Dark skin color Easterners would be well advised to avoid Maricopa County.
Sheriff Joke= Judge Roy Beane.
Joe is a tyrant just like Trayvon Martin was an innocent kid walking home with skittles.
Clearly your opinion about Arpaio is derived from the media and our current corrupt federal administration.
I stated it earlier and I guess I will state it here again. Brown people make up a very large % of population here, so, by simple math it is not possible to be brown and not have some involvement with law enforcement. In addition, the people involved in drugs, human trafficking etc are by and large Hispanic. I guess you would propose something along the lines of what the TSA does: strip search 90 year old disabled women in order to avoid making it look like we are profiling the actual people that commit the crimes?
Come on now. Let's say your wife was raped by 6 foot, 190 lb Hispanic man, would you be ok with the cops only stopping 4 foot, 100 lb Chinese men as suspects?
Seriously, use your heads.
BTW, here in AZ, in order to get a drivers license you must prove you are here legally. So, a valid AZ DL is proof that you are not here illegally.
It is not profiling to pull over hispanics here in AZ, as they make up a large part of the population. Why is it profiling to dig deeper into legal status when people DO NOT provide a drivers license? It appears, and maybe this is the problem, that it would be common sense to ask the question as a lack of a drivers license is already a crime (if you are driving) and at the very least an indicator that someone might be here illegally.
Seems to be good police work to follow the obvious lead. O, I forgot, we want to pretend that only a small amount of people in this country have valid ID.