent persons from carrying concealed arms.”

And by the way, “defence” was spelled with a “c”.


State constitutions may not be more restrictive than the federal constitution. State constitutions may protect the people more so than the federal constitution, but not less. So, the addition could be challenged as unconstitutional.

gutshot II

Regular Member
Jul 1, 2017
Central Ky.
The Ky. statute making the carrying of a concealed weapon a Class A misdemeanor was first passed in 1974 and can earn a person up to a $500 fine and a year in jail.

So concealed carry was legal in ky before 1974?
Dont think so.

Regardless, outside of someone committing some other crime with a gun, I never a d doubt you have either known anybody arrested for concealing a gun in ky.
Everyone I ever knew carried open and concealed without a mother may I slip , the cops all knew it, nobody cared but the panty wads in Frankfort that passed the ban way back before I was born.

1974? CC carry was banned in Ky LONG before that. In fact I think ky was one of if not the first state to ban cc.
I did not say that it wasn't illegal before that. I only said this is the current law. Please stop putting words in my mouth.

color of law

Accomplished Advocate
Oct 7, 2007
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
To add to my above post. Between 1850 and June 28, 2010 (see McDonald v. City of Chicago, Ill., 561 US 742) had the authority to regulate the carrying of weapons concealed. But once the Supreme Court in McDonald applied the Second Amendment to the states the "but the general assembly may pass laws to prevent persons from carrying concealed arms." became null and void.


Regular Member
Aug 22, 2013
here nc
gentlemen, it is presumed both of noble rank, the provisions outlined in the 1777 Code Duello provisions will be in affect...
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gutshot II

Regular Member
Jul 1, 2017
Central Ky.
The 1792 and 1797 Kentucky Constitution said:

“That the right of the citizens to bear arms in defence of themselves and the State shall not be questioned.”

But in 1850 the concealed carry part was added.

“That the right of the citizens to bear arms in defence of themselves and the State shall not be questioned, but the general assembly may pass laws to prevent persons from carrying concealed arms.”

And by the way, “defence” was spelled with a “c”.


State constitutions may not be more restrictive than the federal constitution. State constitutions may protect the people more so than the federal constitution, but not less. So, the addition could be challenged as unconstitutional.

Then in 1891 the part about, "shall not be questioned" was removed. I don't see the point of this discussion. Our state constitution was mostly copied from Pensylvania's constitution and their present-day constitution contains the original wording, unchanged from what we copied from them in 1792. Having that wording didn't protect them one bit. Pennsylvania has more restrictive gun laws than Ky. has. What good did those words do them? What good would they have done us if they had been left as originally written? The answer is that it would have done us no good at all, just like it has done the people of Pa. no good. We would still be in the same place as we are now. Why? Because words on paper are meaningless unless people are willing to force the government to adhere to them. So far, the people of Ky. have been unwilling to force our government to comply with those or other words on paper. At least, our government had the good manners to amend the constitution before they outlawed concealed carry. The government of Pensylvania didn't bother with that nicety. They just ignored it completely, as have both states in regulating open carry. Until the people demand it stop, it will go on, no matter how many posts about it go on OCDO. Look at all the turmoil that has been caused by something happening in another state, worries about a Governor doing something that he can't do and three legislators discussing potential bills that have not ever appeared. Just think about what could be done with that momentum if directed in the right direction. Have you heard even one of those people complain about restrictions on open carry or ask where a public college gets the authority to ban guns or ask why it is that we can carry both openly and concealed, in the Capitol and nobody, not even the Governor, can stop us, but just go a few blocks down the street to Frankfort City Hall and you will find "No Concealed Weapons" signs on every entrance? Just think, the Governor can't ban guns in a state building but the Mayor of Podunk, Ky can in a Podunk City building. How is that possible? Why do we spend any time at all pontificating about words on paper from 2 centuries ago? We can't make any sense out of what is happening today. Why don't we close the history books and spend some time discussing how to solve some present day problems.
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Regular Member
Aug 22, 2013
here nc
being of noble heritage by birth myself, i may drop the glove after seeing this wall of words rant about PA, VA, oh ya forgot KY, as well as the tirade about the contextual etymology of this country's guiding document.

as stated previously gut, are you alright as again this exhibited outburst is totally uncharacteristic behaviour from from you!

might consider reflecting...


