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Rusty Young Man

Regular Member
Jun 19, 2013
Árida Zona
I called the Northern Territory gun registry and they say there are no mag restrictions. It might be time to move.

Part of me wants to say "stay where you are and fight the good fight", but if you're already so restricted on what you can carry, I agree that a tactical ("tactical"; I never cease to find that word amusing:rolleyes:) retreat is probably in order. You're more useful to the freedom movement alive, after all. Unless martyrdom interests you?:lol:*
On serious note, do what is best for yourself and your loved ones. Just keep us posted on any developments, and let us know if you're ever in the states! I would recommend Arizona, but that may be personal bias.:D But I will say that OC here is generally such a non-event that it does sometimes feel a little... "normal".:)

(P.S.: If you want a few good laughs or chuckles, here is a link to an old thread written on the subjects of OC martyrs, guns, and religion: http://forum.opencarry.org/forums/showthread.php?116760-Religion-and-guns)


Regular Member
Oct 15, 2013
Part of me wants to say "stay where you are and fight the good fight", but if you're already so restricted on what you can carry, I agree that a tactical ("tactical"; I never cease to find that word amusing:rolleyes:) retreat is probably in order. You're more useful to the freedom movement alive, after all. Unless martyrdom interests you?:lol:*
On serious note, do what is best for yourself and your loved ones. Just keep us posted on any developments, and let us know if you're ever in the states! I would recommend Arizona, but that may be personal bias.:D But I will say that OC here is generally such a non-event that it does sometimes feel a little... "normal".:)

(P.S.: If you want a few good laughs or chuckles, here is a link to an old thread written on the subjects of OC martyrs, guns, and religion: http://forum.opencarry.org/forums/showthread.php?116760-Religion-and-guns)

Thanks. We'll keep on fighting. The laws are slowly becoming more relaxed but I doubt we will ever get fully automatics back. At the moment there is a push for semi-automatic rifles (rim and centerfire) to be available to the general population. Meaning, people who are not farmers, own enough land, hunters, some sporting shooters etc. could buy them.

The system is by no means perfect, but it's better than the majority of places.

I'll definitely let you know if I'm ever in the U.S. My American friends here say it's pretty similar, apart from the obvious differences in laws.

Take care. :cool:

Rusty Young Man

Regular Member
Jun 19, 2013
Árida Zona
Thanks. We'll keep on fighting. The laws are slowly becoming more relaxed but I doubt we will ever get fully automatics back. At the moment there is a push for semi-automatic rifles (rim and centerfire) to be available to the general population. Meaning, people who are not farmers, own enough land, hunters, some sporting shooters etc. could buy them.

The system is by no means perfect, but it's better than the majority of places.

I'll definitely let you know if I'm ever in the U.S. My American friends here say it's pretty similar, apart from the obvious differences in laws.

Take care. :cool:

I'm just worried because you mentioned LE is pushing to have automatic rifles while leaving everyone else virtually unarmed... textbook case of history looking to repeat itself.

As to the part I bolded, it makes a BIG difference.:p


Regular Member
Oct 15, 2013
I'm just worried because you mentioned LE is pushing to have automatic rifles while leaving everyone else virtually unarmed... textbook case of history looking to repeat itself.

As to the part I bolded, it makes a BIG difference.:p

They say it's to combat the bikers that are currently at war. The thing is, law enforcement here is quite different to the US. While all police are always armed with semi-automatic handguns and in some cases, shotguns, they have never routinely carried automatic rifles, apart from during the war when threat of invasion was high. It will be odd if they go ahead with it. I'm not sure how the general public will take to it either.

