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information on sheriff Arpaio


Regular Member
Jan 25, 2010
, , USA
Here's some reality for you: border control will never, ever work. Our government is far too inept.

It is not that government is inept, there just isn't the political will to ensure border security (wonder why?).

We can go in and "secure" an entire country like Iraq or Afghanistan (until recently...) but we can't secure the Arizona border....?

Here is all that is needed: 4 drones, 12 Apache helo gunships, 36 M1 Abrams and 360 ground troops including a couple dozen snipers, no live ammo required, blanks will suffice.

Ten days in, if the message has not been received: switch to live ammo and add some mine fields...! Problem solved!


Campaign Veteran
Aug 13, 2007
Fairfax County, Virginia
Here is all that is needed: 4 drones, 12 Apache helo gunships, 36 M1 Abrams and 360 ground troops including a couple dozen snipers, no live ammo required, blanks will suffice.

Ten days in, if the message has not been received: switch to live ammo and add some mine fields...! Problem solved!

Hah! You wouldn't even make a dent.


New member
Apr 19, 2012
Boulder Colorado
Here's some reality for you: border control will never, ever work. Our government is far too inept.

And that includes Sheriff Joe.

And, through it all, the control you espouse and the justifications for it remain a self-fulfilling prophecy, as is always the case when control freaks claim they need their precious government's help.

Whatever happened to Sheriff Joke's Li'l Gay buddy that was a Sheriff (and a pretend Cowboy) and had a little illegal boyfriend? What was his name Babineau? Is still playing pretend Cowgirl? Is he still in office??


Regular Member
Jun 11, 2013
On The Border in AZ
Racial profiling? Hardly.

I think many of you would do yourself some good if you looked at this honestly. The current administration is the most racially decisive in my lifetime. I lived during the 60's and race relations were not as bad then as they are now. The DOJ refused to go after the New Black Panther party for voter intimidation even though they had they on video doing it. The POTUS sides with Trayvon Martin even though the evidence shows something different.

The point being here: AZ is heavily Mexican. This idea that you are being "racially profiled" because you are a brown person in AZ is as silly as saying that they are racially profiling blacks in Haiti.

The case against Arpaio is yet another case of a racist, open border DOJ trying to remove impediments to illegal immigration.

All you people posting from left wing states like NJ etc, that have never lived here, never had to deal with the issues that illegal immigration brings should stop posting. You seem to know as much about the state of AZ and its internal problems as you do about the surface the Pluto.


Before you start back with whatever, ask yourself some questions.

Have you ever been out with your family in a park and run into several heavily armed people "hiking" through?

Have you ever seen several dozen people laying out in the middle of nowhere or at least where not many people go?

Do you have areas of your forest or wild areas that have hundreds of tons of garbage? Where the human waste is so thick that it's a toxic clean up sight?

Do you have signs in your parks warning you that you may encounter dangerous people doing dangerous things?

Until you live here and deal with all of that, you have nothing to add to the argument about what Arpaio is doing to clean this stuff up.

This is just the surface stuff, factor in all the costs that go into taking care of these and the ancillary issues like healthcare, schooling etc.

Maybe if you had to pay for some of this stuff or deal with it, you might have a different idea. After all it is easy to spend everyone else's money.

I am thankful for every day that guy is on the job.
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Regular Member
Mar 3, 2013
Racial profiling? Hardly.

I think many of you would do yourself some good if you looked at this honestly. The current administration is the most racially decisive in my lifetime. I lived during the 60's and race relations were not as bad then as they are now. The DOJ refused to go after the New Black Panther party for voter intimidation even though they had they on video doing it. The POTUS sides with Trayvon Martin even though the evidence shows something different.

The point being here: AZ is heavily Mexican. This idea that you are being "racially profiled" because you are a brown person in AZ is as silly as saying that they are racially profiling blacks in Haiti.

The case against Arpaio is yet another case of a racist, open border DOJ trying to remove impediments to illegal immigration.

All you people posting from left wing states like NJ etc, that have never lived here, never had to deal with the issues that illegal immigration brings should stop posting. You seem to know as much about the state of AZ and its internal problems as you do about the surface the Pluto.


Before you start back with whatever, ask yourself some questions.

Have you ever been out with your family in a park and run into several heavily armed people "hiking" through?

Have you ever seen several dozen people laying out in the middle of nowhere or at least where not many people go?

Do you have areas of your forest or wild areas that have hundreds of tons of garbage? Where the human waste is so thick that it's a toxic clean up sight?

Do you have signs in your parks warning you that you may encounter dangerous people doing dangerous things?

Until you live here and deal with all of that, you have nothing to add to the argument about what Arpaio is doing to clean this stuff up.

This is just the surface stuff, factor in all the costs that go into taking care of these and the ancillary issues like healthcare, schooling etc.

Maybe if you had to pay for some of this stuff or deal with it, you might have a different idea. After all it is easy to spend everyone else's money.