Regular Member
Nov 5, 2015
Then in 1891 the part about, "shall not be questioned" was removed. I don't see the point of this discussion. Our state constitution was mostly copied from Pensylvania's constitution and their present-day constitution contains the original wording, unchanged from what we copied from them in 1792. Having that wording didn't protect them one bit. Pennsylvania has more restrictive gun laws than Ky. has. What good did those words do them? What good would they have done us if they had been left as originally written? The answer is that it would have done us no good at all, just like it has done the people of Pa. no good. We would still be in the same place as we are now. Why? Because words on paper are meaningless unless people are willing to force the government to adhere to them. So far, the people of Ky. have been unwilling to force our government to comply with those or other words on paper. At least, our government had the good manners to amend the constitution before they outlawed concealed carry. The government of Pensylvania didn't bother with that nicety. They just ignored it completely, as have both states in regulating open carry. Until the people demand it stop, it will go on, no matter how many posts about it go on OCDO. Look at all the turmoil that has been caused by something happening in another state, worries about a Governor doing something that he can't do and three legislators discussing potential bills that have not ever appeared. Just think about what could be done with that momentum if directed in the right direction. Have you heard even one of those people complain about restrictions on open carry or ask where a public college gets the authority to ban guns or ask why it is that we can carry both openly and concealed, in the Capitol and nobody, not even the Governor, can stop us, but just go a few blocks down the street to Frankfort City Hall and you will find "No Concealed Weapons" signs on every entrance? Just think, the Governor can't ban guns in a state building but the Mayor of Podunk, Ky can in a Podunk City building. How is that possible? Why do we spend any time at all pontificating about words on paper from 2 centuries ago? We can't make any sense out of what is happening today. Why don't we close the history books and spend some time discussing how to solve some present day problems.

You solve present day problems by taking that old legal binding document , gathering folks like have shown up for 2A sanctuaries and shoving under legislatures noses, while telling them we will not comply.

I realize you prefer hobnobbing with house reps and senators than joining any move to back up the ky constitution or amend it back to it's original form. Heck KC3 wont help get the metal detectors put at the court of justice court room door as statute demands.

And the mayor of podunk cant do diddly about OC in this state. Per the ky constitution.

That useless constitution is WHY all ky gun regs but one are directed to the conceal carry folks. The legislature pushed its little line at OC as far as it dared and do their level best to avoid the whole oc subject lest those two regulations are overturned.

gutshot II

Regular Member
Jul 1, 2017
Central Ky.
Well, why haven't you done all(or any) of this? Why are you waiting for KC3 to solve all your problems? OH boo hoo hoo, KC3 won't fight all my battles for me. It isn't fair. It isn't fair. I want to be first in line. Fix my problems first. Let everybody else wait. Pathetic.


Regular Member
Nov 5, 2015
Well, why haven't you done all(or any) of this? Why are you waiting for KC3 to solve all your problems? OH boo hoo hoo, KC3 won't fight all my battles for me. It isn't fair. It isn't fair. I want to be first in line. Fix my problems first. Let everybody else wait. Pathetic.

Stop patting yourself on the back .

I said KC3 would not help. At all. Period.

I've went too the County Attorney, the Sherriff, and my state reps.
Other than a AG opinion pulled out of his butt, with no constitutional backing at all none could point to where the authority to declare an entire justice center gun free comes from. Its certainly NOT granted to the legislature or anyone else by the ky constitution. which I pointed out, and got no disagreement.

They cant even reference a gun related charge to carrying into a justice center, except a criminal trespassing charge if your told to leave.

Frankfort could not even give the Sherriff any information. I sat there, armed openly in his office as he made the calls. So much for OC being illegal in a police station.

I asked for help since I'm one man. Asked you on this forum actually. Your words was it was useless to try.

That my friend is pathetic.
So boo hoo yourself. You had a person willing to be arrested and get that crap overturned with some help from a "ky gun rights organization " instead of help a little in the fight " its useless" then crickets.

Pathetic? Yeah it was.

That opportunity is gone now . My wife has stage 4 lung cancer and I'll not leave her alone.
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Regular Member
Aug 22, 2013
here nc
ghost, words cannot completely convey what has been previously stated privately to you during this time...

my best to you and your family always....my friend, best always...