I fully support law enforcement, but I'm wondering why they need automatic rifles, Kevlar, knife-proof vests, tazers, batons, OC spray, knives and tactical teams on standby if things are supposedly safer. Back in the 80's, early 90's in my city, police were shooting dead more people on average than the LAPD. Those days are long over and you don't hear about shootings very often, I've only heard of a handful this year. Back then cops didn't wear any body armor, carried revolvers, no APC's, tazers etc. They didn't even have OC spray. So why are they so geared up now? I understand the use of force procedures changed dramatically because too many people were being killed, therefore they implemented non-lethal options. However that doesn't explain the sudden push for automatic rifles, more tactical teams, bulletproof police vehicles, more police patrolling, if things are so much safer than before.

Anyway, I'm not saying there's going to be a government takeover or anything like that. It's just worrying that it's progressed to this so quickly.


Regular Member
Apr 19, 2010
I come from a land downunder.
Hi DW98. Welcome to the board mate.

You wrote in your opening post;

"While I'm not completely against the 1996 Firearms Act, there's a lot that I don't agree with."

It was rushed through without any consultation with the people of Australia. It was a feel good knee jerk reaction aided and abetted by the anties, and by the Garden Gnome threatening State ministers with limiting or withdrawing supply!

Before the steal back, I hunted with and owned every type of firearm for more years than I can remember, long before the legalised steal back. After many, many years of firearm owner ship, I had to hand in some of my prized personal, legally purchased firearms, why, because the garden Gnome said they were dangerous in the wrong hands. I owned and used them for over 35 years without any problems, no crimes committed, then I had to prove I was a fit and proper person to be granted the PRIVILAGE to own and use SOME SELECTED firearms. I was not given a right to own firearms which I previously had, whithout question, but after a thorough police check, and after jumping through more hoops that an Olympic gymnast I was GRANTED THE PRIVILAGE, by some shiny arse garden gnome follower the ownership of a few selected firearms. My short barrel 12 guage pump, which I used on ferel pigs in deep cover and swamp land was definitely a NO-NO! I replaced this with a Winchester short barrel 44 mag. 10 shot lever action, which was a legal firearm. Now tell me whats so dangerous about a Win. 44 magnum 10 shot lever, compared to a Remington 850 express pump? The garden gnome wouldn't know the difference between them if they were both jammed up his p'jays!

So who handed in their personal property? Only the law abiding citizens of this country. Amazingly the criminals never handed on ONE SINGLE FIREARM! Well, wadda-ya know!! The Garden Gnome, who wore a flack jacket to a meeting with farmers later declared that he was not a banner of things! later adding, "I HATE GUNS" sAYS IT ALL DOESNT IT. Well the I am not a banner of things, banned me freely owning the firearms I wanted and needed to carry out my sport and recreational past times which includes the eradicating of ferel pests on my families property!

There is no firearms act in Australia, its true purpose and name is, total control of the population nothing more. If Australia was invaded tomorrow the majority of Australians would soil their pants and ask, "How did this happen."

My Father said to me when I was a high school student and was open carrying my 303 rifle to and from school on the public train service, while no one blinked even an eyelid, Son. If the government ever take away your right to withdraw your labor and your right to own a firearm, they will have made you a SLAVE! We are nearly at this point in my opinion.

Yesterday a woman was severly bashed, she could have been killed the bashing was so severe, she was also robbed, and her car was trashed as onlookers stood by and could do nothing out of fear. Had I been there, and IF I was armed, I would have blown the perps. away. Where were the police? well they were on their way, and asked if anyone had any information, and if they remember anything, call crime stoppers?????

Criminals do this because they have been enabled by the disarming of the people. They know they have free reign! Its getting worse every day! Sorry for the rant, but as I said, "I am TOTALLY, and COMPLETELY AGAINST every aspect of the Garden Gnomes 1996 firearms act." Talk to me and other LIKE US, and we will come to some workable arrangement in helping stem the growing criminal acivities, but don't come down on LAFO's because of criminals!

Cheer's Haz.


Regular Member
Oct 15, 2013
Hey there, Haz.

Completely agree with everything you said. At least you got to experience the 'pre-'96 days'; I missed it all. It's a very sad state of affairs today....