I am thankful for every day that guy is on the job.

I may not live in Arizona however I can spot a TYRANT from three thousand miles away. Read his record. TYRANT of the highest order.



Regular Member
Jun 11, 2013
On The Border in AZ
I may not live in Arizona however I can spot a TYRANT from three thousand miles away. Read his record. TYRANT of the highest order.


What record would that be? And filtered through what lens?

He makes his prisoners work chain gangs and live in the same conditions our soldiers live in in the mideast. He has a philosophy of making prison a place people do not want to come back to.

Yea, that's a bad idea.

And the current, racist, tyrant federal administration says Joe is doing something wrong.

Yea, Barrack Obama and Erik Holder are definitely sources that I would hold in high regard when comes to getting to the truth.

The media then bolsters what the administration says.

Because NBC, ABC et al are so honest when it comes to creating...I mean reporting the news.

As I stated, if you do not live here and deal with the fall out of things directly, you know nothing about it. Filtering it through one of the most corrupt DOJs and media in history is hardly knowledge of anything.


Campaign Veteran
Aug 13, 2007
Fairfax County, Virginia
Don't worry about it, folks.

It's my belief that fandom of Sheriff Joe is a good litmus test for whether anybody is even a potential ally in the cause of liberty.

Those who are, are not.

"Moving on..."
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Regular Member
Jun 11, 2013
On The Border in AZ
Don't worry about it, folks.

It's my belief that fandom of Sheriff Joe is a good litmus test for whether anybody is even a potential ally in the cause of liberty.

Those who are, are not.

"Moving on..."

Yea, if you like Joe you don't like liberty. If you don't like our POTUS, you are a racist. If you don't like Obamacare you would have been a segregationist. etc.

Myopic position at the very least.

Funny, how all the anti Joes are from Virginia or elsewhere, not AZ...hmmmm.
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Regular Member
Jun 11, 2013
On The Border in AZ

Dark skin color Easterners would be well advised to avoid Maricopa County.

Sheriff Joke= Judge Roy Beane.


Joe is a tyrant just like Trayvon Martin was an innocent kid walking home with skittles.

Clearly your opinion about Arpaio is derived from the media and our current corrupt federal administration.

I stated it earlier and I guess I will state it here again. Brown people make up a very large % of population here, so, by simple math it is not possible to be brown and not have some involvement with law enforcement. In addition, the people involved in drugs, human trafficking etc are by and large Hispanic. I guess you would propose something along the lines of what the TSA does: strip search 90 year old disabled women in order to avoid making it look like we are profiling the actual people that commit the crimes?

Come on now. Let's say your wife was raped by 6 foot, 190 lb Hispanic man, would you be ok with the cops only stopping 4 foot, 100 lb Chinese men as suspects?

Seriously, use your heads.


BTW, here in AZ, in order to get a drivers license you must prove you are here legally. So, a valid AZ DL is proof that you are not here illegally.

It is not profiling to pull over hispanics here in AZ, as they make up a large part of the population. Why is it profiling to dig deeper into legal status when people DO NOT provide a drivers license? It appears, and maybe this is the problem, that it would be common sense to ask the question as a lack of a drivers license is already a crime (if you are driving) and at the very least an indicator that someone might be here illegally.

Seems to be good police work to follow the obvious lead. O, I forgot, we want to pretend that only a small amount of people in this country have valid ID.
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Regular Member
Mar 3, 2013
Joe is a tyrant just like Trayvon Martin was an innocent kid walking home with skittles.

Clearly your opinion about Arpaio is derived from the media and our current corrupt federal administration.

I stated it earlier and I guess I will state it here again. Brown people make up a very large % of population here, so, by simple math it is not possible to be brown and not have some involvement with law enforcement. In addition, the people involved in drugs, human trafficking etc are by and large Hispanic. I guess you would propose something along the lines of what the TSA does: strip search 90 year old disabled women in order to avoid making it look like we are profiling the actual people that commit the crimes?

Come on now. Let's say your wife was raped by 6 foot, 190 lb Hispanic man, would you be ok with the cops only stopping 4 foot, 100 lb Chinese men as suspects?

Seriously, use your heads.


BTW, here in AZ, in order to get a drivers license you must prove you are here legally. So, a valid AZ DL is proof that you are not here illegally.

It is not profiling to pull over hispanics here in AZ, as they make up a large part of the population. Why is it profiling to dig deeper into legal status when people DO NOT provide a drivers license? It appears, and maybe this is the problem, that it would be common sense to ask the question as a lack of a drivers license is already a crime (if you are driving) and at the very least an indicator that someone might be here illegally.

Seems to be good police work to follow the obvious lead. O, I forgot, we want to pretend that only a small amount of people in this country have valid ID.

So what is the crime for traveling without a drivers license in AZ? Not having a drivers license is a crime? Or is this only a crime for Mexican folks?

