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Help me with Sept trip from Boise, ID to Florence, OR


New member
Aug 9, 2013
United States
I will be taking a trip in Sept. from Boise to Florance, what if anything do I need to know about open carrying and keeping legal. Are there any possible trip ups along that route, any mag limits or weird laws. I will be mostly driving through and stopping only a bit for gas and food and then camping a beach combing @ Florance. Thank you for any help and info.

PS: Anything along the route or on the coast that I should make a point to see of visit. I was out there 8 years ago and really like the coast but I did not like even driving the outskirts of Portland.


Regular Member
Aug 22, 2013
here nc
I will be taking a trip in Sept. from Boise to Florance, what if anything do I need to know about open carrying and keeping legal. Are there any possible trip ups along that route, any mag limits or weird laws. I will be mostly driving through and stopping only a bit for gas and food and then camping a beach combing @ Florance. Thank you for any help and info.

PS: Anything along the route or on the coast that I should make a point to see of visit. I was out there 8 years ago and really like the coast but I did not like even driving the outskirts of Portland.
handgunlaw.us is your friend...


Regular Member
Aug 22, 2013
here nc
well curiosity got the better of me...

handgunlaw states:

Oregon does not honor any other state Permit/Licenses.
me thinks this limits the SD weaponry you might be thinking of carrying...


Sep 7, 2019
Darkside, AZ
Just like Nazi New York....well, now that Homo Cuomo is going to be out of office soon, that might change.