My Father said to me when I was a high school student and was open carrying my 303 rifle to and from school on the public train service, while no one blinked even an eyelid

I recall a similar story, not from my father, but from a friends family member, who told me they used to carry a SKS to school to go hunting after classes. Can you imagine what would happen if someone did that today? Not too long ago they shut down a railway station in Brisbane I believe, because a man's air rifle accidentally came out of his firearm carry bag. :rolleyes:

Yesterday a woman was severly bashed, she could have been killed the bashing was so severe, she was also robbed, and her car was trashed as onlookers stood by and could do nothing out of fear. Had I been there, and IF I was armed, I would have blown the perps. away. Where were the police? well they were on their way, and asked if anyone had any information, and if they remember anything, call crime stoppers?????

I heard about that - terrible. I have a family member who had their house broken into today. They were home at the time, but didn't notice anything was missing until the robbers were gone. Ironically, they are anti-gun, and believe that firearms should be banned :lol: They were told by the police that in 40% of robberies the person is home.

I remember seeing your threads on here a while ago listing various crimes that occur. I decided to make my own thread, which you can view in this section. Note that I haven't updated it recently.

Thanks for the welcome. Be safe.


Regular Member
Apr 19, 2010
I come from a land downunder.
Hey there, Haz.

Completely agree with everything you said. At least you got to experience the 'pre-'96 days'; I missed it all. It's a very sad state of affairs today....

I recall a similar story, not from my father, but from a friends family member, who told me they used to carry a SKS to school to go hunting after classes. Can you imagine what would happen if someone did that today? Not too long ago they shut down a railway station in Brisbane I believe, because a man's air rifle accidentally came out of his firearm carry bag. :rolleyes:

I heard about that - terrible. I have a family member who had their house broken into today. They were home at the time, but didn't notice anything was missing until the robbers were gone. Ironically, they are anti-gun, and believe that firearms should be banned :lol: They were told by the police that in 40% of robberies the person is home.

I remember seeing your threads on here a while ago listing various crimes that occur. I decided to make my own thread, which you can view in this section. Note that I haven't updated it recently.

Thanks for the welcome. Be safe.

Thank you! I look forward to following your postings. I have security screens and doors and always lock them while I'm home, because several years ago, before I had them installed, I walked into my lounge room and blow me down a stranger, a woman was standing there? She said she wanted to speak to someone I had never heard of? I told her maybe should try knocking first. I knew she was lying and I'm sure she was a thief, only I caught her. She's lucky I never shot her!

Received this in the mail box this morning, might interest you and others here.


Yesterday the Shooters and Fishers Party met with more than 300 paintball players, staff and industry representatives to discuss some of the unreasonable conditions imposed on the sport in New South Wales.

Today we have launched a petition calling on the NSW Government to remove some of these unnecessary restrictions and encourage more people to take part in this SAFE & FUN recreational activity.

Click here to add your name to our online petition!


I hope the link works?

Cheer's mate,



Regular Member
Oct 15, 2013
Thank you! I look forward to following your postings. I have security screens and doors and always lock them while I'm home, because several years ago, before I had them installed, I walked into my lounge room and blow me down a stranger, a woman was standing there? She said she wanted to speak to someone I had never heard of? I told her maybe should try knocking first. I knew she was lying and I'm sure she was a thief, only I caught her. She's lucky I never shot her!

Received this in the mail box this morning, might interest you and others here.


Yesterday the Shooters and Fishers Party met with more than 300 paintball players, staff and industry representatives to discuss some of the unreasonable conditions imposed on the sport in New South Wales.

Today we have launched a petition calling on the NSW Government to remove some of these unnecessary restrictions and encourage more people to take part in this SAFE & FUN recreational activity.

Click here to add your name to our online petition!


I hope the link works?

Cheer's mate,


Sorry for the late response, Haz.

Sure, you've got my vote!

Haven't been keeping up with crime lately.

Here's a few headlines.

Sydney man shot dead outside primary school

Recent reported shootings in Western Sydney.