May be they should have Mexican only road blocks and detain law abiding citizens both Mexican or those that look Mexican or Americans that have Mexican employees and friends traveling together.

Sheriff joke is a tyrant and he and his sheriff department may someday violate your rights when all the Mexicans are deported or jailed.



Regular Member
Jun 11, 2013
On The Border in AZ
So what is the crime for traveling without a drivers license in AZ? Not having a drivers license is a crime? Or is this only a crime for Mexican folks?

May be they should have Mexican only road blocks and detain law abiding citizens both Mexican or those that look Mexican or Americans that have Mexican employees and friends traveling together.

Sheriff joke is a tyrant and he and his sheriff department may someday violate your rights when all the Mexicans are deported or jailed.


Nice try, but a continued fail. As long as you get your information from ABC, NBC and the DOJ you are going to continue to get it wrong.

I understand that converting the faithful is an impossible task, so I am not going to spend too much time on it...but here goes.

If LEO find you in the desert, they are going to want to see ID. If they find dozens of you, they are going to want to see ID. If you don't speak English and don't have ID they are going to dig deeper.

Many of you that do not live here do not understand that Mexico does not enforce any traffic laws, unless of course the local LEO wants money, then they do. That lack of enforcement means that many vehicles come into the US in bad shape. When you speed, go through red lights, don't have any lights etc, here in AZ at least, you are going to get pulled over. If you decided to stop (many do not) and you do not speak English AND have no ID, they are going to scrutinize you.

Do I really need to go on? Really?

Eric Holder and the DOJ that went after Arpaio are the same DOJ that allowed the videotaped Black Panther Party to walk on voter intimidation. This is the same DOJ that is stonewalling Congress because it is engaged in illegal activity. This is the same DOJ that is still looking into charging George Zimmerman, the guy who was taking the beating, with some sort of a crime.

If you insist on listening to the news, which is fed information by a clearly corrupt DOJ and administration, then by all means continue to get it wrong.
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Regular Member
Sep 15, 2012
Nice try, but a continued fail. As long as you get your information from ABC, NBC and the DOJ you are going to continue to get it wrong.

I understand that converting the faithful is an impossible task, so I am not going to spend too much time on it...but here goes.

If LEO find you in the desert, they are going to want to see ID. If they find dozens of you, they are going to want to see ID. If you don't speak English and don't have ID they are going to dig deeper.

Many of you that do not live here do not understand that Mexico does not enforce any traffic laws, unless of course the local LEO wants money, then they do. That lack of enforcement means that many vehicles come into the US in bad shape. When you speed, go through red lights, don't have any lights etc, here in AZ at least, you are going to get pulled over. If you decided to stop (many do not) and you do not speak English AND have no ID, they are going to scrutinize you.

Do I really need to go on? Really?

Eric Holder and the DOJ that went after Arpaio are the same DOJ that allowed the videotaped Black Panther Party to walk on voter intimidation. This is the same DOJ that is stonewalling Congress because it is engaged in illegal activity. This is the same DOJ that is still looking into charging George Zimmerman, the guy who was taking the beating, with some sort of a crime.

If you insist on listening to the news, which is fed information by a clearly corrupt DOJ and administration, then by all means continue to get it wrong.

Well said Black_ water

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Regular Member
Nov 2, 2012
Las Vegas, NV
Sheriff Joe is a good man who does the job that a sheriff should! AZ has a problem with illegal aliens, what's the problem with this? If you don't like AZ or Sheriff Joe then don't go to AZ. I only wish we had a sheriff like Joe here in Las Vegas. There is NOTHING racist with what sheriff Joe is doing, he is simply enforcing the law!


Regular Member
Mar 13, 2007
Superstition Mountain, Arizona, USA
Funny, how all the anti Joes are from Virginia or elsewhere, not AZ...hmmmm.

Not true at all. I've voted against Joke for at least the last 4 elections. I can spot a publicity hungry attention ***** as well as anyone else can. I've long since stopped being amazed at the sheer number of people who continue to fall for his rhetoric, though.

Read upthread for some of my posts on the many reasons he needs to go... he's not even worth the time to retype them.


Regular Member
Jun 11, 2013
On The Border in AZ
Not true at all. I've voted against Joke for at least the last 4 elections. I can spot a publicity hungry attention ***** as well as anyone else can. I've long since stopped being amazed at the sheer number of people who continue to fall for his rhetoric, though.

Read upthread for some of my posts on the many reasons he needs to go... he's not even worth the time to retype them.

Ok, rephrased to say "the majority of posters..."

Having said that, everyone is entitled to an opinion, however, opinions need to be made based on facts and not hyperbole and manufactured baloney, especially when it comes from the clearly racist and corrupt DOJ.

So Eric Holder investigating anyone for racism is laughable on its face. Actually Eric Holder being the AG of the US is beyond sad. Eric Holder investigating racism is equivalent to having China, Iran, Cuba and Syria on a human rights commission.
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