Shots fired into home in Casula

Shots fired into car in Bonnyrigg Heights

Shots fired into home in Granville

Man shot in legs in Merrylands

Shots fired into home in Seven Hills

62-year-old man shot in the arm during drive-by shooting - Windsor

Man shot in home invasion - Worongary

Man fights off home invaders armed with shotgun and machete He was also stabbed in the head with the machete.


Regular Member
Apr 19, 2010
I come from a land downunder.
Makes your heart leap for joy seeing the garden gnomes (John Howards), gun ban and steal back working so well down under. I had another safe keeping inspection not so long ago and the copper said, "Looks like your firearms haven't escaped and run away an killed anyone since we last inspected them???

I suppose while their inspecting LAFO's safe keeping arrangements their not out there at the coal face wasting time and limited valuable resources chasing the real criminals out there shooting up the place!

Cheers, Haz.


Regular Member
Oct 15, 2013
Haz, as someone that's been around longer than myself, how much of a decline do you think there's been in the past few decades?


Regular Member
Apr 19, 2010
I come from a land downunder.
Haz, as someone that's been around longer than myself, how much of a decline do you think there's been in the past few decades?

Hi Mate.

None mate, in fact gun crime has risen leaps and bounds.

Gun crime, suicide, some armed robberies, home invasions, (although rare), were generally unheard of, they were in fact declining, not only here in Australia, but world wide. Its only since Port Arthur, and the Garden Gnomes steal back that crime using firearms has increased enormously here. Criminals here were enabled. It was their day of glory. They never handed in one firearm. Only those who where were licenced and had their firearms registered handed them in under threat of 10 years imprisonment. In other words, LAFO's were discriminated against, their legally purchased and registered private property was stolen from them.

You know, the road death toll here is increasing every year, by the hundreds. Yet, we never hear of any government legislation being introduced in the banning and buying back legally purchased and registered motor vehicles? Not even from those who actually have killed people on the roads.

Firearms have been branded a dirty word. Why? Because the Garden Gnome, who after the steal back and ban stated, in a news media interview when asked about his Gun / steal / Ban; "IM not a banner of things!" he is also recorded as saying; "I HATE GUNS."

He was a popular PM with the common SHEEPLE! even unto this day. Just ask the SHEEPLE, they will tell you he is the best PM we have ever had. Now when their homes are invaded, their property is stolen, their daughters or their wives are raped at knife and gun point, who do they blame? Why Firearm owners of course.

We know the only people who should have firearms in Australia now are LAFO's and police, so what do the SHEEPLE call for? Another CRACK DOWN ON FIREARM OWNERSHIP!

Since the steal back, Ask yourself, Why does the media not want you to be able to defend your liberty as a law abiding good citizen? Why is there so much news of violent crime on Australian news...but very little news of suspects caught? How can a drug dealer illegally buy a handgun, but only be to be prosecuted with a $2800 fine with no conviction recorded? This man-bought an illegal-gun-for-drug-trade-protection. You or I would immediately get 10 years, no questions, for just having an illegal firearm in our gun safe. Why does a man defending himself in his own home against four armed thugs get charged with manslaughter?

Something is seriously wrong with Australia's Government and its justice system.
Last edited:


Regular Member
Oct 15, 2013
Sorry Haz, I meant how much of a decline have you seen in the country as a whole. Gun crime has definitely not fallen.

I agree completely with what you said though. We have serious issues.


Regular Member
Nov 8, 2006
Newcastle, Wyoming, USA
Ten Points

I'd have to ask myself the following:

1) Can I escape before he kills me?
2) Does the intruder understand the laws about entering ones premises uninvited?
3) Should I try and negotiate with him?
4) Does he definitely want to kill me, or would he be content just to wound me?
5) Could I somehow knock the gun out of his hand?
6) If I call the police and wait, will they save me from impending death?
7) Will I be able to get the gun out of the safe and load it before my family and I are killed?
8) Why do I own a firearm in the first place, and what kind of message does this send to society?
9) Should I shoot to wound or kill?
10) Am I ready for the ensuring legal trial and scrutiny?

As a certified firearms and self defense instructor, I'd like to address your questions here. I have had to shoot a man to save my life, and have both studied and contemplated many of the same things over many years now. This is the story of my self defense encounter. http://www.thepriceofliberty.org/?page_id=846

Your questions:
1. The best way to answer that is to be well versed and practiced in situational awareness, all the time. http://www.thepriceofliberty.org/?page_id=2223 It is in everyone's best interest to avoid any confrontation if at all possible. But that must be from a position of strength, not helplessness.

2. What the intruder understands about the law is irrelevant. Any intruder has chosen to ignore your property rights and the sanctity of your home. If he threatens you with bodily harm or death, your human right to self defense outweighs all other considerations.

3. Negotiate what? And furthermore, why? He - or she - has invaded your space or threatened your life. Why would you want to increase his or her opportunity to carry that out. Now, they might NOT be actually threatening you, and only you can decide that for yourself. You can attempt to talk them into leaving if you want, obviously. I simply would not consider that likely if they have already broken into your home or assaulted you on the street.

4. You have no obligation to read the mind of an attacker. It is irrelevant what he or she would be "content" with. And you really don't want to take any chance to be "wounded," trust me.

5. Yes, it is possible sometimes. Takes a lot of training and practice. Hardly practical for most people and most certainly can't be counted on.

6. No. They have zero obligation to save you from criminals, even if they gave a damn.

7. No. Not likely. Criminals seldom give any warning.

8. The message of firearm ownership is that you are a self owner, self responsible. You are a strong, ethical person who will not willingly become a slave or helpless victim - just as you do not aggress against others. It is a badge of honor and a declaration of independence. An armed society is a polite, peaceful and generous society because aggression of any kind may well be met with lethal force. A fully armed society is a peaceful society because there would be no helpless victims for criminals to choose from... so they would have to be a LOT more careful or decide on a different career.

9. Neither one. If you are attacked, truly at risk for you life or serious bodily injury, your only rational, moral and ethical response is to do whatever is necessary to STOP THE ATTACK. That is your only right goal. You must then inflict the most serious damage to the attacker as possible, as soon as possible, in order to reach your goal. Criminals can be seriously wounded and continue to attack, so you don't stop shooting until the threat stops. If that happens to result in the death or serious bodily injury of the attacker, it is HIS responsibility, not yours. HE chose to attack YOU... You are not responsible for his choice or the consequences. Now, the emotional aftermath can be traumatic, absolutely, but the better you understand who is actually responsible, the better that will resolve.

The silly idea of "shooting to wound" is a pretty sure way to get yourself killed, and no rational person would choose to do that if they understand the situation. Even professional shooters, with many years of experience, would not attempt such a shot anyway. Too easy to miss, and you may only get ONE opportunity to shoot at all in that case. My story above is an excellent example of just this. I was only lucky that my attacker ran away, whatever the reason. If he had continued to attack, my foolish "warning shot" would have meant my death... I was not able to shoot again!

10. The legal aspects are simply far too varied and changeable to address here. You obviously have to know and follow the "laws" where you live. I have this question a lot, from all over the country. All I can advise is doing the best you can with what you have, or finding a different place to live. I did that myself... moved from So. California - where self defense is almost impossible now - to NE Wyoming, where there is little or no barrier. Funny thing... lots and lots of crime in California, where I was prohibited from carrying a gun. There is little or no crime here in Wyoming, where I carry a gun all the time, everywhere. Isn't it amazing?

I hope this helps, and hope we can have constructive discussion on any points not understood or with which you disagree.


Regular Member
Apr 19, 2010
I come from a land downunder.
Sorry Haz, I meant how much of a decline have you seen in the country as a whole. Gun crime has definitely not fallen.

I agree completely with what you said though. We have serious issues.

I have seen a steep decline in our country, especially in the past 50 years, not only socially but industrially. Many industries have gone off shore, We have lost our State Dockyard, BHP, Rylands, Comm. Steel, A Tyre manufacturer, Australian Wire Rope Works, CGI, Electric Light Manufacturers (ELMA), Bradford Cotton Mills, Hard Yakka Clothing Manufacturer. Rundles Factory, A Large Aluminium Smelter at Kurri Kurri to name just a few, and now Holden will go, Ford will go, Toyota will go, QUANTAS is on the verge of collapsing and shedding thousands of jobs with many of the remaining jobs going off shore, all the while our government leaders waffle on about creating jobs. The manufacturers say our wages are too high. Well who wants to work for two dollars an hour as some do in China? We cant work for the wages the Asians are receiving when we pay more for few Lamb cutlets than Woolworths pay the farmers for a whole sheep? Farmers are ploughing their fruit trees into the ground because Woolworth can now import cheap rubbish from overseas. Our cattle industry was nearly decimated because the greens don't like how the Indonesians treat the cattle we sell them, (Now their cattle) and how they treat them is their business. The greens don't like the live sheep trade either so they are doing all in their power to close this down as well. The place is going to the pack.

Socially? Our country is slowly being filled with illegal 'alleged' refugees, some have gained entry without thorough checks. Many of these imports are involved in crime, rapes and assults and we now have a Special Asian crime squad formed. They bring their problems with them and dump them on us! The motorcycle gangs, mainly made up of young Lebanese kids, now being formed don't even own a motorcycle? They don't mind shooting up the place endangering the general public getting even with each other.

The elderly are told to Go and get (F*&%$#d) kids are having sex in the streets, in the park, and in broad daylight, I have see this myself, right out the front of my property. The crime rate, assaults, thefts, break and enter, home invasions, drug dealings, in my small town has skyrocketed over the past ten years, and what do the authorities do?? They close down the local police station. Will it bet better in my life time? I doubt it. That's why we need to be prepared to look after ourselves these days.
Cheers, Haz.


Regular Member
Apr 19, 2010
I come from a land downunder.
As a certified firearms and self defense instructor, I'd like to address your questions here. I have had to shoot a man to save my life, and have both studied and contemplated many of the same things over many years now. This is the story of my self defense encounter. http://www.thepriceofliberty.org/?page_id=846

Your questions:
1. The best way to answer that is to be well versed and practiced in situational awareness, all the time. http://www.thepriceofliberty.org/?page_id=2223 It is in everyone's best interest to avoid any confrontation if at all possible. But that must be from a position of strength, not helplessness.

2. What the intruder understands about the law is irrelevant. Any intruder has chosen to ignore your property rights and the sanctity of your home. If he threatens you with bodily harm or death, your human right to self defense outweighs all other considerations.

3. Negotiate what? And furthermore, why? He - or she - has invaded your space or threatened your life. Why would you want to increase his or her opportunity to carry that out. Now, they might NOT be actually threatening you, and only you can decide that for yourself. You can attempt to talk them into leaving if you want, obviously. I simply would not consider that likely if they have already broken into your home or assaulted you on the street.

4. You have no obligation to read the mind of an attacker. It is irrelevant what he or she would be "content" with. And you really don't want to take any chance to be "wounded," trust me.

5. Yes, it is possible sometimes. Takes a lot of training and practice. Hardly practical for most people and most certainly can't be counted on.

6. No. They have zero obligation to save you from criminals, even if they gave a damn.

7. No. Not likely. Criminals seldom give any warning.

8. The message of firearm ownership is that you are a self owner, self responsible. You are a strong, ethical person who will not willingly become a slave or helpless victim - just as you do not aggress against others. It is a badge of honor and a declaration of independence. An armed society is a polite, peaceful and generous society because aggression of any kind may well be met with lethal force. A fully armed society is a peaceful society because there would be no helpless victims for criminals to choose from... so they would have to be a LOT more careful or decide on a different career.

9. Neither one. If you are attacked, truly at risk for you life or serious bodily injury, your only rational, moral and ethical response is to do whatever is necessary to STOP THE ATTACK. That is your only right goal. You must then inflict the most serious damage to the attacker as possible, as soon as possible, in order to reach your goal. Criminals can be seriously wounded and continue to attack, so you don't stop shooting until the threat stops. If that happens to result in the death or serious bodily injury of the attacker, it is HIS responsibility, not yours. HE chose to attack YOU... You are not responsible for his choice or the consequences. Now, the emotional aftermath can be traumatic, absolutely, but the better you understand who is actually responsible, the better that will resolve.

The silly idea of "shooting to wound" is a pretty sure way to get yourself killed, and no rational person would choose to do that if they understand the situation. Even professional shooters, with many years of experience, would not attempt such a shot anyway. Too easy to miss, and you may only get ONE opportunity to shoot at all in that case. My story above is an excellent example of just this. I was only lucky that my attacker ran away, whatever the reason. If he had continued to attack, my foolish "warning shot" would have meant my death... I was not able to shoot again!

10. The legal aspects are simply far too varied and changeable to address here. You obviously have to know and follow the "laws" where you live. I have this question a lot, from all over the country. All I can advise is doing the best you can with what you have, or finding a different place to live. I did that myself... moved from So. California - where self defense is almost impossible now - to NE Wyoming, where there is little or no barrier. Funny thing... lots and lots of crime in California, where I was prohibited from carrying a gun. There is little or no crime here in Wyoming, where I carry a gun all the time, everywhere. Isn't it amazing?

I hope this helps, and hope we can have constructive discussion on any points not understood or with which you disagree.

+ 10


Regular Member
Oct 15, 2013
As a certified firearms and self defense instructor, I'd like to address your questions here. I have had to shoot a man to save my life, and have both studied and contemplated many of the same things over many years now. This is the story of my self defense encounter. http://www.thepriceofliberty.org/?page_id=846

Your questions:
1. The best way to answer that is to be well versed and practiced in situational awareness, all the time. http://www.thepriceofliberty.org/?page_id=2223 It is in everyone's best interest to avoid any confrontation if at all possible. But that must be from a position of strength, not helplessness.

2. What the intruder understands about the law is irrelevant. Any intruder has chosen to ignore your property rights and the sanctity of your home. If he threatens you with bodily harm or death, your human right to self defense outweighs all other considerations.

3. Negotiate what? And furthermore, why? He - or she - has invaded your space or threatened your life. Why would you want to increase his or her opportunity to carry that out. Now, they might NOT be actually threatening you, and only you can decide that for yourself. You can attempt to talk them into leaving if you want, obviously. I simply would not consider that likely if they have already broken into your home or assaulted you on the street.

4. You have no obligation to read the mind of an attacker. It is irrelevant what he or she would be "content" with. And you really don't want to take any chance to be "wounded," trust me.

5. Yes, it is possible sometimes. Takes a lot of training and practice. Hardly practical for most people and most certainly can't be counted on.

6. No. They have zero obligation to save you from criminals, even if they gave a damn.

7. No. Not likely. Criminals seldom give any warning.

8. The message of firearm ownership is that you are a self owner, self responsible. You are a strong, ethical person who will not willingly become a slave or helpless victim - just as you do not aggress against others. It is a badge of honor and a declaration of independence. An armed society is a polite, peaceful and generous society because aggression of any kind may well be met with lethal force. A fully armed society is a peaceful society because there would be no helpless victims for criminals to choose from... so they would have to be a LOT more careful or decide on a different career.

9. Neither one. If you are attacked, truly at risk for you life or serious bodily injury, your only rational, moral and ethical response is to do whatever is necessary to STOP THE ATTACK. That is your only right goal. You must then inflict the most serious damage to the attacker as possible, as soon as possible, in order to reach your goal. Criminals can be seriously wounded and continue to attack, so you don't stop shooting until the threat stops. If that happens to result in the death or serious bodily injury of the attacker, it is HIS responsibility, not yours. HE chose to attack YOU... You are not responsible for his choice or the consequences. Now, the emotional aftermath can be traumatic, absolutely, but the better you understand who is actually responsible, the better that will resolve.

The silly idea of "shooting to wound" is a pretty sure way to get yourself killed, and no rational person would choose to do that if they understand the situation. Even professional shooters, with many years of experience, would not attempt such a shot anyway. Too easy to miss, and you may only get ONE opportunity to shoot at all in that case. My story above is an excellent example of just this. I was only lucky that my attacker ran away, whatever the reason. If he had continued to attack, my foolish "warning shot" would have meant my death... I was not able to shoot again!

10. The legal aspects are simply far too varied and changeable to address here. You obviously have to know and follow the "laws" where you live. I have this question a lot, from all over the country. All I can advise is doing the best you can with what you have, or finding a different place to live. I did that myself... moved from So. California - where self defense is almost impossible now - to NE Wyoming, where there is little or no barrier. Funny thing... lots and lots of crime in California, where I was prohibited from carrying a gun. There is little or no crime here in Wyoming, where I carry a gun all the time, everywhere. Isn't it amazing?

I hope this helps, and hope we can have constructive discussion on any points not understood or with which you disagree.

Hey there, MamaLiberty.

I wasn't being serious when I wrote that. It was all written in sarcasm. I was making light of how ridiculous our legal system is regarding self-defence.

If I shot someone for breaking in to my house I'd go to prison. I'm almost positive of that. You're lucky to live in a country where you have a right to self-defence.


Regular Member
Oct 15, 2013
I have seen a steep decline in our country, especially in the past 50 years, not only socially but industrially. Many industries have gone off shore, We have lost our State Dockyard, BHP, Rylands, Comm. Steel, A Tyre manufacturer, Australian Wire Rope Works, CGI, Electric Light Manufacturers (ELMA), Bradford Cotton Mills, Hard Yakka Clothing Manufacturer. Rundles Factory, A Large Aluminium Smelter at Kurri Kurri to name just a few, and now Holden will go, Ford will go, Toyota will go, QUANTAS is on the verge of collapsing and shedding thousands of jobs with many of the remaining jobs going off shore, all the while our government leaders waffle on about creating jobs. The manufacturers say our wages are too high. Well who wants to work for two dollars an hour as some do in China? We cant work for the wages the Asians are receiving when we pay more for few Lamb cutlets than Woolworths pay the farmers for a whole sheep? Farmers are ploughing their fruit trees into the ground because Woolworth can now import cheap rubbish from overseas. Our cattle industry was nearly decimated because the greens don't like how the Indonesians treat the cattle we sell them, (Now their cattle) and how they treat them is their business. The greens don't like the live sheep trade either so they are doing all in their power to close this down as well. The place is going to the pack.

Socially? Our country is slowly being filled with illegal 'alleged' refugees, some have gained entry without thorough checks. Many of these imports are involved in crime, rapes and assults and we now have a Special Asian crime squad formed. They bring their problems with them and dump them on us! The motorcycle gangs, mainly made up of young Lebanese kids, now being formed don't even own a motorcycle? They don't mind shooting up the place endangering the general public getting even with each other.

The elderly are told to Go and get (F*&%$#d) kids are having sex in the streets, in the park, and in broad daylight, I have see this myself, right out the front of my property. The crime rate, assaults, thefts, break and enter, home invasions, drug dealings, in my small town has skyrocketed over the past ten years, and what do the authorities do?? They close down the local police station. Will it bet better in my life time? I doubt it. That's why we need to be prepared to look after ourselves these days.
Cheers, Haz.

Spot on, Haz. It's a very sad state of affairs indeed. My area has got progressively worse as well.

I was in Melbourne a few days ago, the western suburbs in particular. It's sad to see how scummy it's become. I used to live there when I was a kid and it was far better than it seems today. Safe to say I won't be going back there unless I really have to.

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